2023-08-11 18:43:45 -05:00

1184 lines
40 KiB

import { GraphQLError } from 'graphql'
import { ensureProtocol, removeTracking } from '../../lib/url'
import serialize from './serial'
import { decodeCursor, LIMIT, nextCursorEncoded } from '../../lib/cursor'
import { getMetadata, metadataRuleSets } from 'page-metadata-parser'
import domino from 'domino'
import {
} from '../../lib/constants'
import { msatsToSats, numWithUnits } from '../../lib/format'
import { parse } from 'tldts'
import uu from 'url-unshort'
import { amountSchema, bountySchema, commentSchema, discussionSchema, jobSchema, linkSchema, pollSchema, ssValidate } from '../../lib/validate'
import { sendUserNotification } from '../webPush'
import { proxyImages } from './imgproxy'
import { defaultCommentSort } from '../../lib/item'
import { createHmac } from './wallet'
export async function commentFilterClause (me, models) {
let clause = ` AND ("Item"."weightedVotes" - "Item"."weightedDownVotes" > -${ITEM_FILTER_THRESHOLD}`
if (me) {
const user = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: me.id } })
// wild west mode has everything
if (user.wildWestMode) {
return ''
// always include if it's mine
clause += ` OR "Item"."userId" = ${me.id}`
// close the clause
clause += ')'
return clause
async function checkInvoice (models, hash, hmac, fee) {
if (!hmac) {
throw new GraphQLError('hmac required', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } })
const hmac2 = createHmac(hash)
if (hmac !== hmac2) {
throw new GraphQLError('bad hmac', { extensions: { code: 'FORBIDDEN' } })
const invoice = await models.invoice.findUnique({
where: { hash },
include: {
user: true
if (!invoice) {
throw new GraphQLError('invoice not found', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } })
if (!invoice.msatsReceived) {
throw new GraphQLError('invoice was not paid', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } })
if (msatsToSats(invoice.msatsReceived) < fee) {
throw new GraphQLError('invoice amount too low', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } })
return invoice
async function comments (me, models, id, sort) {
let orderBy
switch (sort) {
case 'top':
orderBy = `ORDER BY ${await orderByNumerator(me, models)} DESC, "Item".msats DESC, ("Item".freebie IS FALSE) DESC, "Item".id DESC`
case 'recent':
orderBy = 'ORDER BY "Item".created_at DESC, "Item".msats DESC, ("Item".freebie IS FALSE) DESC, "Item".id DESC'
orderBy = `ORDER BY ${await orderByNumerator(me, models)}/POWER(GREATEST(3, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (now_utc() - "Item".created_at))/3600), 1.3) DESC NULLS LAST, "Item".msats DESC, ("Item".freebie IS FALSE) DESC, "Item".id DESC`
const filter = await commentFilterClause(me, models)
if (me) {
const [{ item_comments_with_me: comments }] = await models.$queryRawUnsafe(
'SELECT item_comments_with_me($1::INTEGER, $2::INTEGER, $3::INTEGER, $4, $5)', Number(id), Number(me.id), COMMENT_DEPTH_LIMIT, filter, orderBy)
return comments
const [{ item_comments: comments }] = await models.$queryRawUnsafe(
'SELECT item_comments($1::INTEGER, $2::INTEGER, $3, $4)', Number(id), COMMENT_DEPTH_LIMIT, filter, orderBy)
return comments
export async function getItem (parent, { id }, { me, models }) {
const [item] = await itemQueryWithMeta({
query: `
FROM "Item"
WHERE id = $1`
}, Number(id))
return item
function whenClause (when, type) {
let interval = ` AND "${type === 'bookmarks' ? 'Bookmark' : 'Item'}".created_at >= $1 - INTERVAL `
switch (when) {
case 'forever':
interval = ''
case 'week':
interval += "'7 days'"
case 'month':
interval += "'1 month'"
case 'year':
interval += "'1 year'"
interval += "'1 day'"
return interval
const orderByClause = async (by, me, models, type) => {
switch (by) {
case 'comments':
return 'ORDER BY "Item".ncomments DESC'
case 'sats':
return 'ORDER BY "Item".msats DESC'
case 'votes':
return await topOrderByWeightedSats(me, models)
return `ORDER BY ${type === 'bookmarks' ? '"bookmarkCreatedAt"' : '"Item".created_at'} DESC`
export async function orderByNumerator (me, models) {
if (me) {
const user = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: me.id } })
