ekzyis 93713b33df
Optimistic updates via pending sats in item context (#1229)
* Use context for pending sats

* Fix sats going negative on zap undo

We already handle undoing pending sats by wrapping the payment+mutation with try/finally.

* Remove unnecessary ItemContextProvider

* Rename to parentCtx

* Fix hierarchy of ItemContextProvider

If a comment was root and it was zapped, the pending sats contributed to the sats shown in <CommentsHeader>.

This was caused by <CommentsHeader> accessing the root item context for all comments, even for the root comment.

So even if the root comment was zapped, the pending sats contributed to the sats for the comment section.

This wasn't the case for posts since their item context was above the context used by <CommentsHeader>.

This was fixed by moving <ItemProviderContext> down into <Comments> and <Item> instead of declaring it at <ItemFull> which wraps the root item and all comments.

* Optimistic update for poll votes

* prevent twice optimistic zap

* enhance client notifications with skeleton and no redudant queries

* enlarge nwc amount limits

* Disable max amount and daily limit in NWC container


Co-authored-by: Keyan <>
Co-authored-by: keyan <>
2024-06-12 08:34:24 -05:00

188 lines
5.7 KiB

import { useApolloClient } from '@apollo/client'
import { useMe } from './me'
import { createContext, useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react'
import { datePivot, timeSince } from '@/lib/time'
import { USER_ID, JIT_INVOICE_TIMEOUT_MS } from '@/lib/constants'
import { HAS_NOTIFICATIONS } from '@/fragments/notifications'
import Item, { ItemSkeleton } from './item'
import { RootProvider } from './root'
import Comment from './comment'
const toType = t => ({ ERROR: `${t}_ERROR`, PENDING: `${t}_PENDING` })
export const Types = {
Zap: toType('ZAP'),
Reply: toType('REPLY'),
Bounty: toType('BOUNTY'),
PollVote: toType('POLL_VOTE')
const ClientNotificationContext = createContext({ notifications: [], notify: () => {}, unnotify: () => {} })
export function ClientNotificationProvider ({ children }) {
const [notifications, setNotifications] = useState([])
const client = useApolloClient()
const me = useMe()
// anons don't have access to /notifications
// but we'll store client notifications anyway for simplicity's sake
const storageKey = `client-notifications:${me?.id || USER_ID.anon}`
useEffect(() => {
const loaded = loadNotifications(storageKey, client)
}, [storageKey])
const notify = useCallback((type, props) => {
const id = crypto.randomUUID()
const sortTime = new Date()
const expiresAt = +datePivot(sortTime, { milliseconds: JIT_INVOICE_TIMEOUT_MS })
const isError = type.endsWith('ERROR')
const n = { __typename: type, id, sortTime: +sortTime, pending: !isError, expiresAt, ...props }
setNotifications(notifications => [n, ...notifications])
saveNotification(storageKey, n)
if (isError) {
data: {
hasNewNotes: true
return id
}, [storageKey, client])
const unnotify = useCallback((id) => {
setNotifications(notifications => notifications.filter(n => !== id))
removeNotification(storageKey, id)
}, [storageKey])
const value = useMemo(() => ({ notifications, notify, unnotify }), [notifications, notify, unnotify])
return (
<ClientNotificationContext.Provider value={value}>
export function ClientNotifyProvider ({ children, additionalProps }) {
const ctx = useClientNotifications()
const notify = useCallback((type, props) => {
return ctx.notify(type, { ...props, ...additionalProps })
}, [ctx.notify])
const value = useMemo(() => ({ ...ctx, notify }), [ctx, notify])
return (
<ClientNotificationContext.Provider value={value}>
export function useClientNotifications () {
return useContext(ClientNotificationContext)
function ClientNotification ({ n, message }) {
if (n.pending) {
const expired = n.expiresAt < +new Date()
if (!expired) return null
n.reason = 'invoice expired'
// remove payment hashes due to x-overflow
n.reason = n.reason.replace(/(: )?[a-f0-9]{64}/, '')
return (
<div className='ms-2'>
<small className='fw-bold text-danger'>
{n.reason ? `${message}: ${n.reason}` : message}
<small className='text-muted ms-1 fw-normal' suppressHydrationWarning>{timeSince(new Date(n.sortTime))}</small>
? <ItemSkeleton />
: n.item.title
? <Item item={n.item} />
: (
<div className='pb-2'>
<RootProvider root={n.item.root}>
<Comment item={n.item} noReply includeParent noComments clickToContext />
export function ClientZap ({ n }) {
const message = `failed to zap ${n.sats || n.amount} sats`
return <ClientNotification n={n} message={message} />
export function ClientReply ({ n }) {
const message = 'failed to submit reply'
return <ClientNotification n={n} message={message} />
export function ClientBounty ({ n }) {
const message = 'failed to pay bounty'
return <ClientNotification n={n} message={message} />
export function ClientPollVote ({ n }) {
const message = 'failed to submit poll vote'
return <ClientNotification n={n} message={message} />
function loadNotifications (storageKey, client) {
const stored = window.localStorage.getItem(storageKey)
if (!stored) return []
const filtered = JSON.parse(stored).filter(({ sortTime }) => {
// only keep notifications younger than 24 hours
return new Date(sortTime) >= datePivot(new Date(), { hours: -24 })
let hasNewNotes = false
const mapped = => {
if (!n.pending) return n
// anything that is still pending when we load the page was interrupted
// so we immediately mark it as failed instead of waiting until it expired
const type = n.__typename.replace('PENDING', 'ERROR')
const reason = 'payment was interrupted'
hasNewNotes = true
return { ...n, __typename: type, pending: false, reason }
if (hasNewNotes) {
data: {
hasNewNotes: true
window.localStorage.setItem(storageKey, JSON.stringify(mapped))
return filtered
function saveNotification (storageKey, n) {
const stored = window.localStorage.getItem(storageKey)
if (stored) {
window.localStorage.setItem(storageKey, JSON.stringify([...JSON.parse(stored), n]))
} else {
window.localStorage.setItem(storageKey, JSON.stringify([n]))
function removeNotification (storageKey, id) {
const stored = window.localStorage.getItem(storageKey)
if (stored) {
window.localStorage.setItem(storageKey, JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(stored).filter(n => !== id)))