* Support receiving with LNbits * Remove hardcoded LNbits url on server * Fix saveConfig ignoring save errors * saveConfig was meant to only ignore validation errors, not save errors * on server save errors, we redirected as if save was successful * this is now fixed with a promise chain * logging payments vs receivals was also moved to correct place * Fix enabled falsely disabled on SSR If a wallet was configured for payments but not for receivals and you refreshed the configuration form, enabled was disabled even though payments were enabled. This was the case since we don't know during SSR if it's enabled since this information is stored on the client. * Fix missing 'receivals disabled' log message * Move 'wallet detached for payments' log message * Fix stale walletId during detach If page was reloaded, walletId in clearConfig was stale since callback dependency was missing. * Add missing callback dependencies for saveConfig * Verify that invoiceKey != adminKey * Verify LNbits keys are hex-encoded * Fix local config polluted with server data * Fix creation of duplicate wallets * Remove unused dependency * Fix missing error message in logs * Fix setPriority * Rename: localConfig -> clientConfig * Add description to LNbits autowithdrawals * Rename: receivals -> receives * Use try/catch instead of promise chain in saveConfig * add connect label to lnbits for no url found for lnbits * Fix adminKey not saved * Remove hardcoded LNbits url on server again * Add LNbits * Delete old docs to attach LNbits with polar * Add missing callback dependencies * Set editable: false * Only set readOnly if field is configured --------- Co-authored-by: keyan <> Co-authored-by: Keyan <>
272 lines
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272 lines
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import LogMessage from './log-message'
import { createContext, useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react'
import styles from '@/styles/log.module.css'
import { Button } from 'react-bootstrap'
import { useToast } from './toast'
import { useShowModal } from './modal'
import { WALLET_LOGS } from '@/fragments/wallet'
import { getWalletByType } from 'wallets'
import { gql, useMutation, useQuery } from '@apollo/client'
import { useMe } from './me'
export function WalletLogs ({ wallet, embedded }) {
const logs = useWalletLogs(wallet)
const tableRef = useRef()
const showModal = useShowModal()
return (
<div className='d-flex w-100 align-items-center mb-3'>
style={{ cursor: 'pointer' }}
className='text-muted fw-bold nav-link ms-auto' onClick={() => {
showModal(onClose => <DeleteWalletLogsObstacle wallet={wallet} onClose={onClose} />)
>clear logs
<div ref={tableRef} className={`${styles.logTable} ${embedded ? styles.embedded : ''}`}>
{logs.length === 0 && <div className='w-100 text-center'>empty</div>}
{, i) => <LogMessage key={i} {...log} />)}
<div className='w-100 text-center'>------ start of logs ------</div>
function DeleteWalletLogsObstacle ({ wallet, onClose }) {
const toaster = useToast()
const { deleteLogs } = useWalletLogger(wallet)
const prompt = `Do you really want to delete all ${wallet ? '' : 'wallet'} logs ${wallet ? 'of this wallet' : ''}?`
return (
<div className='text-center'>
<div className='d-flex justify-center align-items-center mt-3 mx-auto'>
<span style={{ cursor: 'pointer' }} className='d-flex ms-auto text-muted fw-bold nav-link mx-3' onClick={onClose}>cancel</span>
className='d-flex me-auto mx-3' variant='danger'
async () => {
try {
await deleteLogs()
toaster.success('deleted wallet logs')
} catch (err) {
toaster.danger('failed to delete wallet logs')
const WalletLoggerContext = createContext()
const WalletLogsContext = createContext()
const initIndexedDB = async (dbName, storeName) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!window.indexedDB) {
return reject(new Error('IndexedDB not supported'))
const request =, 1)
let db
request.onupgradeneeded = () => {
// this only runs if version was changed during open
db = request.result
if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains(storeName)) {
const objectStore = db.createObjectStore(storeName, { autoIncrement: true })
objectStore.createIndex('ts', 'ts')
objectStore.createIndex('wallet_ts', ['wallet', 'ts'])
request.onsuccess = () => {
// this gets called after onupgradeneeded finished