if (user.wildWestMode) {
return '(GREATEST("Item"."weightedVotes", POWER("Item"."weightedVotes", 1.2)) + "Item"."weightedComments"/2)'
return `(CASE WHEN "Item"."weightedVotes" > "Item"."weightedDownVotes"
* GREATEST(ABS("Item"."weightedVotes" - "Item"."weightedDownVotes"), POWER(ABS("Item"."weightedVotes" - "Item"."weightedDownVotes"), 1.2))
+ "Item"."weightedComments"/2)`
export async function joinSatRankView (me, models) {
if (me) {
const user = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: me.id } })
if (user.wildWestMode) {
return 'JOIN sat_rank_wwm_view ON "Item".id = sat_rank_wwm_view.id'
return 'JOIN sat_rank_tender_view ON "Item".id = sat_rank_tender_view.id'
export async function filterClause (me, models, type) {
// if you are explicitly asking for marginal content, don't filter them
if (['outlawed', 'borderland', 'freebies'].includes(type)) {
if (me && ['outlawed', 'borderland'].includes(type)) {
// unless the item is mine
return ` AND "Item"."userId" <> ${me.id} `
return ''
// by default don't include freebies unless they have upvotes
let clause = ' AND (NOT "Item".freebie OR "Item"."weightedVotes" - "Item"."weightedDownVotes" > 0'
if (me) {
const user = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: me.id } })
// wild west mode has everything
if (user.wildWestMode) {
return ''
// greeter mode includes freebies if feebies haven't been flagged
if (user.greeterMode) {
clause = ' AND (NOT "Item".freebie OR ("Item"."weightedVotes" - "Item"."weightedDownVotes" >= 0 AND "Item".freebie)'
// always include if it's mine
clause += ` OR "Item"."userId" = ${me.id})`
} else {
// close default freebie clause
clause += ')'
// if the item is above the threshold or is mine
clause += ` AND ("Item"."weightedVotes" - "Item"."weightedDownVotes" > -${ITEM_FILTER_THRESHOLD}`
if (me) {
clause += ` OR "Item"."userId" = ${me.id}`
clause += ')'
return clause
function typeClause (type) {
switch (type) {
case 'links':
return ' AND "Item".url IS NOT NULL AND "Item"."parentId" IS NULL'
case 'discussions':
return ' AND "Item".url IS NULL AND "Item".bio = false AND "Item"."pollCost" IS NULL AND "Item"."parentId" IS NULL'
case 'polls':
return ' AND "Item"."pollCost" IS NOT NULL AND "Item"."parentId" IS NULL'
case 'bios':
return ' AND "Item".bio = true AND "Item"."parentId" IS NULL'
case 'bounties':
return ' AND "Item".bounty IS NOT NULL AND "Item"."parentId" IS NULL'
case 'comments':
return ' AND "Item"."parentId" IS NOT NULL'
case 'freebies':
return ' AND "Item".freebie'
case 'outlawed':
return ` AND "Item"."weightedVotes" - "Item"."weightedDownVotes" <= -${ITEM_FILTER_THRESHOLD}`
case 'borderland':
return ' AND "Item"."weightedVotes" - "Item"."weightedDownVotes" < 0 '
case 'all':
case 'bookmarks':
return ''
case 'jobs':
return ' AND "Item"."subName" = \'jobs\''
return ' AND "Item"."parentId" IS NULL'
// this grabs all the stuff we need to display the item list and only
// hits the db once ... orderBy needs to be duplicated on the outer query because
// joining does not preserve the order of the inner query
async function itemQueryWithMeta ({ me, models, query, orderBy = '' }, ...args) {
if (!me) {
return await models.$queryRawUnsafe(`
SELECT "Item".*, to_json(users.*) as user
) "Item"
JOIN users ON "Item"."userId" = users.id
${orderBy}`, ...args)
} else {
return await models.$queryRawUnsafe(`
SELECT "Item".*, to_json(users.*) as user, COALESCE("ItemAct"."meMsats", 0) as "meMsats",
COALESCE("ItemAct"."meDontLike", false) as "meDontLike", b."itemId" IS NOT NULL AS "meBookmark",
"ThreadSubscription"."itemId" IS NOT NULL AS "meSubscription"
) "Item"
JOIN users ON "Item"."userId" = users.id
LEFT JOIN "Bookmark" b ON b."itemId" = "Item".id AND b."userId" = ${me.id}
LEFT JOIN "ThreadSubscription" ON "ThreadSubscription"."itemId" = "Item".id AND "ThreadSubscription"."userId" = ${me.id}
SELECT "itemId", sum("ItemAct".msats) FILTER (WHERE act = 'FEE' OR act = 'TIP') AS "meMsats",
bool_or(act = 'DONT_LIKE_THIS') AS "meDontLike"
FROM "ItemAct"
WHERE "ItemAct"."userId" = ${me.id}
AND "ItemAct"."itemId" = "Item".id
