* Allow deletion of wallet logs * Refactor wallet logs client<>server glue code * Use variant='link' and className='text-muted fw-bold nav-link' for clear & cancel There is a bug though: 'clear' stays highlighted after modal is closed * Include wallet in toast * Delete logs on logout * Fix ugly wallet name in confirm dialog * Fix clear still highlighted after modal closed * Only delete client wallet logs * Fix ugly wallet name in toast * Fix bad search and replace * Use Wallet object as constant * Also delete LNC logs on logout --------- Co-authored-by: Keyan <34140557+huumn@users.noreply.github.com>
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import { createContext, useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react'
import { useMe } from './me'
import fancyNames from '@/lib/fancy-names.json'
import { gql, useMutation, useQuery } from '@apollo/client'
import { WALLET_LOGS } from '@/fragments/wallet'
import { getWalletBy } from '@/lib/constants'
const generateFancyName = () => {
// 100 adjectives * 100 nouns * 10000 = 100M possible names
const pickRandom = (array) => array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)]
const adj = pickRandom(fancyNames.adjectives)
const noun = pickRandom(fancyNames.nouns)
const id = Math.floor(Math.random() * fancyNames.maxSuffix)
return `${adj}-${noun}-${id}`
export function detectOS () {
if (!window.navigator) return ''
const userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent
const platform = window.navigator.userAgentData?.platform || window.navigator.platform
const macosPlatforms = ['Macintosh', 'MacIntel', 'MacPPC', 'Mac68K']
const windowsPlatforms = ['Win32', 'Win64', 'Windows', 'WinCE']
const iosPlatforms = ['iPhone', 'iPad', 'iPod']
let os = null
if (macosPlatforms.indexOf(platform) !== -1) {
os = 'Mac OS'
} else if (iosPlatforms.indexOf(platform) !== -1) {
os = 'iOS'
} else if (windowsPlatforms.indexOf(platform) !== -1) {
os = 'Windows'
} else if (/Android/.test(userAgent)) {
os = 'Android'
} else if (/Linux/.test(platform)) {
os = 'Linux'
return os
export const LoggerContext = createContext()
export const LoggerProvider = ({ children }) => {
return (
const ServiceWorkerLoggerContext = createContext()
function ServiceWorkerLoggerProvider ({ children }) {
const me = useMe()
const [name, setName] = useState()
const [os, setOS] = useState()
useEffect(() => {
let name = window.localStorage.getItem('fancy-name')
if (!name) {
name = generateFancyName()
window.localStorage.setItem('fancy-name', name)
}, [])
const log = useCallback(level => {
return async (message, context) => {
if (!me || !me.privates?.diagnostics) return
const env = {
userAgent: window.navigator.userAgent,
// os may not be initialized yet
os: os || detectOS()
const body = {
// name may be undefined if it wasn't stored in local storage yet
// we fallback to local storage since on page reloads, the name may wasn't fetched from local storage yet
name: name || window.localStorage.getItem('fancy-name'),
await fetch('/api/log', {
method: 'post',
headers: {
'Content-type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify(body)
}, [me?.privates?.diagnostics, name, os])
const logger = useMemo(() => ({
info: log('info'),
warn: log('warn'),
error: log('error'),
}), [log, name])
useEffect(() => {
// for communication between app and service worker
const channel = new MessageChannel()
navigator?.serviceWorker?.controller?.postMessage({ action: 'MESSAGE_PORT' }, [channel.port2])
channel.port1.onmessage = (event) => {
const { message, level, context } = Object.assign({ level: 'info' }, event.data)
logger[level](message, context)
}, [logger])
return (
<ServiceWorkerLoggerContext.Provider value={logger}>
export function useServiceWorkerLogger () {
return useContext(ServiceWorkerLoggerContext)
const WalletLoggerContext = createContext()
const WalletLogsContext = createContext()
const initIndexedDB = async (storeName) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!window.indexedDB) {
return reject(new Error('IndexedDB not supported'))
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/IndexedDB_API/Using_IndexedDB
const request = window.indexedDB.open('app:storage', 1)
let db
request.onupgradeneeded = () => {
// this only runs if version was changed during open
