Riccardo Balbo a9a566a79f
Encrypted device sync (#1373)
* user vault

* code cleanup and fixes

* improve ui

* prevent name collisions between users on the same device

* some improvements

* implement storage migration

* comments and cleanup

* make connect button primary instead of warning

* move show passphrase in new line (improvement for small screen devices)

* make show passphrase field readOnly

* fixes

* fix vault key unsync

* implicit migration

* move device sync under  general tab

* fix locally disabled wallets and default wallet selection

* improve text

* remove useless SSR check

* add auth checks

* Rename variables

* Fix missing await

* Refactor local<>vault storage interface

I've changed quite some things here. Attempt of a summary:

* storageKey is now only controlled by useVaultStorageState

I've noticed that dealing with how storage keys are generated (to apply user scope) was handled in two places: the existing wallet code and in the new vault code.

This was confusing and error-prone. I've fixed that by completely relying on the new vault code to generate correct storage keys.

* refactored migration

Migration now simply encrypts any existing local wallets and sends them to the server. On success, the local unencrypted version is deleted.

The previous code seemed to unnecessarily generate new local entries prefixed by 'vault:'.

However, since we either use unencrypted local state OR use the encrypted vault on the server for the data, I didn't see any need for these.

Migration seems to work just as well as before.

* removed unnecessary state

In the <DeviceSync> component, enabled & connected were using a unnecessary combo of useState+useEffect.

They were only using variables that are always available during render so simple assignments were enough.

* other minor changes include:

  * early returns
  * remove unnecessary SSR checks in useEffect or useCallback
  * formatting, comments
  * remove unnecessary me? to expose possible bugs

* Fix missing dependency for useZap

This didn't cause any bugs because useWallet returns everything we need on first render.

This caused a bug with E2EE device sync branch though since there the wallet is loaded async.

This meant that during payment, the wallet config was undefined.

* Assume JSON during encryption and decryption

* Fix stale value from cache served on next fetches

* Add wallet.perDevice field

This adds 'perDevice' as a new wallet field to force local storage. For example, WebLN should not be synced across devices.

* Remove debug buttons

* Rename userVault -> vault

* Update console.log's

* revert some of the migration and key handling changes. restore debug buttons for testing

* Fix existing wallets not loaded

* Pass in localOnly and generate localStorageKey once

* Small refactor of migration

* Fix wallet drag and drop

* Add passphrase copy button

* Fix priorityOnly -> skipTests

* Disable autocompletion for reset confirmation prompt

* Show wrong passphrase as input error

* Move code into components/device-sync.js

* Import/export passphrase via QR code

* Fix modal back button invisible in light mode

* Fix modal closed even on connect error

* Use me-2 for cancel/close button

* Some rephrasing

* Fix wallet detach

* Remove debug buttons

* Fix QR code scan in dark mode

* Don't allow custom passphrases

* More rephrasing

* Only use schema if not enabled

* Fix typo in comment

* Replace 'generate passphrase' button with reload icon

* Add comment about IV reuse in GCM

* Use 600k iterations as recommended by OWASP

* Set extractable to false where not needed

* use-vault fallbacks to local storage only for anonymous users

* fix localStorage reset on logout

* add copy button

* move reset out of modals

* hide server side errors

* hardened passphrase storage

* do not show passphrase even if hardened storage is disabled (ie. indexeddb not supported)

* show qr code button on passphrase creation

* use toast for serverside error

* Move key (de)serialization burden to get/setLocalKey functions

* password textarea and remove qr

* don't print plaintext vault values into console


Co-authored-by: ekzyis <ek@stacker.news>
Co-authored-by: Keyan <34140557+huumn@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: k00b <k00b@stacker.news>
2024-10-01 14:55:01 -05:00

