Ran search and replace: s/const me = useMe()/const { me } = useMe()/ s/const refreshMe = useMeRefresh()/const { refreshMe } = useMe()/ + removed import of `useMeRefresh` manually
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108 lines
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import { gql, useMutation } from '@apollo/client'
import Button from 'react-bootstrap/Button'
import { fixedDecimal, numWithUnits } from '../lib/format'
import { timeLeft } from '../lib/time'
import { useMe } from './me'
import styles from './poll.module.css'
import Check from '../svgs/checkbox-circle-fill.svg'
import { signIn } from 'next-auth/react'
import ActionTooltip from './action-tooltip'
import { POLL_COST } from '../lib/constants'
import { payOrLoginError, useInvoiceModal } from './invoice'
export default function Poll ({ item }) {
const { me } = useMe()
const [pollVote] = useMutation(
mutation pollVote($id: ID!, $hash: String, $hmac: String) {
pollVote(id: $id, hash: $hash, hmac: $hmac)
}`, {
update (cache, { data: { pollVote } }) {
id: `Item:${item.id}`,
fields: {
poll (existingPoll) {
const poll = { ...existingPoll }
poll.meVoted = true
poll.count += 1
return poll
id: `PollOption:${pollVote}`,
fields: {
count (existingCount) {
return existingCount + 1
meVoted () {
return true
const PollButton = ({ v }) => {
const showInvoiceModal = useInvoiceModal(async ({ hash, hmac }, { variables }) => {
await pollVote({ variables: { ...variables, hash, hmac } })
}, [pollVote])
const variables = { id: v.id }
return (
<ActionTooltip placement='left' notForm>
variant='outline-info' className={styles.pollButton}
? async () => {
try {
await pollVote({
optimisticResponse: {
pollVote: v.id
} catch (error) {
if (payOrLoginError(error)) {
showInvoiceModal({ amount: item.pollCost || POLL_COST }, { variables })
throw new Error({ message: error.toString() })
: signIn}
const expiresIn = timeLeft(new Date(+new Date(item.createdAt) + 864e5))
const mine = item.user.id === me?.id
return (
<div className={styles.pollBox}>
{item.poll.options.map(v =>
expiresIn && !item.poll.meVoted && !mine
? <PollButton key={v.id} v={v} />
: <PollResult
key={v.id} v={v}
progress={item.poll.count ? fixedDecimal(v.count * 100 / item.poll.count, 1) : 0}
<div className='text-muted mt-1'>{numWithUnits(item.poll.count, { unitSingular: 'vote', unitPlural: 'votes' })} \ {expiresIn ? `${expiresIn} left` : 'poll ended'}</div>
function PollResult ({ v, progress }) {
return (
<div className={styles.pollResult}>
<span className={styles.pollOption}>{v.option}{v.meVoted && <Check className='fill-grey ms-1 align-self-center flex-shrink-0' width={16} height={16} />}</span>
<span className='ms-auto me-2 align-self-center'>{progress}%</span>
<div className={styles.pollProgress} style={{ width: `${progress}%` }} />