db = request.result
if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains(storeName)) {
const objectStore = db.createObjectStore(storeName, { autoIncrement: true })
objectStore.createIndex('ts', 'ts')
objectStore.createIndex('wallet_ts', ['wallet', 'ts'])
request.onsuccess = () => {
// this gets called after onupgradeneeded finished
db = request.result
request.onerror = () => {
reject(new Error('failed to open IndexedDB'))
const WalletLoggerProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [logs, setLogs] = useState([])
const idbStoreName = 'wallet_logs'
const idb = useRef()
const logQueue = useRef([])
useQuery(WALLET_LOGS, {
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
// required to trigger onCompleted on refetches
notifyOnNetworkStatusChange: true,
onCompleted: ({ walletLogs }) => {
setLogs((prevLogs) => {
const existingIds = prevLogs.map(({ id }) => id)
const logs = walletLogs
.filter(({ id }) => !existingIds.includes(id))
.map(({ createdAt, wallet: walletType, ...log }) => {
return {
ts: +new Date(createdAt),
wallet: getWalletBy('type', walletType).logTag,
return [...prevLogs, ...logs].sort((a, b) => a.ts - b.ts)
const [deleteServerWalletLogs] = useMutation(
mutation deleteWalletLogs($wallet: String) {
deleteWalletLogs(wallet: $wallet)
onCompleted: (_, { variables: { wallet: walletType } }) => {
setLogs((logs) => {
return logs.filter(l => walletType ? l.wallet !== getWalletBy('type', walletType).logTag : false)
const saveLog = useCallback((log) => {
if (!idb.current) {
// IDB may not be ready yet
return logQueue.current.push(log)
const tx = idb.current.transaction(idbStoreName, 'readwrite')
const request = tx.objectStore(idbStoreName).add(log)
request.onerror = () => console.error('failed to save log:', log)
}, [])
useEffect(() => {
.then(db => {
idb.current = db
// load all logs from IDB
const tx = idb.current.transaction(idbStoreName, 'readonly')
const store = tx.objectStore(idbStoreName)
const index = store.index('ts')
const request = index.getAll()
request.onsuccess = () => {
const logs = request.result
setLogs((prevLogs) => {
// sort oldest first to keep same order as logs are appended
return [...prevLogs, ...logs].sort((a, b) => a.ts - b.ts)
// flush queued logs to IDB
logQueue.current.forEach(q => {
const isLog = !!q.wallet
if (isLog) saveLog(q)
logQueue.current = []
return () => idb.current?.close()
}, [])
const appendLog = useCallback((wallet, level, message) => {
const log = { wallet: wallet.logTag, level, message, ts: +new Date() }
setLogs((prevLogs) => [...prevLogs, log])
}, [saveLog])
const deleteLogs = useCallback(async (wallet) => {
if (!wallet || wallet.server) {
await deleteServerWalletLogs({ variables: { wallet: wallet?.type } })
if (!wallet || !wallet.server) {
const tx = idb.current.transaction(idbStoreName, 'readwrite')
const objectStore = tx.objectStore(idbStoreName)
const idx = objectStore.index('wallet_ts')
const request = wallet ? idx.openCursor(window.IDBKeyRange.bound([wallet.logTag, -Infinity], [wallet.logTag, Infinity])) : idx.openCursor()
request.onsuccess = function (event) {
const cursor = event.target.result
if (cursor) {
} else {
// finished
setLogs((logs) => logs.filter(l => wallet ? l.wallet !== wallet.logTag : false))
}, [setLogs])
return (
<WalletLogsContext.Provider value={logs}>
<WalletLoggerContext.Provider value={{ appendLog, deleteLogs }}>
export function useWalletLogger (wallet) {
const { appendLog, deleteLogs: innerDeleteLogs } = useContext(WalletLoggerContext)
const log = useCallback(level => message => {
// TODO:
// also send this to us if diagnostics was enabled,
// very similar to how the service worker logger works.
appendLog(wallet, level, message)
console[level !== 'error' ? 'info' : 'error'](`[${wallet.logTag}]`, message)
}, [appendLog, wallet])
const logger = useMemo(() => ({
ok: (...message) => log('ok')(message.join(' ')),
info: (...message) => log('info')(message.join(' ')),
error: (...message) => log('error')(message.join(' '))
}), [log, wallet])
const deleteLogs = useCallback((w) => innerDeleteLogs(w || wallet), [innerDeleteLogs, wallet])
return { logger, deleteLogs }
export function useWalletLogs (wallet) {
const logs = useContext(WalletLogsContext)
return logs.filter(l => !wallet || l.wallet === wallet.logTag)