GROUP BY "ItemAct"."itemId"
) "ItemAct" ON true
${orderBy}`, ...args)
const subClause = (sub, num, table, solo) => {
return sub ? ` ${solo ? 'WHERE' : 'AND'} ${table ? `"${table}".` : ''}"subName" = $${num} ` : ''
const relationClause = (type) => {
switch (type) {
case 'comments':
return ' FROM "Item" JOIN "Item" root ON "Item"."rootId" = root.id '
case 'bookmarks':
return ' FROM "Item" JOIN "Bookmark" ON "Bookmark"."itemId" = "Item"."id" '
case 'outlawed':
case 'borderland':
case 'freebies':
case 'all':
return ' FROM "Item" LEFT JOIN "Item" root ON "Item"."rootId" = root.id '
return ' FROM "Item" '
const selectClause = (type) => type === 'bookmarks'
? `${SELECT}, "Bookmark"."created_at" as "bookmarkCreatedAt"`
const subClauseTable = (type) => COMMENT_TYPE_QUERY.includes(type) ? 'root' : 'Item'
const activeOrMine = (me) => {
return me ? ` AND ("Item".status <> 'STOPPED' OR "Item"."userId" = ${me.id}) ` : ' AND "Item".status <> \'STOPPED\' '
export default {
Query: {
itemRepetition: async (parent, { parentId }, { me, models }) => {
if (!me) return 0
// how many of the parents starting at parentId belong to me
const [{ item_spam: count }] = await models.$queryRawUnsafe(`SELECT item_spam($1::INTEGER, $2::INTEGER, '${ITEM_SPAM_INTERVAL}')`,
Number(parentId), Number(me.id))
return count
items: async (parent, { sub, sort, type, cursor, name, when, by, limit = LIMIT }, { me, models }) => {
const decodedCursor = decodeCursor(cursor)
let items, user, pins, subFull, table
// HACK we want to optionally include the subName in the query
// but the query planner doesn't like unused parameters
const subArr = sub ? [sub] : []
switch (sort) {
case 'user':
if (!name) {
throw new GraphQLError('must supply name', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } })
user = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { name } })
if (!user) {
throw new GraphQLError('no user has that name', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } })
table = type === 'bookmarks' ? 'Bookmark' : 'Item'
items = await itemQueryWithMeta({
query: `
WHERE "${table}"."userId" = $2 AND "${table}".created_at <= $1
${subClause(sub, 5, subClauseTable(type))}
${await filterClause(me, models, type)}
${whenClause(when || 'forever', type)}
${await orderByClause(by, me, models, type)}
LIMIT $4`,
orderBy: await orderByClause(by, me, models, type)
}, decodedCursor.time, user.id, decodedCursor.offset, limit, ...subArr)
case 'recent':
items = await itemQueryWithMeta({
query: `
WHERE "Item".created_at <= $1
${subClause(sub, 4, subClauseTable(type))}
${await filterClause(me, models, type)}
ORDER BY "Item".created_at DESC
LIMIT $3`,
orderBy: 'ORDER BY "Item"."createdAt" DESC'
}, decodedCursor.time, decodedCursor.offset, limit, ...subArr)
case 'top':
items = await itemQueryWithMeta({
query: `
WHERE "Item".created_at <= $1
AND "Item"."pinId" IS NULL AND "Item"."deletedAt" IS NULL
${subClause(sub, 4, subClauseTable(type))}
${whenClause(when, type)}
${await filterClause(me, models, type)}
${await orderByClause(by || 'votes', me, models, type)}
LIMIT $3`,
orderBy: await orderByClause(by || 'votes', me, models, type)
}, decodedCursor.time, decodedCursor.offset, limit, ...subArr)
// sub so we know the default ranking
if (sub) {
subFull = await models.sub.findUnique({ where: { name: sub } })
switch (subFull?.rankingType) {
case 'AUCTION':
items = await itemQueryWithMeta({
query: `
CASE WHEN status = 'ACTIVE' AND "maxBid" > 0
THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS group_rank,
CASE WHEN status = 'ACTIVE' AND "maxBid" > 0
THEN rank() OVER (ORDER BY "maxBid" DESC, created_at ASC)
ELSE rank() OVER (ORDER BY created_at DESC) END AS rank
FROM "Item"
WHERE "parentId" IS NULL AND created_at <= $1
${subClause(sub, 4)}
AND status IN ('ACTIVE', 'NOSATS')
ORDER BY group_rank, rank
LIMIT $3`,
orderBy: 'ORDER BY group_rank, rank'
}, decodedCursor.time, decodedCursor.offset, limit, ...subArr)
items = await itemQueryWithMeta({
query: `
${SELECT}, rank
FROM "Item"
${await joinSatRankView(me, models)}
${subClause(sub, 3, 'Item', true)}
LIMIT $2`,
orderBy: 'ORDER BY rank ASC'