425 lines
14 KiB

import { useCallback } from 'react'
import { useMe } from '@/components/me'
import useVault from '@/components/use-vault'
import { useWalletLogger } from '@/components/wallet-logger'
import { bolt11Tags } from '@/lib/bolt11'
import walletDefs from 'wallets/client'
import { gql, useApolloClient, useMutation, useQuery } from '@apollo/client'
import { REMOVE_WALLET, WALLET_BY_TYPE } from '@/fragments/wallet'
import { autowithdrawInitial } from '@/components/autowithdraw-shared'
import { useShowModal } from '@/components/modal'
import { useToast } from '../components/toast'
import { generateResolverName } from '@/lib/wallet'
import { walletValidate } from '@/lib/validate'
export const Status = {
Initialized: 'Initialized',
Enabled: 'Enabled',
Locked: 'Locked',
Error: 'Error'
export function useWallet (name) {
if (!name) {
const defaultWallet = walletDefs
.filter(def => !!def.sendPayment && !!def.name)
.map(def => {
const w = useWallet(def.name)
return w
.filter((wallet) => {
return wallet?.enabled
return defaultWallet
const { me } = useMe()
const showModal = useShowModal()
const toaster = useToast()
const [disableFreebies] = useMutation(gql`mutation { disableFreebies }`)
const wallet = getWalletByName(name)
const { logger, deleteLogs } = useWalletLogger(wallet)
const [config, saveConfig, clearConfig] = useConfig(wallet)
const hasConfig = wallet?.fields.length > 0
const _isConfigured = isConfigured({ ...wallet, config })
const enablePayments = useCallback((updatedConfig) => {
// config might have been updated in the same render we call this function
// so we allow to pass in the updated config to not overwrite it a stale one
saveConfig({ ...(updatedConfig || config), enabled: true }, { skipTests: true })
logger.ok('payments enabled')
}, [config, logger])
const disablePayments = useCallback((updatedConfig) => {
saveConfig({ ...(updatedConfig || config), enabled: false }, { skipTests: true })
logger.info('payments disabled')
}, [config, logger])
const status = config?.enabled ? Status.Enabled : Status.Initialized
const enabled = status === Status.Enabled
const priority = config?.priority
const sendPayment = useCallback(async (bolt11) => {
const hash = bolt11Tags(bolt11).payment_hash
logger.info('sending payment:', `payment_hash=${hash}`)
try {
const preimage = await wallet.sendPayment(bolt11, config, { me, logger, status, showModal })
logger.ok('payment successful:', `payment_hash=${hash}`, `preimage=${preimage}`)
} catch (err) {
const message = err.message || err.toString?.()
logger.error('payment failed:', `payment_hash=${hash}`, message)
throw err
}, [me, wallet, config, logger, status])
const setPriority = useCallback(async (priority) => {
if (_isConfigured && priority !== config.priority) {
try {
await saveConfig({ ...config, priority }, { logger, skipTests: true })
} catch (err) {
toaster.danger(`failed to change priority of ${wallet.name} wallet: ${err.message}`)
}, [wallet, config, toaster])
const save = useCallback(async (newConfig) => {
await saveConfig(newConfig, { logger })
}, [saveConfig, me, logger])
// delete is a reserved keyword
const delete_ = useCallback(async (options) => {
try {
await clearConfig({ logger, ...options })
} catch (err) {
const message = err.message || err.toString?.()
throw err
}, [clearConfig, logger])
const deleteLogs_ = useCallback(async (options) => {
// first argument is to override the wallet
return await deleteLogs(options)
}, [deleteLogs])
if (!wallet) return null
// Assign everything to wallet object so every function that is passed this wallet object in this
// `useWallet` hook has access to all others via the reference to it.
// Essentially, you can now use functions like `enablePayments` _inside_ of functions that are
// called by `useWallet` even before enablePayments is defined and not only in functions
// that use the return value of `useWallet`.
wallet.isConfigured = _isConfigured
