* Use same naming scheme between ln containers and env vars * Add router_lnd container * Only open channels to router_lnd * Use 1sat base fee and 0ppm fee rate * Add script to test routing * Also fund router_lnd wallet * Receiver fallbacks * Rename to predecessorId * Remove useless wallet table join * Missing renaming to predecessor * Fix payment stuck on sender error We want to await the invoice poll promise so we can check for receiver errors, but in case of sender errors, the promise will never settle. * Don't log failed forwards as sender errors * fix check for receiver error --------- Co-authored-by: Keyan <34140557+huumn@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: k00b <k00b@stacker.news>
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import { gql } from 'graphql-tag'
import { fieldToGqlArg, fieldToGqlArgOptional, generateResolverName, generateTypeDefName } from '@/wallets/graphql'
import { isServerField } from '@/wallets/common'
import walletDefs from '@/wallets/server'
function injectTypeDefs (typeDefs) {
const injected = [rawTypeDefs(), mutationTypeDefs()]
return `${typeDefs}\n\n${injected.join('\n\n')}\n`
function mutationTypeDefs () {
console.group('injected GraphQL mutations:')
const typeDefs = walletDefs.map((w) => {
let args = 'id: ID, '
const serverFields = w.fields
if (serverFields.length > 0) args += serverFields.join(', ') + ','
args += 'enabled: Boolean, priority: Int, vaultEntries: [VaultEntryInput!], settings: AutowithdrawSettings, validateLightning: Boolean'
const resolverName = generateResolverName(w.walletField)
const typeDef = `${resolverName}(${args}): Wallet`
return typeDef
return `extend type Mutation {\n${typeDefs.join('\n')}\n}`
function rawTypeDefs () {
console.group('injected GraphQL type defs:')
const typeDefs = walletDefs.map((w) => {
let args = w.fields
.map(s => ' ' + s)
if (!args) {
// add a placeholder arg so the type is not empty
args = ' _empty: Boolean'
const typeDefName = generateTypeDefName(w.walletType)
const typeDef = `type ${typeDefName} {\n${args}\n}`
return typeDef
let union = 'union WalletDetails = '
union += walletDefs.map((w) => {
const typeDefName = generateTypeDefName(w.walletType)
return typeDefName
}).join(' | ')
return typeDefs.join('\n\n') + union
const typeDefs = `
extend type Query {
invoice(id: ID!): Invoice!
withdrawl(id: ID!): Withdrawl!
direct(id: ID!): Direct!
numBolt11s: Int!
connectAddress: String!
walletHistory(cursor: String, inc: String): History
wallets(includeReceivers: Boolean, includeSenders: Boolean, onlyEnabled: Boolean, prioritySort: String): [Wallet!]!
wallet(id: ID!): Wallet
walletByType(type: String!): Wallet
walletLogs(type: String, from: String, to: String, cursor: String): WalletLog!
extend type Mutation {
createInvoice(amount: Int!): InvoiceOrDirect!
createWithdrawl(invoice: String!, maxFee: Int!): Withdrawl!
sendToLnAddr(addr: String!, amount: Int!, maxFee: Int!, comment: String, identifier: Boolean, name: String, email: String): Withdrawl!
cancelInvoice(hash: String!, hmac: String!): Invoice!
dropBolt11(hash: String!): Boolean
removeWallet(id: ID!): Boolean
deleteWalletLogs(wallet: String): Boolean
setWalletPriority(id: ID!, priority: Int!): Boolean
interface InvoiceOrDirect {
id: ID!
type Wallet {
id: ID!
createdAt: Date!
updatedAt: Date!
type: String!
enabled: Boolean!
priority: Int!
wallet: WalletDetails!
vaultEntries: [VaultEntry!]!
input AutowithdrawSettings {
autoWithdrawThreshold: Int!
autoWithdrawMaxFeePercent: Float!
autoWithdrawMaxFeeTotal: Int!
type Invoice implements InvoiceOrDirect {
id: ID!
createdAt: Date!
hash: String!
bolt11: String!
expiresAt: Date!
cancelled: Boolean!
cancelledAt: Date
confirmedAt: Date
satsReceived: Int
satsRequested: Int!
nostr: JSONObject
comment: String
lud18Data: JSONObject
hmac: String
isHeld: Boolean
confirmedPreimage: String
actionState: String
actionType: String
actionError: String
item: Item
itemAct: ItemAct
forwardedSats: Int
forwardStatus: String
type Withdrawl {
id: ID!
createdAt: Date!
hash: String
bolt11: String
satsPaying: Int!
satsPaid: Int
satsFeePaying: Int!
satsFeePaid: Int
status: String
autoWithdraw: Boolean!
preimage: String
forwardedActionType: String
type Direct implements InvoiceOrDirect {
id: ID!
createdAt: Date!
bolt11: String
hash: String
sats: Int
preimage: String
nostr: JSONObject
comment: String
lud18Data: JSONObject
type Fact {
id: ID!
createdAt: Date!
sats: Float!
type: String!
bolt11: String
status: String
description: String
autoWithdraw: Boolean
item: Item
invoiceComment: String
invoicePayerData: JSONObject
subName: String
type History {
facts: [Fact!]!
cursor: String
type WalletLog {
entries: [WalletLogEntry!]!
cursor: String
type WalletLogEntry {
id: ID!
createdAt: Date!
wallet: ID!
level: String!
message: String!
context: JSONObject
export default gql`${injectTypeDefs(typeDefs)}`