}, decodedCursor.offset, limit, ...subArr)
if (decodedCursor.offset === 0) {
// get pins for the page and return those separately
pins = await itemQueryWithMeta({
query: `
SELECT rank_filter.*
rank() OVER (
ORDER BY created_at DESC
FROM "Item"
${subClause(sub, 1)}
) rank_filter WHERE RANK = 1`
}, ...subArr)
return {
cursor: items.length === limit ? nextCursorEncoded(decodedCursor) : null,
item: getItem,
pageTitleAndUnshorted: async (parent, { url }, { models }) => {
const res = {}
try {
const response = await fetch(ensureProtocol(url), { redirect: 'follow' })
const html = await response.text()
const doc = domino.createWindow(html).document
const metadata = getMetadata(doc, url, { title: metadataRuleSets.title })
res.title = metadata?.title
} catch { }
try {
const unshorted = await uu().expand(url)
if (unshorted) {
res.unshorted = unshorted
} catch { }
return res
dupes: async (parent, { url }, { me, models }) => {
const urlObj = new URL(ensureProtocol(url))
let uri = urlObj.hostname + '(:[0-9]+)?' + urlObj.pathname
uri = uri.endsWith('/') ? uri.slice(0, -1) : uri
const parseResult = parse(urlObj.hostname)
if (parseResult?.subdomain?.length) {
const { subdomain } = parseResult
uri = uri.replace(subdomain, '(%)?')
} else {
uri = `(%.)?${uri}`
let similar = `(http(s)?://)?${uri}/?`
const whitelist = ['news.ycombinator.com/item', 'bitcointalk.org/index.php']
const youtube = ['www.youtube.com', 'youtube.com', 'm.youtube.com', 'youtu.be']
if (whitelist.includes(uri)) {
similar += `\\${urlObj.search}`
} else if (youtube.includes(urlObj.hostname)) {
// extract id and create both links
const matches = url.match(/(https?:\/\/)?((www\.)?(youtube(-nocookie)?|youtube.googleapis)\.com.*(v\/|v=|vi=|vi\/|e\/|embed\/|user\/.*\/u\/\d+\/)|youtu\.be\/)(?<id>[_0-9a-z-]+)/i)
similar = `(http(s)?://)?((www.|m.)?youtube.com/(watch\\?v=|v/|live/)${matches?.groups?.id}|youtu.be/${matches?.groups?.id})((\\?|&|#)%)?`
} else {
similar += '((\\?|#)%)?'
return await itemQueryWithMeta({
query: `
FROM "Item"
ORDER BY created_at DESC
}, similar)
auctionPosition: async (parent, { id, sub, bid }, { models, me }) => {
const createdAt = id ? (await getItem(parent, { id }, { models, me })).createdAt : new Date()
let where
if (bid > 0) {
// if there's a bid
// it's ACTIVE and has a larger bid than ours, or has an equal bid and is older
// count items: (bid > ours.bid OR (bid = ours.bid AND create_at < ours.created_at)) AND status = 'ACTIVE'
where = {
status: 'ACTIVE',
OR: [
{ maxBid: { gt: bid } },
{ maxBid: bid, createdAt: { lt: createdAt } }
} else {
// else
// it's an active with a bid gt ours, or its newer than ours and not STOPPED
// count items: ((bid > ours.bid AND status = 'ACTIVE') OR (created_at > ours.created_at AND status <> 'STOPPED'))
where = {
OR: [
{ maxBid: { gt: 0 }, status: 'ACTIVE' },
{ createdAt: { gt: createdAt }, status: { not: 'STOPPED' } }
where.subName = sub
if (id) {
where.id = { not: Number(id) }
return await models.item.count({ where }) + 1
Mutation: {
bookmarkItem: async (parent, { id }, { me, models }) => {
const data = { itemId: Number(id), userId: me.id }
const old = await models.bookmark.findUnique({ where: { userId_itemId: data } })
if (old) {
await models.bookmark.delete({ where: { userId_itemId: data } })
} else await models.bookmark.create({ data })
return { id }
subscribeItem: async (parent, { id }, { me, models }) => {
const data = { itemId: Number(id), userId: me.id }
const old = await models.threadSubscription.findUnique({ where: { userId_itemId: data } })
if (old) {
await models.threadSubscription.delete({ where: { userId_itemId: data } })
} else await models.threadSubscription.create({ data })
return { id }
deleteItem: async (parent, { id }, { me, models }) => {
const old = await models.item.findUnique({ where: { id: Number(id) } })
if (Number(old.userId) !== Number(me?.id)) {
throw new GraphQLError('item does not belong to you', { extensions: { code: 'FORBIDDEN' } })
const data = { deletedAt: new Date() }
if (old.text) {
data.text = '*deleted by author*'
if (old.title) {
data.title = 'deleted by author'
if (old.url) {
data.url = null
