224 lines
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224 lines
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import * as Yup from 'yup'
import { NAME_QUERY } from '../fragments/users'
import { URL_REGEXP, WS_REGEXP } from './url'
import { SUPPORTED_CURRENCIES } from './currency'
export async function ssValidate (schema, data, ...args) {
try {
if (typeof schema === 'function') {
await schema(...args).validate(data)
} else {
await schema.validate(data)
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof Yup.ValidationError) {
throw new Error(`${e.path}: ${e.message}`)
throw e
Yup.addMethod(Yup.string, 'or', function (schemas, msg) {
return this.test({
name: 'or',
message: msg,
test: value => {
if (Array.isArray(schemas) && schemas.length > 1) {
const resee = schemas.map(schema => schema.isValidSync(value))
return resee.some(res => res)
} else {
throw new TypeError('Schemas is not correct array schema')
exclusive: false
const titleValidator = Yup.string().required('required').trim().max(
({ max, value }) => `${Math.abs(max - value.length)} too many`
const intValidator = Yup.number().typeError('must be a number').integer('must be whole')
async function usernameExists (client, name) {
if (!client) {
throw new Error('cannot check for user')
// apollo client
if (client.query) {
const { data } = await client.query({ query: NAME_QUERY, variables: { name }, fetchPolicy: 'network-only' })
return !data.nameAvailable
// prisma client
const user = await client.user.findUnique({ where: { name } })
return !!user
// not sure how to use this on server ...
export function advPostSchemaMembers (client) {
return {
boost: intValidator
.min(BOOST_MIN, `must be blank or at least ${BOOST_MIN}`).test({
name: 'boost',
test: async boost => {
if (!boost || boost % BOOST_MIN === 0) return true
return false
message: `must be divisble be ${BOOST_MIN}`
forward: Yup.string()
name: 'name',
test: async name => {
if (!name || !name.length) return true
return await usernameExists(client, name)
message: 'user does not exist'
export function bountySchema (client) {
return Yup.object({
title: titleValidator,
bounty: intValidator
.min(1000, 'must be at least 1000')
.max(1000000, 'must be at most 1m'),
export function discussionSchema (client) {
return Yup.object({
title: titleValidator,
export function linkSchema (client) {
return Yup.object({
title: titleValidator,
url: Yup.string().matches(URL_REGEXP, 'invalid url').required('required'),
export function pollSchema (client, numExistingChoices) {
return Yup.object({
title: titleValidator,
options: Yup.array().of(
Yup.string().trim().test('my-test', 'required', function (value) {
return (this.path !== 'options[0]' && this.path !== 'options[1]') || value
({ max, value }) => `${Math.abs(max - value.length)} too many characters`
message: `at most ${MAX_POLL_NUM_CHOICES} choices`,
test: arr => arr.length <= MAX_POLL_NUM_CHOICES - numExistingChoices
message: `at least ${MIN_POLL_NUM_CHOICES} choices required`,
test: arr => arr.length >= MIN_POLL_NUM_CHOICES - numExistingChoices
export function userSchema (client) {
return Yup.object({
name: Yup.string()
.matches(/^[\w_]+$/, 'only letters, numbers, and _')
.max(32, 'too long')
name: 'name',
test: async name => {
if (!name || !name.length) return false
return !(await usernameExists(client, name))
message: 'taken'
export const commentSchema = Yup.object({
text: Yup.string().required('required').trim()
export const jobSchema = Yup.object({
title: titleValidator,
company: Yup.string().required('required').trim(),
text: Yup.string().required('required').trim(),
url: Yup.string()
.or([Yup.string().email(), Yup.string().url()], 'invalid url or email')
maxBid: intValidator.min(0, 'must be at least 0').required('required'),
location: Yup.string().test(
"don't write remote, just check the box",
v => !v?.match(/\bremote\b/gi))
.when('remote', {
is: (value) => !value,
then: Yup.string().required('required').trim()
export const emailSchema = Yup.object({
email: Yup.string().email('email is no good').required('required')
export const urlSchema = Yup.object({
url: Yup.string().matches(URL_REGEXP, 'invalid url').required('required')
export const namedUrlSchema = Yup.object({
text: Yup.string().required('required').trim(),
url: Yup.string().matches(URL_REGEXP, 'invalid url').required('required')
export const amountSchema = Yup.object({
amount: intValidator.required('required').positive('must be positive')
export const settingsSchema = Yup.object({
tipDefault: intValidator.required('required').positive('must be positive'),
fiatCurrency: Yup.string().required('required').oneOf(SUPPORTED_CURRENCIES),
nostrPubkey: Yup.string()
Yup.string().matches(NOSTR_PUBKEY_HEX, 'must be 64 hex chars'),
Yup.string().matches(NOSTR_PUBKEY_BECH32, 'invalid bech32 encoding')], 'invalid pubkey'),
nostrRelays: Yup.array().of(
Yup.string().matches(WS_REGEXP, 'invalid web socket address')
({ max, value }) => `${Math.abs(max - value.length)} too many`)
const warningMessage = 'If I logout, even accidentally, I will never be able to access my account again'
export const lastAuthRemovalSchema = Yup.object({
warning: Yup.string().matches(warningMessage, 'does not match').required('required')
export const withdrawlSchema = Yup.object({
invoice: Yup.string().required('required').trim(),
maxFee: intValidator.required('required').min(0, 'must be at least 0')
export const lnAddrSchema = Yup.object({
addr: Yup.string().email('address is no good').required('required'),
amount: intValidator.required('required').positive('must be positive'),
maxFee: intValidator.required('required').min(0, 'must be at least 0')
export const bioSchema = Yup.object({
bio: Yup.string().required('required').trim()
export const inviteSchema = Yup.object({
gift: intValidator.positive('must be greater than 0').required('required'),
limit: intValidator.positive('must be positive')