wallet.enablePayments = enablePayments
wallet.disablePayments = disablePayments
wallet.canSend = !!wallet.sendPayment
wallet.canReceive = !!wallet.createInvoice
wallet.config = config
wallet.save = save
wallet.delete = delete_
wallet.deleteLogs = deleteLogs_
wallet.setPriority = setPriority
wallet.hasConfig = hasConfig
wallet.status = status
wallet.enabled = enabled
wallet.priority = priority
wallet.logger = logger
// can't assign sendPayment to wallet object because it already exists
// as an imported function and thus can't be overwritten
return { ...wallet, sendPayment }
function extractConfig (fields, config, client) {
return Object.entries(config).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => {
const field = fields.find(({ name }) => name === key)
// filter server config which isn't specified as wallet fields
if (client && (key.startsWith('autoWithdraw') || key === 'id')) return acc
// field might not exist because config.enabled doesn't map to a wallet field
if (!field || (client ? isClientField(field) : isServerField(field))) {
return {
[key]: value
} else {
return acc
}, {})
export function isServerField (f) {
return f.serverOnly || !f.clientOnly
export function isClientField (f) {
return f.clientOnly || !f.serverOnly
function extractClientConfig (fields, config) {
return extractConfig(fields, config, true)
function extractServerConfig (fields, config) {
return extractConfig(fields, config, false)
function useConfig (wallet) {
const { me } = useMe()
const storageKey = `wallet:${wallet.name}`
const [clientConfig, setClientConfig, clearClientConfig] = useVault(storageKey, {}, { localOnly: wallet.perDevice })
const [serverConfig, setServerConfig, clearServerConfig] = useServerConfig(wallet)
const hasClientConfig = !!wallet?.sendPayment
const hasServerConfig = !!wallet?.walletType
let config = {}
if (hasClientConfig) config = clientConfig
if (hasServerConfig) {
const { enabled, priority } = config || {}
config = {
// wallet is enabled if enabled is set in client or server config
config.enabled ||= enabled
// priority might only be set on client or server
// ie. if send+recv is available but only one is configured
config.priority ||= priority
const saveConfig = useCallback(async (newConfig, { logger, skipTests } = {}) => {
// NOTE:
// verifying the client/server configuration before saving it
// prevents unsetting just one configuration if both are set.
// This means there is no way of unsetting just one configuration
// since 'detach' detaches both.
// Not optimal UX but the trade-off is saving invalid configurations
// and maybe it's not that big of an issue.
if (hasClientConfig) {
let newClientConfig = extractClientConfig(wallet.fields, newConfig)
let valid = true
try {
const transformedConfig = await walletValidate(wallet, newClientConfig)
if (transformedConfig) {
newClientConfig = Object.assign(newClientConfig, transformedConfig)
} catch {
valid = false
if (valid) {
if (skipTests) {
} else {
try {
// XXX: testSendPayment can return a new config (e.g. lnc)
const newerConfig = await wallet.testSendPayment?.(newConfig, { me, logger })
if (newerConfig) {
newClientConfig = Object.assign(newClientConfig, newerConfig)
} catch (err) {
throw err
logger.ok(wallet.isConfigured ? 'payment details updated' : 'wallet attached for payments')
// we only call enable / disable for the side effects
if (newConfig.enabled) wallet.enablePayments(newClientConfig)
else wallet.disablePayments(newClientConfig)
if (hasServerConfig) {
let newServerConfig = extractServerConfig(wallet.fields, newConfig)
let valid = true
try {
const transformedConfig = await walletValidate(wallet, newServerConfig)
if (transformedConfig) {
newServerConfig = Object.assign(newServerConfig, transformedConfig)
} catch {
valid = false
if (valid) await setServerConfig(newServerConfig, { priorityOnly: skipTests })
}, [hasClientConfig, hasServerConfig, setClientConfig, setServerConfig, wallet])