db = request.result
request.onerror = () => {
reject(new Error('failed to open IndexedDB'))
export const WalletLoggerProvider = ({ children }) => {
const me = useMe()
const [logs, setLogs] = useState([])
let dbName = 'app:storage'
if (me) {
dbName = `${dbName}:${}`
const idbStoreName = 'wallet_logs'
const idb = useRef()
const logQueue = useRef([])
useQuery(WALLET_LOGS, {
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
// required to trigger onCompleted on refetches
notifyOnNetworkStatusChange: true,
onCompleted: ({ walletLogs }) => {
setLogs((prevLogs) => {
const existingIds ={ id }) => id)
const logs = walletLogs
.filter(({ id }) => !existingIds.includes(id))
.map(({ createdAt, wallet: walletType, ...log }) => {
return {
ts: +new Date(createdAt),
wallet: tag(getWalletByType(walletType)),
return [...prevLogs, ...logs].sort((a, b) => b.ts - a.ts)
const [deleteServerWalletLogs] = useMutation(
mutation deleteWalletLogs($wallet: String) {
deleteWalletLogs(wallet: $wallet)
onCompleted: (_, { variables: { wallet: walletType } }) => {
setLogs((logs) => {
return logs.filter(l => walletType ? l.wallet !== getWalletByType(walletType).name : false)
const saveLog = useCallback((log) => {
if (!idb.current) {
// IDB may not be ready yet
return logQueue.current.push(log)
const tx = idb.current.transaction(idbStoreName, 'readwrite')
const request = tx.objectStore(idbStoreName).add(log)
request.onerror = () => console.error('failed to save log:', log)
}, [])
useEffect(() => {
initIndexedDB(dbName, idbStoreName)
.then(db => {
idb.current = db
// load all logs from IDB
const tx = idb.current.transaction(idbStoreName, 'readonly')
const store = tx.objectStore(idbStoreName)
const index = store.index('ts')
const request = index.getAll()
request.onsuccess = () => {
let logs = request.result
setLogs((prevLogs) => {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
// in dev mode, useEffect runs twice, so we filter out duplicates here
const existingIds ={ id }) => id)
logs = logs.filter(({ id }) => !existingIds.includes(id))
// sort oldest first to keep same order as logs are appended
return [...prevLogs, ...logs].sort((a, b) => b.ts - a.ts)
// flush queued logs to IDB
logQueue.current.forEach(q => {
const isLog = !!q.wallet
if (isLog) saveLog(q)
logQueue.current = []
return () => idb.current?.close()
}, [])
const appendLog = useCallback((wallet, level, message) => {
const log = { wallet: tag(wallet), level, message, ts: +new Date() }
setLogs((prevLogs) => [log, ...prevLogs])
}, [saveLog])
const deleteLogs = useCallback(async (wallet) => {
if (!wallet || wallet.walletType) {
await deleteServerWalletLogs({ variables: { wallet: wallet?.walletType } })
if (!wallet || wallet.sendPayment) {
const tx = idb.current.transaction(idbStoreName, 'readwrite')
const objectStore = tx.objectStore(idbStoreName)
const idx = objectStore.index('wallet_ts')
const request = wallet ? idx.openCursor(window.IDBKeyRange.bound([tag(wallet), -Infinity], [tag(wallet), Infinity])) : idx.openCursor()
request.onsuccess = function (event) {
const cursor =
if (cursor) {
} else {
// finished
setLogs((logs) => logs.filter(l => wallet ? l.wallet !== tag(wallet) : false))
}, [me, setLogs])
return (
<WalletLogsContext.Provider value={logs}>
<WalletLoggerContext.Provider value={{ appendLog, deleteLogs }}>
export function useWalletLogger (wallet) {
const { appendLog, deleteLogs: innerDeleteLogs } = useContext(WalletLoggerContext)
const log = useCallback(level => message => {
if (!wallet) {
console.error('cannot log: no wallet set')
// TODO:
// also send this to us if diagnostics was enabled,
// very similar to how the service worker logger works.
appendLog(wallet, level, message)
console[level !== 'error' ? 'info' : 'error'](`[${tag(wallet)}]`, message)
}, [appendLog, wallet])
const logger = useMemo(() => ({
ok: (...message) => log('ok')(message.join(' ')),
info: (...message) => log('info')(message.join(' ')),
error: (...message) => log('error')(message.join(' '))
}), [log, wallet?.name])
const deleteLogs = useCallback((w) => innerDeleteLogs(w || wallet), [innerDeleteLogs, wallet])
return { logger, deleteLogs }
function tag (wallet) {
return wallet?.shortName || wallet?.name
export function useWalletLogs (wallet) {
const logs = useContext(WalletLogsContext)
return logs.filter(l => !wallet || l.wallet === tag(wallet))