ekzyis 93713b33df
Optimistic updates via pending sats in item context (#1229)
* Use context for pending sats

* Fix sats going negative on zap undo

We already handle undoing pending sats by wrapping the payment+mutation with try/finally.

* Remove unnecessary ItemContextProvider

* Rename to parentCtx

* Fix hierarchy of ItemContextProvider

If a comment was root and it was zapped, the pending sats contributed to the sats shown in <CommentsHeader>.

This was caused by <CommentsHeader> accessing the root item context for all comments, even for the root comment.

So even if the root comment was zapped, the pending sats contributed to the sats for the comment section.

This wasn't the case for posts since their item context was above the context used by <CommentsHeader>.

This was fixed by moving <ItemProviderContext> down into <Comments> and <Item> instead of declaring it at <ItemFull> which wraps the root item and all comments.

* Optimistic update for poll votes

* prevent twice optimistic zap

* enhance client notifications with skeleton and no redudant queries

* enlarge nwc amount limits

* Disable max amount and daily limit in NWC container


Co-authored-by: Keyan <34140557+huumn@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: keyan <keyan.kousha+huumn@gmail.com>
2024-06-12 08:34:24 -05:00

248 lines
8.1 KiB

import Link from 'next/link'
import styles from './item.module.css'
import UpVote from './upvote'
import { createContext, useCallback, useContext, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react'
import { USER_ID, UNKNOWN_LINK_REL } from '@/lib/constants'
import Pin from '@/svgs/pushpin-fill.svg'
import reactStringReplace from 'react-string-replace'
import PollIcon from '@/svgs/bar-chart-horizontal-fill.svg'
import BountyIcon from '@/svgs/bounty-bag.svg'
import ActionTooltip from './action-tooltip'
import ImageIcon from '@/svgs/image-fill.svg'
import { numWithUnits } from '@/lib/format'
import ItemInfo from './item-info'
import Prism from '@/svgs/prism.svg'
import { commentsViewedAt } from '@/lib/new-comments'
import { useRouter } from 'next/router'
import { Badge } from 'react-bootstrap'
import AdIcon from '@/svgs/advertisement-fill.svg'
import { DownZap } from './dont-link-this'
import { timeLeft } from '@/lib/time'
import classNames from 'classnames'
import removeMd from 'remove-markdown'
function onItemClick (e, router, item) {
const viewedAt = commentsViewedAt(item)
if (viewedAt) {
if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) {
} else {
export function SearchTitle ({ title }) {
return reactStringReplace(title, /\*\*\*([^*]+)\*\*\*/g, (match, i) => {
return <mark key={`strong-${match}-${i}`}>{match}</mark>
const ItemContext = createContext({
pendingSats: 0,
setPendingSats: undefined,
pendingVote: undefined,
setPendingVote: undefined
export const ItemContextProvider = ({ children }) => {
const parentCtx = useItemContext()
const [pendingSats, innerSetPendingSats] = useState(0)
const [pendingCommentSats, innerSetPendingCommentSats] = useState(0)
const [pendingVote, setPendingVote] = useState()
// cascade comment sats up to root context
const setPendingSats = useCallback((sats) => {
}, [parentCtx?.setPendingCommentSats])
const setPendingCommentSats = useCallback((sats) => {
}, [parentCtx?.setPendingCommentSats])
const value = useMemo(() =>
[pendingSats, setPendingSats, pendingCommentSats, setPendingCommentSats, pendingVote, setPendingVote])
return <ItemContext.Provider value={value}>{children}</ItemContext.Provider>
export const useItemContext = () => {
return useContext(ItemContext)
export default function Item ({ item, rank, belowTitle, right, full, children, siblingComments, onQuoteReply, pinnable }) {
const titleRef = useRef()
const router = useRouter()
const image = item.url && item.url.startsWith(process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_IMGPROXY_URL)
return (
? (
<div className={styles.rank}>
: <div />}
<div className={`${styles.item} ${siblingComments ? 'pt-3' : ''}`}>
{item.position && (pinnable || !item.subName)
? <Pin width={24} height={24} className={styles.pin} />
: item.meDontLikeSats > item.meSats
? <DownZap width={24} height={24} className={styles.dontLike} item={item} />
: Number(item.user?.id) === USER_ID.ad
? <AdIcon width={24} height={24} className={styles.ad} />
: <UpVote item={item} className={styles.upvote} />}
<div className={styles.hunk}>
<div className={`${styles.main} flex-wrap`}>
onClick={(e) => onItemClick(e, router, item)}
className={`${styles.title} text-reset me-2`}
{item.searchTitle ? <SearchTitle title={item.searchTitle} /> : item.title}
{item.pollCost && <PollIndicator item={item} />}
{item.bounty > 0 &&
<span className={styles.icon}>
<ActionTooltip notForm overlayText={`${numWithUnits(item.bounty)} ${item.bountyPaidTo?.length ? ' paid' : ' bounty'}`}>
<BountyIcon className={`${styles.bountyIcon} ${item.bountyPaidTo?.length ? 'fill-success' : 'fill-grey'}`} height={16} width={16} />
{item.forwards?.length > 0 && <span className={styles.icon}><Prism className='fill-grey ms-1' height={14} width={14} /></span>}
{image && <span className={styles.icon}><ImageIcon className='fill-grey ms-2' height={16} width={16} /></span>}
{item.url && !image &&
// eslint-disable-next-line
className={styles.link} target='_blank' href={item.url}
rel={item.rel ?? UNKNOWN_LINK_REL}
{item.url.replace(/(^https?:|^)\/\//, '')}
full={full} item={item}
extraBadges={Number(item?.user?.id) === USER_ID.ad && <Badge className={styles.newComment} bg={null}>AD</Badge>}
{children && (
<div className={styles.children}>
export function ItemSummary ({ item }) {
const router = useRouter()
const link = (
onClick={(e) => onItemClick(e, router, item)}
className={`${item.title && styles.title} ${styles.summaryText} text-reset me-2`}
{item.title ?? removeMd(item.text)}
const info = (
extraBadges={item.title && Number(item?.user?.id) === USER_ID.ad && <Badge className={styles.newComment} bg={null}>AD</Badge>}
return (
<div className={classNames(styles.item, 'mb-0 pb-0')}>
<div className={styles.hunk}>
? (
: (
export function ItemSkeleton ({ rank, children, showUpvote = true }) {
return (
? (
<div className={styles.rank}>
: <div />}
<div className={`${styles.item} ${styles.skeleton}`}>
{showUpvote && <UpVote className={styles.upvote} />}
<div className={styles.hunk}>
<div className={`${styles.main} flex-wrap flex-md-nowrap`}>
<span className={`${styles.title} clouds text-reset flex-md-fill flex-md-shrink-0 me-2`} />
<span className={`${styles.link} clouds`} />
<div className={styles.other}>
<span className={`${styles.otherItem} clouds`} />
<span className={`${styles.otherItem} clouds`} />
<span className={`${styles.otherItem} ${styles.otherItemLonger} clouds`} />
<span className={`${styles.otherItem} ${styles.otherItemLonger} clouds`} />
{children && (
<div className={styles.children}>
function PollIndicator ({ item }) {
const hasExpiration = !!item.pollExpiresAt
const timeRemaining = timeLeft(new Date(item.pollExpiresAt))
const isActive = !hasExpiration || !!timeRemaining
return (
<span className={styles.icon} title={isActive ? 'active' : 'results in'}>
? 'fill-success'
: 'fill-grey'
} ms-1`} height={14} width={14}