2021-09-10 16:13:52 -05:00

478 lines
14 KiB

import { UserInputError, AuthenticationError } from 'apollo-server-micro'
import { ensureProtocol } from '../../lib/url'
import serialize from './serial'
import { decodeCursor, LIMIT, nextCursorEncoded } from '../../lib/cursor'
import { getMetadata, metadataRuleSets } from 'page-metadata-parser'
import domino from 'domino'
async function comments (models, id) {
const flat = await models.$queryRaw(`
${SELECT}, ARRAY[row_number() OVER (${ORDER_BY_SATS}, "Item".path)] AS sort_path
FROM "Item"
WHERE "parentId" = $1
${SELECT}, p.sort_path || row_number() OVER (${ORDER_BY_SATS}, "Item".path)
FROM base p
JOIN "Item" ON ltree2text(subpath("Item"."path", 0, -1)) = p."path"
SELECT * FROM base ORDER BY sort_path`, Number(id))
return nestComments(flat, id)[0]
export default {
Query: {
moreItems: async (parent, { sort, cursor, userId }, { me, models }) => {
const decodedCursor = decodeCursor(cursor)
let items
switch (sort) {
case 'user':
items = await models.$queryRaw(`
FROM "Item"
WHERE "userId" = $1 AND "parentId" IS NULL AND created_at <= $2
ORDER BY created_at DESC
LIMIT ${LIMIT}`, Number(userId), decodedCursor.time, decodedCursor.offset)
case 'hot':
items = await models.$queryRaw(`
FROM "Item"
WHERE "parentId" IS NULL AND created_at <= $1
LIMIT ${LIMIT}`, decodedCursor.time, decodedCursor.offset)
items = await models.$queryRaw(`
FROM "Item"
WHERE "parentId" IS NULL AND created_at <= $1
ORDER BY created_at DESC
LIMIT ${LIMIT}`, decodedCursor.time, decodedCursor.offset)
return {
cursor: items.length === LIMIT ? nextCursorEncoded(decodedCursor) : null,
moreFlatComments: async (parent, { cursor, userId }, { me, models }) => {
const decodedCursor = decodeCursor(cursor)
if (!userId) {
throw new UserInputError('must supply userId', { argumentName: 'userId' })
const comments = await models.$queryRaw(`
FROM "Item"
WHERE "userId" = $1 AND "parentId" IS NOT NULL
AND created_at <= $2
ORDER BY created_at DESC
LIMIT ${LIMIT}`, Number(userId), decodedCursor.time, decodedCursor.offset)
return {
cursor: comments.length === LIMIT ? nextCursorEncoded(decodedCursor) : null,
item: async (parent, { id }, { models }) => {
const [item] = await models.$queryRaw(`
FROM "Item"
WHERE id = $1`, Number(id))
if (item) {
item.comments = comments(models, id)
return item
userComments: async (parent, { userId }, { models }) => {
return await models.$queryRaw(`
FROM "Item"
WHERE "userId" = $1 AND "parentId" IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY created_at DESC`, Number(userId))
pageTitle: async (parent, { url }, { models }) => {
try {
const response = await fetch(ensureProtocol(url), { redirect: 'follow' })
const html = await response.text()
const doc = domino.createWindow(html).document
const metadata = getMetadata(doc, url, { title: metadataRuleSets.title })
return metadata?.title
} catch (e) {
return null
Mutation: {
createLink: async (parent, { title, url }, { me, models }) => {
if (!title) {
throw new UserInputError('link must have title', { argumentName: 'title' })
if (!url) {
throw new UserInputError('link must have url', { argumentName: 'url' })
return await createItem(parent, { title, url: ensureProtocol(url) }, { me, models })
updateLink: async (parent, { id, title, url }, { me, models }) => {
if (!id) {
throw new UserInputError('link must have id', { argumentName: 'id' })
if (!title) {
throw new UserInputError('link must have title', { argumentName: 'title' })
if (!url) {
throw new UserInputError('link must have url', { argumentName: 'url' })
// update iff this item belongs to me
const item = await models.item.findUnique({ where: { id: Number(id) } })
if (Number(item.userId) !== Number(me.id)) {
throw new AuthenticationError('item does not belong to you')
if (Date.now() > new Date(item.createdAt).getTime() + 10 * 60000) {
