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112 lines
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export async function fetchWithTimeout (resource, { timeout = 1000, ...options } = {}) {
const controller = new AbortController()
const id = setTimeout(() => controller.abort(), timeout)
const response = await fetch(resource, {
signal: controller.signal
return response
class LRUCache {
constructor (maxSize = 100) {
this.maxSize = maxSize
this.cache = new Map()
get (key) {
if (!this.cache.has(key)) return undefined
const value = this.cache.get(key)
// refresh the entry
this.cache.set(key, value)
return value
set (key, value) {
if (this.cache.has(key)) this.cache.delete(key)
else if (this.cache.size >= this.maxSize) {
// Remove the least recently used item
this.cache.set(key, value)
export function cachedFetcher (fetcher, { maxSize = 100, cacheExpiry, forceRefreshThreshold, keyGenerator }) {
const cache = new LRUCache(maxSize)
console.log(`[CACHE] Initializing cache: maxSize=${maxSize}, cacheExpiry=${cacheExpiry}, forceRefreshThreshold=${forceRefreshThreshold}`)
if (!keyGenerator) {
throw new Error('keyGenerator is required')
let totalFetches = 0
let cacheMisses = 0
let cacheHits = 0
let backgroundRefreshes = 0
setInterval(() => {
console.log(`[CACHE] Stats: total=${totalFetches}, hits=${cacheHits}, misses=${cacheMisses}, backgroundRefreshes=${backgroundRefreshes}, cacheSize=${cache.cache.size}`)
}, 60000) // Log stats every minute
return async function cachedFetch (...args) {
const key = keyGenerator(...args)
const now = Date.now()
async function fetchAndCache () {
console.log(`[CACHE] Fetching data for key: ${key}`)
const result = await fetcher(...args)
cache.set(key, { data: result, createdAt: now })
console.log(`[CACHE] Data fetched and cached for key: ${key}`)
return result
const cached = cache.get(key)
if (cached) {
if (cached.pendingPromise) {
console.log(`[CACHE] Waiting for pending promise for key: ${key}`)
return await cached.pendingPromise
const age = now - cached.createdAt
if (cacheExpiry === 0 || age < cacheExpiry) {
console.log(`[CACHE] Cache hit for key: ${key}, age: ${age}ms`)
return cached.data
} else if (forceRefreshThreshold === 0 || age < forceRefreshThreshold) {
console.log(`[CACHE] Background refresh for key: ${key}, age: ${age}ms`)
cached.pendingPromise = fetchAndCache()
cached.pendingPromise.finally(() => {
console.log(`[CACHE] Background refresh completed for key: ${key}`)
delete cached.pendingPromise
return cached.data
console.log(`[CACHE] Cache miss for key: ${key}`)
const entry = { createdAt: now, pendingPromise: fetchAndCache() }
cache.set(key, entry)
try {
entry.data = await entry.pendingPromise
return entry.data
} catch (error) {
console.error(`[CACHE] Error fetching data for key: ${key}`, error)
throw error
} finally {
console.log(`[CACHE] Fetch completed for key: ${key}`)
delete entry.pendingPromise