156 lines
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156 lines
4.9 KiB
import { useRouter } from 'next/router'
import React, { createContext, useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react'
import Button from 'react-bootstrap/Button'
import Toast from 'react-bootstrap/Toast'
import ToastBody from 'react-bootstrap/ToastBody'
import ToastContainer from 'react-bootstrap/ToastContainer'
import styles from './toast.module.css'
const ToastContext = createContext(() => {})
export const ToastProvider = ({ children }) => {
const router = useRouter()
const [toasts, setToasts] = useState([])
const toastId = useRef(0)
const dispatchToast = useCallback((toastConfig) => {
toastConfig = {
id: toastId.current++
setToasts(toasts => [...toasts, toastConfig])
return () => removeToast(toastConfig)
}, [])
const removeToast = useCallback(({ id, onCancel, tag }) => {
setToasts(toasts => toasts.filter(toast => {
if (toast.id === id) {
// remove the toast with the passed id with no exceptions
return false
const sameTag = tag && tag === toast.tag
if (!sameTag) {
// don't touch toasts with different tags
return true
const toRemoveHasCancel = !!toast.onCancel
if (toRemoveHasCancel) {
// don't remove this toast so the user can decide to cancel this toast now
return true
// remove toasts with same tag if they are not cancelable
return false
}, [])
const toaster = useMemo(() => ({
success: (body, options) => {
const toast = {
variant: 'success',
autohide: true,
delay: 5000,
tag: options?.tag || body,
return dispatchToast(toast)
warning: (body, options) => {
const toast = {
variant: 'warning',
autohide: true,
delay: 5000,
tag: options?.tag || body,
return dispatchToast(toast)
danger: (body, options) => {
const toast = {
variant: 'danger',
autohide: false,
tag: options?.tag || body,
return dispatchToast(toast)
}), [dispatchToast, removeToast])
// Only clear toasts with no cancel function on page navigation
// since navigation should not interfere with being able to cancel an action.
useEffect(() => {
const handleRouteChangeStart = () => setToasts(toasts => toasts.filter(({ onCancel }) => onCancel), [])
router.events.on('routeChangeStart', handleRouteChangeStart)
return () => {
router.events.off('routeChangeStart', handleRouteChangeStart)
}, [router])
// this function merges toasts with the same tag into one toast.
// for example: 3x 'zap pending' -> '(3) zap pending'
const tagReducer = (toasts, toast) => {
const { tag } = toast
// has tag?
if (!tag) return [...toasts, toast]
// existing tag?
const idx = toasts.findIndex(toast => toast.tag === tag)
if (idx === -1) return [...toasts, toast]
// merge toasts with same tag
const prevToast = toasts[idx]
let { rawBody, body, amount } = prevToast
rawBody ??= body
amount = amount ? amount + 1 : 2
body = `(${amount}) ${rawBody}`
return [
...toasts.slice(0, idx),
{ ...toast, rawBody, amount, body },
...toasts.slice(idx + 1)
// only show toast with highest ID of each tag
const visibleToasts = toasts.reduce(tagReducer, [])
return (
<ToastContext.Provider value={toaster}>
<ToastContainer className={`pb-3 pe-3 ${styles.toastContainer}`} position='bottom-end' containerPosition='fixed'>
{visibleToasts.map(toast => {
const textStyle = toast.variant === 'warning' ? 'text-dark' : ''
return (
key={toast.id} bg={toast.variant} show autohide={toast.autohide}
delay={toast.delay} className={`${styles.toast} ${styles[toast.variant]} ${textStyle}`} onClose={() => removeToast(toast)}
<div className='d-flex align-items-center'>
<div className='flex-grow-1'>{toast.body}</div>
className='p-0 ps-2'
onClick={() => {
>{toast.onCancel ? <div className={`${styles.toastCancel} ${textStyle}`}>cancel</div> : <div className={`${styles.toastClose} ${textStyle}`}>X</div>}
export const useToast = () => useContext(ToastContext)