throw new UserInputError('item can no longer be editted')
return await updateItem(parent, { id, data: { title, url: ensureProtocol(url) } }, { me, models })
createDiscussion: async (parent, { title, text }, { me, models }) => {
if (!title) {
throw new UserInputError('discussion must have title', { argumentName: 'title' })
return await createItem(parent, { title, text }, { me, models })
updateDiscussion: async (parent, { id, title, text }, { me, models }) => {
if (!id) {
throw new UserInputError('discussion must have id', { argumentName: 'id' })
if (!title) {
throw new UserInputError('discussion must have title', { argumentName: 'title' })
// update iff this item belongs to me
const item = await models.item.findUnique({ where: { id: Number(id) } })
if (Number(item.userId) !== Number(me.id)) {
throw new AuthenticationError('item does not belong to you')
if (Date.now() > new Date(item.createdAt).getTime() + 10 * 60000) {
throw new UserInputError('item can no longer be editted')
return await updateItem(parent, { id, data: { title, text } }, { me, models })
createComment: async (parent, { text, parentId }, { me, models }) => {
if (!text) {
throw new UserInputError('comment must have text', { argumentName: 'text' })
if (!parentId) {
throw new UserInputError('comment must have parent', { argumentName: 'parentId' })
return await createItem(parent, { text, parentId }, { me, models })
updateComment: async (parent, { id, text }, { me, models }) => {
if (!text) {
throw new UserInputError('comment must have text', { argumentName: 'text' })
if (!id) {
throw new UserInputError('comment must have id', { argumentName: 'id' })
// update iff this comment belongs to me
const comment = await models.item.findUnique({ where: { id: Number(id) } })
if (Number(comment.userId) !== Number(me.id)) {
throw new AuthenticationError('comment does not belong to you')
if (Date.now() > new Date(comment.createdAt).getTime() + 10 * 60000) {
throw new UserInputError('comment can no longer be editted')
return await updateItem(parent, { id, data: { text } }, { me, models })
act: async (parent, { id, act, sats }, { me, models }) => {
// need to make sure we are logged in
if (!me) {
throw new AuthenticationError('you must be logged in')
if (sats <= 0) {
throw new UserInputError('sats must be positive', { argumentName: 'sats' })
// if we are tipping disallow self tips
if (act === 'TIP') {
const [item] = await models.$queryRaw(`
FROM "Item"
WHERE id = $1 AND "userId" = $2`, Number(id), me.id)
if (item) {
throw new UserInputError('cannot tip your self')
await serialize(models, models.$queryRaw`SELECT item_act(${Number(id)}, ${me.id}, ${act}, ${Number(sats)})`)
return {
Item: {
user: async (item, args, { models }) =>
await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: item.userId } }),
ncomments: async (item, args, { models }) => {
const [{ count }] = await models.$queryRaw`
SELECT count(*)
FROM "Item"
WHERE path <@ text2ltree(${item.path}) AND id != ${item.id}`
return count || 0
sats: async (item, args, { models }) => {
const { sum: { sats } } = await models.itemAct.aggregate({
sum: {
sats: true
where: {
itemId: item.id,
act: 'VOTE'
return sats || 0
boost: async (item, args, { models }) => {
const { sum: { sats } } = await models.itemAct.aggregate({
sum: {
sats: true
where: {
itemId: item.id,
act: 'BOOST'
return sats || 0
tips: async (item, args, { models }) => {
const { sum: { sats } } = await models.itemAct.aggregate({
sum: {
sats: true
where: {
itemId: item.id,
act: 'TIP'
return sats || 0
meVote: async (item, args, { me, models }) => {
if (!me) return 0
const { sum: { sats } } = await models.itemAct.aggregate({
sum: {
sats: true
where: {
itemId: item.id,
userId: me.id,
act: 'VOTE'
return sats || 0
meBoost: async (item, args, { me, models }) => {