const clearConfig = useCallback(async ({ logger, clientOnly, ...options }) => {
if (hasClientConfig) {
logger.ok('wallet detached for payments')
if (hasServerConfig && !clientOnly) await clearServerConfig(options)
}, [hasClientConfig, hasServerConfig, clearClientConfig, clearServerConfig, wallet])
return [config, saveConfig, clearConfig]
function isConfigured ({ fields, config }) {
if (!config || !fields) return false
// a wallet is configured if all of its required fields are set
let val = fields.every(f => {
return f.optional ? true : !!config?.[f.name]
// however, a wallet is not configured if all fields are optional and none are set
// since that usually means that one of them is required
if (val && fields.length > 0) {
val = !(fields.every(f => f.optional) && fields.every(f => !config?.[f.name]))
return val
function useServerConfig (wallet) {
const client = useApolloClient()
const { me } = useMe()
const { data, refetch: refetchConfig } = useQuery(WALLET_BY_TYPE, { variables: { type: wallet?.walletType }, skip: !wallet?.walletType })
const walletId = data?.walletByType?.id
const serverConfig = {
id: walletId,
priority: data?.walletByType?.priority,
enabled: data?.walletByType?.enabled,
delete serverConfig.__typename
const autowithdrawSettings = autowithdrawInitial({ me })
const config = { ...serverConfig, ...autowithdrawSettings }
const saveConfig = useCallback(async ({
}, { priorityOnly }) => {
try {
const mutation = generateMutation(wallet)
return await client.mutate({
variables: {
id: walletId,
settings: {
autoWithdrawThreshold: Number(autoWithdrawThreshold),
autoWithdrawMaxFeePercent: Number(autoWithdrawMaxFeePercent),
} finally {
client.refetchQueries({ include: ['WalletLogs'] })
}, [client, walletId])
const clearConfig = useCallback(async () => {
// only remove wallet if there is a wallet to remove
if (!walletId) return
try {
await client.mutate({
mutation: REMOVE_WALLET,
variables: { id: walletId }
} finally {
client.refetchQueries({ include: ['WalletLogs'] })
}, [client, walletId])
return [config, saveConfig, clearConfig]
function generateMutation (wallet) {
const resolverName = generateResolverName(wallet.walletField)
let headerArgs = '$id: ID, '
headerArgs += wallet.fields
.map(f => {
let arg = `$${f.name}: String`
if (!f.optional) {
arg += '!'
return arg
}).join(', ')
headerArgs += ', $settings: AutowithdrawSettings!, $priorityOnly: Boolean'
let inputArgs = 'id: $id, '
inputArgs += wallet.fields
.map(f => `${f.name}: $${f.name}`).join(', ')
inputArgs += ', settings: $settings, priorityOnly: $priorityOnly'
return gql`mutation ${resolverName}(${headerArgs}) {
export function getWalletByName (name) {
return walletDefs.find(def => def.name === name)
export function getWalletByType (type) {
return walletDefs.find(def => def.walletType === type)
export function walletPrioritySort (w1, w2) {
const delta = w1.priority - w2.priority
// delta is NaN if either priority is undefined
if (!Number.isNaN(delta) && delta !== 0) return delta
// if one wallet has a priority but the other one doesn't, the one with the priority comes first
if (w1.priority !== undefined && w2.priority === undefined) return -1
if (w1.priority === undefined && w2.priority !== undefined) return 1
// both wallets have no priority set, falling back to other methods
// if both wallets have an id, use that as tie breaker
// since that's the order in which autowithdrawals are attempted
if (w1.config?.id && w2.config?.id) return Number(w1.config.id) - Number(w2.config.id)
// else we will use the card title as tie breaker
return w1.card.title < w2.card.title ? -1 : 1
export function useWallets () {
const wallets = walletDefs.map(def => useWallet(def.name))
const resetClient = useCallback(async (wallet) => {
for (const w of wallets) {
if (w.canSend) {
await w.delete({ clientOnly: true, onlyFromLocalStorage: true })
await w.deleteLogs({ clientOnly: true })
}, [wallets])
return { wallets, resetClient }