* wallet table now contains boolean column 'enabled' * 'priority' is now a number everywhere * use consistent order between how autowithdrawals are attempted and server wallets cards
177 lines
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177 lines
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import { authenticatedLndGrpc, createInvoice } from 'ln-service'
import { msatsToSats, satsToMsats } from '@/lib/format'
import { datePivot } from '@/lib/time'
import { createWithdrawal, sendToLnAddr, addWalletLog } from '@/api/resolvers/wallet'
import { createInvoice as createInvoiceCLN } from '@/lib/cln'
import { Wallet } from '@/lib/constants'
export async function autoWithdraw ({ data: { id }, models, lnd }) {
const user = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id } })
if (user.autoWithdrawThreshold === null || user.autoWithdrawMaxFeePercent === null) return
const threshold = satsToMsats(user.autoWithdrawThreshold)
const excess = Number(user.msats - threshold)
// excess must be greater than 10% of threshold
if (excess < Number(threshold) * 0.1) return
const maxFee = msatsToSats(Math.ceil(excess * (user.autoWithdrawMaxFeePercent / 100.0)))
const amount = msatsToSats(excess) - maxFee
// must be >= 1 sat
if (amount < 1) return
// check that
// 1. the user doesn't have an autowithdraw pending
// 2. we have not already attempted to autowithdraw this fee recently
const [pendingOrFailed] = await models.$queryRaw`
FROM "Withdrawl"
WHERE "userId" = ${id} AND "autoWithdraw"
AND (status IS NULL
OR (
status <> 'CONFIRMED' AND
now() < created_at + interval '1 hour' AND
"msatsFeePaying" >= ${satsToMsats(maxFee)}
if (pendingOrFailed.exists) return
// get the wallets in order of priority
const wallets = await models.wallet.findMany({
where: { userId: user.id },
orderBy: [
{ priority: 'desc' },
// use id as tie breaker (older wallet first)
{ id: 'asc' }
for (const wallet of wallets) {
try {
if (wallet.type === Wallet.LND.type) {
await autowithdrawLND(
{ amount, maxFee },
{ models, me: user, lnd })
} else if (wallet.type === Wallet.CLN.type) {
await autowithdrawCLN(
{ amount, maxFee },
{ models, me: user, lnd })
} else if (wallet.type === Wallet.LnAddr.type) {
await autowithdrawLNAddr(
{ amount, maxFee },
{ models, me: user, lnd })
} catch (error) {
// LND errors are in this shape: [code, type, { err: { code, details, metadata } }]
const details = error[2]?.err?.details || error.message || error.toString?.()
await addWalletLog({
level: 'ERROR',
message: 'autowithdrawal failed: ' + details
}, { me: user, models })
// none of the wallets worked
async function autowithdrawLNAddr (
{ amount, maxFee },
{ me, models, lnd, headers, autoWithdraw = false }) {
if (!me) {
throw new Error('me not specified')
const wallet = await models.wallet.findFirst({
where: {
userId: me.id,
type: Wallet.LnAddr.type
include: {
walletLightningAddress: true
if (!wallet || !wallet.walletLightningAddress) {
throw new Error('no lightning address wallet found')
const { walletLightningAddress: { address } } = wallet
return await sendToLnAddr(null, { addr: address, amount, maxFee }, { me, models, lnd, walletId: wallet.id })
async function autowithdrawLND ({ amount, maxFee }, { me, models, lnd }) {
if (!me) {
throw new Error('me not specified')
const wallet = await models.wallet.findFirst({
where: {
userId: me.id,
type: Wallet.LND.type
include: {
walletLND: true
if (!wallet || !wallet.walletLND) {
throw new Error('no lnd wallet found')
const { walletLND: { cert, macaroon, socket } } = wallet
const { lnd: lndOut } = await authenticatedLndGrpc({
const invoice = await createInvoice({
description: me.hideInvoiceDesc ? undefined : 'autowithdraw to LND from SN',
lnd: lndOut,
tokens: amount,
expires_at: datePivot(new Date(), { seconds: 360 })
return await createWithdrawal(null, { invoice: invoice.request, maxFee }, { me, models, lnd, walletId: wallet.id })
async function autowithdrawCLN ({ amount, maxFee }, { me, models, lnd }) {
if (!me) {
throw new Error('me not specified')
const wallet = await models.wallet.findFirst({
where: {
userId: me.id,
type: Wallet.CLN.type
include: {
walletCLN: true
if (!wallet || !wallet.walletCLN) {
throw new Error('no cln wallet found')
const { walletCLN: { cert, rune, socket } } = wallet
const inv = await createInvoiceCLN({
description: me.hideInvoiceDesc ? undefined : 'autowithdraw to CLN from SN',
msats: amount + 'sat',
expiry: 360
return await createWithdrawal(null, { invoice: inv.bolt11, maxFee }, { me, models, lnd, walletId: wallet.id })