if (old.pollCost) {
data.pollCost = null
return await models.item.update({ where: { id: Number(id) }, data })
upsertLink: async (parent, args, { me, models }) => {
const { id, ...data } = args
data.url = ensureProtocol(data.url)
data.url = removeTracking(data.url)
await ssValidate(linkSchema, data, models)
if (id) {
return await updateItem(parent, { id, data }, { me, models })
} else {
return await createItem(parent, data, { me, models, invoiceHash: args.invoiceHash, invoiceHmac: args.invoiceHmac })
upsertDiscussion: async (parent, args, { me, models }) => {
const { id, ...data } = args
await ssValidate(discussionSchema, data, models)
if (id) {
return await updateItem(parent, { id, data }, { me, models })
} else {
return await createItem(parent, data, { me, models, invoiceHash: args.invoiceHash, invoiceHmac: args.invoiceHmac })
upsertBounty: async (parent, args, { me, models }) => {
const { id, ...data } = args
await ssValidate(bountySchema, data, models)
if (id) {
return await updateItem(parent, { id, data }, { me, models })
} else {
return await createItem(parent, data, { me, models })
upsertPoll: async (parent, { id, ...data }, { me, models }) => {
const { sub, forward, boost, title, text, options, invoiceHash, invoiceHmac } = data
let author = me
let spamInterval = ITEM_SPAM_INTERVAL
const trx = []
if (!me && invoiceHash) {
const invoice = await checkInvoice(models, invoiceHash, invoiceHmac, ANON_POST_FEE)
author = invoice.user
trx.push(models.invoice.delete({ where: { hash: invoiceHash } }))
if (!author) {
throw new GraphQLError('you must be logged in', { extensions: { code: 'FORBIDDEN' } })
const optionCount = id
? await models.pollOption.count({
where: {
itemId: Number(id)
: 0
await ssValidate(pollSchema, data, models, optionCount)
let fwdUser
if (forward) {
fwdUser = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { name: forward } })
if (!fwdUser) {
throw new GraphQLError('forward user does not exist', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } })
if (id) {
const old = await models.item.findUnique({ where: { id: Number(id) } })
if (Number(old.userId) !== Number(author.id)) {
throw new GraphQLError('item does not belong to you', { extensions: { code: 'FORBIDDEN' } })
const [item] = await serialize(models,
models.$queryRawUnsafe(`${SELECT} FROM update_poll($1, $2::INTEGER, $3, $4, $5::INTEGER, $6, $7::INTEGER) AS "Item"`,
sub || 'bitcoin', Number(id), title, text, Number(boost || 0), options, Number(fwdUser?.id)))
await createMentions(item, models)
item.comments = []
return item
} else {
const [query] = await serialize(models,
`${SELECT} FROM create_poll($1, $2, $3, $4::INTEGER, $5::INTEGER, $6::INTEGER, $7, $8::INTEGER, '${spamInterval}') AS "Item"`,
sub || 'bitcoin', title, text, 1, Number(boost || 0), Number(author.id), options, Number(fwdUser?.id)), ...trx)
const item = trx.length > 0 ? query[0] : query
await createMentions(item, models)
item.comments = []
return item
upsertJob: async (parent, { id, ...data }, { me, models }) => {
if (!me) {
throw new GraphQLError('you must be logged in to create job', { extensions: { code: 'FORBIDDEN' } })
const { sub, title, company, location, remote, text, url, maxBid, status, logo } = data
const fullSub = await models.sub.findUnique({ where: { name: sub } })
if (!fullSub) {
throw new GraphQLError('not a valid sub', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } })
await ssValidate(jobSchema, data, models)
const loc = location.toLowerCase() === 'remote' ? undefined : location
let item
if (id) {
const old = await models.item.findUnique({ where: { id: Number(id) } })
if (Number(old.userId) !== Number(me?.id)) {
throw new GraphQLError('item does not belong to you', { extensions: { code: 'FORBIDDEN' } })
([item] = await serialize(models,
`${SELECT} FROM update_job($1::INTEGER, $2, $3, $4, $5::INTEGER, $6, $7, $8, $9::INTEGER, $10::"Status") AS "Item"`,
Number(id), title, url, text, Number(maxBid), company, loc, remote, Number(logo), status)))
} else {
([item] = await serialize(models,
`${SELECT} FROM create_job($1, $2, $3, $4::INTEGER, $5::INTEGER, $6, $7, $8, $9::INTEGER) AS "Item"`,