if (!me) return 0
const { sum: { sats } } = await models.itemAct.aggregate({
sum: {
sats: true
where: {
itemId: item.id,
userId: me.id,
act: 'BOOST'
return sats || 0
meTip: async (item, args, { me, models }) => {
if (!me) return 0
const { sum: { sats } } = await models.itemAct.aggregate({
sum: {
sats: true
where: {
itemId: item.id,
userId: me.id,
act: 'TIP'
return sats || 0
root: async (item, args, { models }) => {
if (!item.parentId) {
return null
return (await models.$queryRaw(`
FROM "Item"
WHERE id = (
SELECT ltree2text(subltree(path, 0, 1))::integer
FROM "Item"
WHERE id = $1)`, Number(item.id)))[0]
parent: async (item, args, { models }) => {
if (!item.parentId) {
return null
return await models.item.findUnique({ where: { id: item.parentId } })
const namePattern = /\B@[\w_]+/gi
const createMentions = async (item, models) => {
// if we miss a mention, in the rare circumstance there's some kind of
// failure, it's not a big deal so we don't do it transactionally
// ideally, we probably would
if (!item.text) {
try {
const mentions = item.text.match(namePattern)?.map(m => m.slice(1))
if (mentions?.length > 0) {
const users = await models.user.findMany({
where: {
name: { in: mentions }
users.forEach(async user => {
const data = {
itemId: item.id,
userId: user.id
await models.mention.upsert({
where: {
itemId_userId: data
update: data,
create: data
} catch (e) {
console.log('mention failure', e)
const updateItem = async (parent, { id, data }, { me, models }) => {
const item = await models.item.update({
where: { id: Number(id) },
await createMentions(item, models)
return item
const createItem = async (parent, { title, url, text, parentId }, { me, models }) => {
if (!me) {
throw new AuthenticationError('you must be logged in')
const [item] = await serialize(models, models.$queryRaw(
`${SELECT} FROM create_item($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) AS "Item"`,
title, url, text, Number(parentId), Number(me.id)))
await createMentions(item, models)
item.comments = []
return item
function nestComments (flat, parentId) {
const result = []
let added = 0
for (let i = 0; i < flat.length;) {
if (!flat[i].comments) flat[i].comments = []
if (Number(flat[i].parentId) === Number(parentId)) {
} else if (result.length > 0) {
const item = result[result.length - 1]
const [nested, newAdded] = nestComments(flat.slice(i), item.id)
if (newAdded === 0) {
i += newAdded
added += newAdded
} else {
return [result, added]
// we have to do our own query because ltree is unsupported
const SELECT =
`SELECT "Item".id, "Item".created_at as "createdAt", "Item".updated_at as "updatedAt", "Item".title,
"Item".text, "Item".url, "Item"."userId", "Item"."parentId", ltree2text("Item"."path") AS "path"`
const LEFT_JOIN_SATS_SELECT = 'SELECT i.id, SUM(CASE WHEN "ItemAct".act = \'VOTE\' THEN "ItemAct".sats ELSE 0 END) as sats, SUM(CASE WHEN "ItemAct".act = \'BOOST\' THEN "ItemAct".sats ELSE 0 END) as boost'
function timedLeftJoinSats (num) {
FROM "Item" i
JOIN "ItemAct" ON i.id = "ItemAct"."itemId" AND "ItemAct".created_at <= $${num}
GROUP BY i.id) x ON "Item".id = x.id`
FROM "Item" i
JOIN "ItemAct" ON i.id = "ItemAct"."itemId"
GROUP BY i.id) x ON "Item".id = x.id`
function timedOrderBySats (num) {
return `ORDER BY ((x.sats-1)/POWER(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM ($${num} - "Item".created_at))/3600+2, 1.5) +
(x.boost)/POWER(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM ($${num} - "Item".created_at))/3600+2, 5)) DESC NULLS LAST`
`ORDER BY ((x.sats-1)/POWER(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM ((NOW() AT TIME ZONE 'UTC') - "Item".created_at))/3600+2, 1.5) +
(x.boost)/POWER(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM ((NOW() AT TIME ZONE 'UTC') - "Item".created_at))/3600+2, 5)) DESC NULLS LAST`