* wallets now consist of an index.js, a client.js and a server.js file * client.js is imported on the client and contains the client portion * server.js is imported on the server and contains the server porition * both reexport index.js so everything in index.js can be shared by client and server * every wallet contains a client.js file since they are all imported on the client to show the cards * client.js of every wallet is reexported as an array in wallets/client.js * server.js of every wallet is reexported as an array in wallets/server.js FIXME: for some reason, worker does not properly import the default export of wallets/server.js
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153 lines
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import { gql } from 'graphql-tag'
import { generateResolverName } from '@/lib/wallet'
import walletDefs from 'wallets/server'
function injectTypeDefs (typeDefs) {
console.group('injected GraphQL type defs:')
const injected = walletDefs.map(
(w) => {
let args = 'id: ID, '
args += w.fields.map(f => {
let arg = `${f.name}: String`
if (!f.optional) {
arg += '!'
return arg
}).join(', ')
args += ', settings: AutowithdrawSettings!'
const resolverName = generateResolverName(w.walletField)
const typeDef = `${resolverName}(${args}): Boolean`
return typeDef
return `${typeDefs}\n\nextend type Mutation {\n${injected.join('\n')}\n}`
const typeDefs = `
extend type Query {
invoice(id: ID!): Invoice!
withdrawl(id: ID!): Withdrawl!
numBolt11s: Int!
connectAddress: String!
walletHistory(cursor: String, inc: String): History
wallets: [Wallet!]!
wallet(id: ID!): Wallet
walletByType(type: String!): Wallet
walletLogs: [WalletLog]!
extend type Mutation {
createInvoice(amount: Int!, expireSecs: Int, hodlInvoice: Boolean): Invoice!
createWithdrawl(invoice: String!, maxFee: Int!): Withdrawl!
sendToLnAddr(addr: String!, amount: Int!, maxFee: Int!, comment: String, identifier: Boolean, name: String, email: String): Withdrawl!
cancelInvoice(hash: String!, hmac: String!): Invoice!
dropBolt11(id: ID): Withdrawl
removeWallet(id: ID!): Boolean
deleteWalletLogs(wallet: String): Boolean
type Wallet {
id: ID!
createdAt: Date!
type: String!
enabled: Boolean!
priority: Int!
wallet: WalletDetails!
type WalletLNAddr {
address: String!
type WalletLND {
socket: String!
macaroon: String!
cert: String
type WalletCLN {
socket: String!
rune: String!
cert: String
union WalletDetails = WalletLNAddr | WalletLND | WalletCLN
input AutowithdrawSettings {
autoWithdrawThreshold: Int!
autoWithdrawMaxFeePercent: Float!
priority: Int
enabled: Boolean
type Invoice {
id: ID!
createdAt: Date!
hash: String!
bolt11: String!
expiresAt: Date!
cancelled: Boolean!
confirmedAt: Date
satsReceived: Int
satsRequested: Int!
nostr: JSONObject
comment: String
lud18Data: JSONObject
hmac: String
isHeld: Boolean
confirmedPreimage: String
actionState: String
actionType: String
actionError: String
item: Item
itemAct: ItemAct
type Withdrawl {
id: ID!
createdAt: Date!
hash: String
bolt11: String
satsPaying: Int!
satsPaid: Int
satsFeePaying: Int!
satsFeePaid: Int
status: String
autoWithdraw: Boolean!
preimage: String
type Fact {
id: ID!
createdAt: Date!
sats: Float!
type: String!
bolt11: String
status: String
description: String
autoWithdraw: Boolean
item: Item
invoiceComment: String
invoicePayerData: JSONObject
subName: String
type History {
facts: [Fact!]!
cursor: String
type WalletLog {
id: ID!
createdAt: Date!
wallet: ID!
level: String!
message: String!
export default gql`${injectTypeDefs(typeDefs)}`