title, url, text, Number(me.id), Number(maxBid), company, loc, remote, Number(logo))))
await createMentions(item, models)
return item
createComment: async (parent, data, { me, models }) => {
await ssValidate(commentSchema, data)
const item = await createItem(parent, data,
{ me, models, invoiceHash: data.invoiceHash, invoiceHmac: data.invoiceHmac })
// fetch user to get up-to-date name
const user = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: me?.id || ANON_USER_ID } })
const parents = await models.$queryRawUnsafe(
'SELECT DISTINCT p."userId" FROM "Item" i JOIN "Item" p ON p.path @> i.path WHERE i.id = $1 and p."userId" <> $2',
Number(item.parentId), Number(user.id))
parents.map(({ userId }) => sendUserNotification(userId, {
title: `@${user.name} replied to you`,
body: data.text,
tag: 'REPLY'
return item
updateComment: async (parent, { id, ...data }, { me, models }) => {
await ssValidate(commentSchema, data)
return await updateItem(parent, { id, data }, { me, models })
pollVote: async (parent, { id }, { me, models }) => {
if (!me) {
throw new GraphQLError('you must be logged in', { extensions: { code: 'FORBIDDEN' } })
await serialize(models,
models.$queryRawUnsafe(`${SELECT} FROM poll_vote($1::INTEGER, $2::INTEGER) AS "Item"`,
Number(id), Number(me.id)))
return id
act: async (parent, { id, sats, invoiceHash, invoiceHmac }, { me, models }) => {
// need to make sure we are logged in
if (!me && !invoiceHash) {
throw new GraphQLError('you must be logged in', { extensions: { code: 'FORBIDDEN' } })
await ssValidate(amountSchema, { amount: sats })
let user = me
let invoice
if (!me && invoiceHash) {
invoice = await checkInvoice(models, invoiceHash, invoiceHmac, sats)
user = invoice.user
// disallow self tips except anons
if (user.id !== ANON_USER_ID) {
const [item] = await models.$queryRawUnsafe(`
FROM "Item"
WHERE id = $1 AND "userId" = $2`, Number(id), user.id)
if (item) {
throw new GraphQLError('cannot zap your self', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } })
const calls = [
models.$queryRaw`SELECT item_act(${Number(id)}::INTEGER, ${user.id}::INTEGER, 'TIP', ${Number(sats)}::INTEGER)`
if (invoice) {
calls.push(models.invoice.delete({ where: { hash: invoice.hash } }))
const [{ item_act: vote }] = await serialize(models, ...calls)
const updatedItem = await models.item.findUnique({ where: { id: Number(id) } })
const title = `your ${updatedItem.title ? 'post' : 'reply'} ${updatedItem.fwdUser ? 'forwarded' : 'stacked'} ${
numWithUnits(msatsToSats(updatedItem.msats))}${updatedItem.fwdUser ? ` to @${updatedItem.fwdUser.name}` : ''}`
sendUserNotification(updatedItem.userId, {
body: updatedItem.title ? updatedItem.title : updatedItem.text,
item: updatedItem,
tag: `TIP-${updatedItem.id}`
return {
dontLikeThis: async (parent, { id }, { me, models }) => {
// need to make sure we are logged in
if (!me) {
throw new GraphQLError('you must be logged in', { extensions: { code: 'FORBIDDEN' } })
// disallow self down votes
const [item] = await models.$queryRawUnsafe(`
FROM "Item"
WHERE id = $1 AND "userId" = $2`, Number(id), me.id)
if (item) {
throw new GraphQLError('cannot downvote your self', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } })
await serialize(models, models.$queryRaw`SELECT item_act(${Number(id)}::INTEGER,
return true
Item: {
sats: async (item, args, { models }) => {
return msatsToSats(item.msats)
commentSats: async (item, args, { models }) => {
return msatsToSats(item.commentMsats)
isJob: async (item, args, { models }) => {
return item.subName === 'jobs'
sub: async (item, args, { models }) => {
if (!item.subName && !item.root) {
return null
return await models.sub.findUnique({ where: { name: item.subName || item.root?.subName } })
position: async (item, args, { models }) => {
if (!item.pinId) {
return null
const pin = await models.pin.findUnique({ where: { id: item.pinId } })
if (!pin) {
return null
return pin.position
prior: async (item, args, { models }) => {
if (!item.pinId) {
return null
const prior = await models.item.findFirst({
where: {
pinId: item.pinId,
createdAt: {
lt: item.createdAt
