212 lines
6.4 KiB

import { ApolloClient, InMemoryCache } from '@apollo/client'
import { SchemaLink } from '@apollo/client/link/schema'
import { makeExecutableSchema } from '@graphql-tools/schema'
import resolvers from './resolvers'
import typeDefs from './typeDefs'
import models from './models'
import { print } from 'graphql'
import lnd from './lnd'
import search from './search'
import { ME } from '@/fragments/users'
import { PRICE } from '@/fragments/price'
import { BLOCK_HEIGHT } from '@/fragments/blockHeight'
import { CHAIN_FEE } from '@/fragments/chainFee'
import { getServerSession } from 'next-auth/next'
import { getAuthOptions } from '@/pages/api/auth/[...nextauth]'
export default async function getSSRApolloClient ({ req, res, me = null }) {
const session = req && await getServerSession(req, res, getAuthOptions(req))
const client = new ApolloClient({
ssrMode: true,
link: new SchemaLink({
schema: makeExecutableSchema({
context: {
me: session
? session.user
: me,
cache: new InMemoryCache({
freezeResults: true
assumeImmutableResults: true,
defaultOptions: {
watchQuery: {
fetchPolicy: 'no-cache',
nextFetchPolicy: 'no-cache',
ssr: true
query: {
fetchPolicy: 'no-cache',
nextFetchPolicy: 'no-cache',
ssr: true
return client
function oneDayReferral (request, { me }) {
if (!me) return
const refHeader = request.headers['x-stacker-news-referrer']
if (!refHeader) return
const referrers = refHeader.split('; ').filter(Boolean)
for (const referrer of referrers) {
let prismaPromise, getData
if (referrer.startsWith('item-')) {
prismaPromise = models.item.findUnique({ where: { id: parseInt(referrer.slice(5)) } })
getData = item => ({
referrerId: item.userId,
refereeId: parseInt(,
type: item.parentId ? 'COMMENT' : 'POST',
typeId: String(
} else if (referrer.startsWith('profile-')) {
const name = referrer.slice(8)
// exclude all pages that are not user profiles
if (['api', 'auth', 'day', 'invites', 'invoices', 'referrals', 'rewards',
'satistics', 'settings', 'stackers', 'wallet', 'withdrawals', '404', '500',
'email', 'live', 'login', 'notifications', 'offline', 'search', 'share',
'signup', 'territory', 'recent', 'top', 'edit', 'post', 'rss', 'saloon',
'faq', 'story', 'privacy', 'copyright', 'tos', 'changes', 'guide', 'daily',
'anon', 'ad'].includes(name)) continue
prismaPromise = models.user.findUnique({ where: { name } })
getData = user => ({
refereeId: parseInt(,
type: 'PROFILE',
typeId: String(
} else if (referrer.startsWith('territory-')) {
prismaPromise = models.sub.findUnique({ where: { name: referrer.slice(10) } })
getData = sub => ({
referrerId: sub.userId,
refereeId: parseInt(,
type: 'TERRITORY',
} else {
prismaPromise = models.user.findUnique({ where: { name: referrer } })
getData = user => ({
refereeId: parseInt(,
type: 'REFERRAL',
typeId: String(
prismaPromise?.then(ref => {
if (ref && getData) {
const data = getData(ref)
// can't refer yourself
if (data.refereeId === data.referrerId) return
models.oneDayReferral.create({ data }).catch(console.error)
* Takes a query and variables and returns a getServerSideProps function
* @param opts Options
* @param opts.query graphql query or function that return graphql query
* @param opts.variables graphql variables or function that return graphql variables
* @param opts.notFound function that tests data to determine if 404
* @param opts.authRequired boolean that determines if auth is required
export function getGetServerSideProps (
{ query: queryOrFunc, variables: varsOrFunc, notFound, authRequired }) {
return async function ({ req, res, query: params }) {
const { nodata, ...realParams } = params
// we want to use client-side cache
if (nodata) return { props: { } }
const variables = typeof varsOrFunc === 'function' ? varsOrFunc(realParams) : varsOrFunc
const vars = { ...realParams, ...variables }
const query = typeof queryOrFunc === 'function' ? queryOrFunc(vars) : queryOrFunc
const client = await getSSRApolloClient({ req, res })
let { data: { me } } = await client.query({ query: ME })
// required to redirect to /signup on page reload
// if we switched to anon and authentication is required
if (req.cookies['multi_auth.user-id'] === 'anonymous') {
me = null
if (authRequired && !me) {
let callback = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_URL + req.url
// On client-side routing, the callback is a NextJS URL
// so we need to remove the NextJS stuff.
// Example: /_next/data/development/territory.json
callback = callback.replace(/\/_next\/data\/\w+\//, '/').replace(/\.json$/, '')
return {
redirect: {
destination: `/signup?callbackUrl=${encodeURIComponent(callback)}`
const { data: { price } } = await client.query({
query: PRICE, variables: { fiatCurrency: me?.privates?.fiatCurrency }
const { data: { blockHeight } } = await client.query({
query: BLOCK_HEIGHT, variables: {}
const { data: { chainFee } } = await client.query({
query: CHAIN_FEE, variables: {}
let error = null; let data = null; let props = {}
if (query) {
try {
({ error, data } = await client.query({
variables: vars
} catch (e) {
if (error || !data || (notFound && notFound(data, vars, me))) {
res.writeHead(302, {
Location: '/404'
props = {
apollo: {
query: print(query),
variables: vars
oneDayReferral(req, { me })
return {
props: {
ssrData: data