* display bolt11 info and preimage for invoices * Remove preimage attempt for wdrwl, since it doesn't make sense Other various code cleanup * Only include preimage for confirmed paid and settled invoices
68 lines
1.4 KiB
68 lines
1.4 KiB
import { gql } from 'graphql-tag'
export default gql`
extend type Query {
invoice(id: ID!): Invoice!
withdrawl(id: ID!): Withdrawl!
connectAddress: String!
walletHistory(cursor: String, inc: String): History
extend type Mutation {
createInvoice(amount: Int!, expireSecs: Int, hodlInvoice: Boolean): Invoice!
createWithdrawl(invoice: String!, maxFee: Int!): Withdrawl!
sendToLnAddr(addr: String!, amount: Int!, maxFee: Int!, comment: String, identifier: Boolean, name: String, email: String): Withdrawl!
cancelInvoice(hash: String!, hmac: String!): Invoice!
type Invoice {
id: ID!
createdAt: Date!
hash: String!
bolt11: String!
expiresAt: Date!
cancelled: Boolean!
confirmedAt: Date
satsReceived: Int
satsRequested: Int!
nostr: JSONObject
comment: String
lud18Data: JSONObject
hmac: String
isHeld: Boolean
preimage: String
type Withdrawl {
id: ID!
createdAt: Date!
hash: String!
bolt11: String!
satsPaying: Int!
satsPaid: Int
satsFeePaying: Int!
satsFeePaid: Int
status: String
type Fact {
id: ID!
factId: ID!
bolt11: String
createdAt: Date!
sats: Float!
satsFee: Float
status: String
type: String!
description: String
item: Item
invoiceComment: String
invoicePayerData: JSONObject
type History {
facts: [Fact!]!
cursor: String