orderBy: {
createdAt: 'desc'
if (!prior) {
return null
return prior.id
poll: async (item, args, { models, me }) => {
if (!item.pollCost) {
return null
const options = await models.$queryRaw`
SELECT "PollOption".id, option, count("PollVote"."userId")::INTEGER as count,
coalesce(bool_or("PollVote"."userId" = ${me?.id}), 'f') as "meVoted"
FROM "PollOption"
LEFT JOIN "PollVote" on "PollVote"."pollOptionId" = "PollOption".id
WHERE "PollOption"."itemId" = ${item.id}
GROUP BY "PollOption".id
ORDER BY "PollOption".id ASC
const poll = {}
poll.options = options
poll.meVoted = options.some(o => o.meVoted)
poll.count = options.reduce((t, o) => t + o.count, 0)
return poll
user: async (item, args, { models }) => {
if (item.user) {
return item.user
return await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: item.userId } })
fwdUser: async (item, args, { models }) => {
if (!item.fwdUserId) {
return null
return await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: item.fwdUserId } })
comments: async (item, { sort }, { me, models }) => {
if (typeof item.comments !== 'undefined') return item.comments
if (item.ncomments === 0) return []
return comments(me, models, item.id, sort || defaultCommentSort(item.pinId, item.bioId, item.createdAt))
wvotes: async (item) => {
return item.weightedVotes - item.weightedDownVotes
meSats: async (item, args, { me, models }) => {
if (!me) return 0
if (typeof item.meMsats !== 'undefined') {
return msatsToSats(item.meMsats)
const { _sum: { msats } } = await models.itemAct.aggregate({
_sum: {
msats: true
where: {
itemId: Number(item.id),
userId: me.id,
OR: [
act: 'TIP'
act: 'FEE'
return (msats && msatsToSats(msats)) || 0
meDontLike: async (item, args, { me, models }) => {
if (!me) return false
if (typeof item.meDontLike !== 'undefined') return item.meDontLike
const dontLike = await models.itemAct.findFirst({
where: {
itemId: Number(item.id),
userId: me.id,
return !!dontLike
meBookmark: async (item, args, { me, models }) => {
if (!me) return false
if (typeof item.meBookmark !== 'undefined') return item.meBookmark
const bookmark = await models.bookmark.findUnique({
where: {
userId_itemId: {
itemId: Number(item.id),
userId: me.id
return !!bookmark
meSubscription: async (item, args, { me, models }) => {
if (!me) return false
if (typeof item.meSubscription !== 'undefined') return item.meSubscription
const subscription = await models.threadSubscription.findUnique({
where: {
userId_itemId: {
itemId: Number(item.id),
userId: me.id
return !!subscription
outlawed: async (item, args, { me, models }) => {
if (me && Number(item.userId) === Number(me.id)) {
return false
return item.weightedVotes - item.weightedDownVotes <= -ITEM_FILTER_THRESHOLD
mine: async (item, args, { me, models }) => {
return me?.id === item.userId
root: async (item, args, { models }) => {
if (!item.rootId) {
return null
if (item.root) {
return item.root
return await models.item.findUnique({ where: { id: item.rootId } })
parent: async (item, args, { models }) => {
if (!item.parentId) {
return null
return await models.item.findUnique({ where: { id: item.parentId } })
parentOtsHash: async (item, args, { models }) => {
if (!item.parentId) {
return null
const parent = await models.item.findUnique({ where: { id: item.parentId } })
return parent.otsHash
const namePattern = /\B@[\w_]+/gi
export const createMentions = async (item, models) => {
// if we miss a mention, in the rare circumstance there's some kind of
// failure, it's not a big deal so we don't do it transactionally
// ideally, we probably would
if (!item.text) {
try {
const mentions = item.text.match(namePattern)?.map(m => m.slice(1))
if (mentions?.length > 0) {
const users = await models.user.findMany({
where: {
name: { in: mentions }
users.forEach(async user => {
const data = {
itemId: item.id,
userId: user.id
await models.mention.upsert({
where: {
itemId_userId: data
update: data,
create: data
sendUserNotification(user.id, {
title: 'you were mentioned',
body: item.text,
tag: 'MENTION'
} catch (e) {
console.log('mention failure', e)
