* add poll expires at column to Item table * update upsertPoll mutation for pollExpiresAt param * use pollExpiresAt to show time left for poll * correctly pluralize days for timeLeft * correctly update pollExpiresAt when item is updated to remove poll expiration * add DateTimePicker and DateTimeInput components to select datetimes * update pollExpiresAt to be nullable and more than 1 day in the future * hide time left text if poll has no expiration * initialize pollExpiresAt with current value or default of 25 hours in the future we add a one hour time buffer so that the user doesn't get a validation error for pollExpiresAt if they post their poll within an hour from creation. there's still a chance they'll hit the validation error but they should see the error message toast * add DateTimeInput into the options part of the poll form add right padding to make room for the "clear" button. allow field to be cleared (i.e. null pollExpiresAt) to allow non-ending polls. --------- Co-authored-by: Keyan <34140557+huumn@users.noreply.github.com>
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import { gql, useMutation } from '@apollo/client'
import Button from 'react-bootstrap/Button'
import { fixedDecimal, numWithUnits } from '../lib/format'
import { timeLeft } from '../lib/time'
import { useMe } from './me'
import styles from './poll.module.css'
import Check from '../svgs/checkbox-circle-fill.svg'
import { signIn } from 'next-auth/react'
import ActionTooltip from './action-tooltip'
import { POLL_COST } from '../lib/constants'
import { payOrLoginError, useInvoiceModal } from './invoice'
export default function Poll ({ item }) {
const me = useMe()
const [pollVote] = useMutation(
mutation pollVote($id: ID!, $hash: String, $hmac: String) {
pollVote(id: $id, hash: $hash, hmac: $hmac)
}`, {
update (cache, { data: { pollVote } }) {
id: `Item:${item.id}`,
fields: {
poll (existingPoll) {
const poll = { ...existingPoll }
poll.meVoted = true
poll.count += 1
return poll
id: `PollOption:${pollVote}`,
fields: {
count (existingCount) {
return existingCount + 1
meVoted () {
return true
const PollButton = ({ v }) => {
const showInvoiceModal = useInvoiceModal(async ({ hash, hmac }, { variables }) => {
await pollVote({ variables: { ...variables, hash, hmac } })
}, [pollVote])
const variables = { id: v.id }
return (
<ActionTooltip placement='left' notForm>
variant='outline-info' className={styles.pollButton}
? async () => {
try {
await pollVote({
optimisticResponse: {
pollVote: v.id
} catch (error) {
if (payOrLoginError(error)) {
showInvoiceModal({ amount: item.pollCost || POLL_COST }, { variables })
throw new Error({ message: error.toString() })
: signIn}
const hasExpiration = !!item.pollExpiresAt
const timeRemaining = timeLeft(new Date(item.pollExpiresAt))
const mine = item.user.id === me?.id
const showPollButton = (!hasExpiration || timeRemaining) && !item.poll.meVoted && !mine
return (
<div className={styles.pollBox}>
{item.poll.options.map(v =>
? <PollButton key={v.id} v={v} />
: <PollResult
key={v.id} v={v}
progress={item.poll.count ? fixedDecimal(v.count * 100 / item.poll.count, 1) : 0}
<div className='text-muted mt-1'>
{numWithUnits(item.poll.count, { unitSingular: 'vote', unitPlural: 'votes' })}
{hasExpiration && ` \\ ${timeRemaining ? `${timeRemaining} left` : 'poll ended'}`}
function PollResult ({ v, progress }) {
return (
<div className={styles.pollResult}>
<span className={styles.pollOption}>{v.option}{v.meVoted && <Check className='fill-grey ms-1 align-self-center flex-shrink-0' width={16} height={16} />}</span>
<span className='ms-auto me-2 align-self-center'>{progress}%</span>
<div className={styles.pollProgress} style={{ width: `${progress}%` }} />