export const updateItem = async (parent, { id, data: { sub, title, url, text, boost, forward, bounty, parentId } }, { me, models }) => {
// update iff this item belongs to me
const old = await models.item.findUnique({ where: { id: Number(id) } })
if (Number(old.userId) !== Number(me?.id)) {
throw new GraphQLError('item does not belong to you', { extensions: { code: 'FORBIDDEN' } })
// if it's not the FAQ, not their bio, and older than 10 minutes
const user = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: me.id } })
if (![349, 76894, 78763, 81862].includes(old.id) && user.bioId !== id && Date.now() > new Date(old.createdAt).getTime() + 10 * 60000) {
throw new GraphQLError('item can no longer be editted', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } })
if (boost && boost < BOOST_MIN) {
throw new GraphQLError(`boost must be at least ${BOOST_MIN}`, { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } })
if (!old.parentId && title.length > MAX_TITLE_LENGTH) {
throw new GraphQLError('title too long', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } })
let fwdUser
if (forward) {
fwdUser = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { name: forward } })
if (!fwdUser) {
throw new GraphQLError('forward user does not exist', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } })
url = await proxyImages(url)
text = await proxyImages(text)
const [item] = await serialize(models,
`${SELECT} FROM update_item($1, $2::INTEGER, $3, $4, $5, $6::INTEGER, $7::INTEGER, $8::INTEGER) AS "Item"`,
old.parentId ? null : sub || 'bitcoin', Number(id), title, url, text,
Number(boost || 0), bounty ? Number(bounty) : null, Number(fwdUser?.id)))
await createMentions(item, models)
return item
const createItem = async (parent, { sub, title, url, text, boost, forward, bounty, parentId }, { me, models, invoiceHash, invoiceHmac }) => {
let author = me
let spamInterval = ITEM_SPAM_INTERVAL
const trx = []
if (!me && invoiceHash) {
const invoice = await checkInvoice(models, invoiceHash, invoiceHmac, parentId ? ANON_COMMENT_FEE : ANON_POST_FEE)
author = invoice.user
trx.push(models.invoice.delete({ where: { hash: invoiceHash } }))
if (!author) {
throw new GraphQLError('you must be logged in', { extensions: { code: 'FORBIDDEN' } })
if (boost && boost < BOOST_MIN) {
throw new GraphQLError(`boost must be at least ${BOOST_MIN}`, { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } })
if (!parentId && title.length > MAX_TITLE_LENGTH) {
throw new GraphQLError('title too long', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } })
let fwdUser
if (forward) {
fwdUser = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { name: forward } })
if (!fwdUser) {
throw new GraphQLError('forward user does not exist', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } })
url = await proxyImages(url)
text = await proxyImages(text)
const [query] = await serialize(
`${SELECT} FROM create_item($1, $2, $3, $4, $5::INTEGER, $6::INTEGER, $7::INTEGER, $8::INTEGER, $9::INTEGER, '${spamInterval}') AS "Item"`,
parentId ? null : sub || 'bitcoin',
Number(boost || 0),
bounty ? Number(bounty) : null,
const item = trx.length > 0 ? query[0] : query
await createMentions(item, models)
item.comments = []
return item
// we have to do our own query because ltree is unsupported
export const SELECT =
`SELECT "Item".id, "Item".created_at, "Item".created_at as "createdAt", "Item".updated_at,
"Item".updated_at as "updatedAt", "Item".title, "Item".text, "Item".url, "Item"."bounty",
"Item"."userId", "Item"."fwdUserId", "Item"."parentId", "Item"."pinId", "Item"."maxBid",
"Item"."rootId", "Item".upvotes, "Item".company, "Item".location, "Item".remote, "Item"."deletedAt",
"Item"."subName", "Item".status, "Item"."uploadId", "Item"."pollCost", "Item".boost, "Item".msats,
"Item".ncomments, "Item"."commentMsats", "Item"."lastCommentAt", "Item"."weightedVotes",
"Item"."weightedDownVotes", "Item".freebie, "Item"."otsHash", "Item"."bountyPaidTo",
ltree2text("Item"."path") AS "path", "Item"."weightedComments"`
async function topOrderByWeightedSats (me, models) {
return `ORDER BY ${await orderByNumerator(me, models)} DESC NULLS LAST, "Item".id DESC`