* add poll expires at column to Item table * update upsertPoll mutation for pollExpiresAt param * use pollExpiresAt to show time left for poll * correctly pluralize days for timeLeft * correctly update pollExpiresAt when item is updated to remove poll expiration * add DateTimePicker and DateTimeInput components to select datetimes * update pollExpiresAt to be nullable and more than 1 day in the future * hide time left text if poll has no expiration * initialize pollExpiresAt with current value or default of 25 hours in the future we add a one hour time buffer so that the user doesn't get a validation error for pollExpiresAt if they post their poll within an hour from creation. there's still a chance they'll hit the validation error but they should see the error message toast * add DateTimeInput into the options part of the poll form add right padding to make room for the "clear" button. allow field to be cleared (i.e. null pollExpiresAt) to allow non-ending polls. --------- Co-authored-by: Keyan <34140557+huumn@users.noreply.github.com>
610 lines
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610 lines
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import { string, ValidationError, number, object, array, addMethod, boolean, date } from 'yup'
import {
} from './constants'
import { SUPPORTED_CURRENCIES } from './currency'
import { msatsToSats, numWithUnits, abbrNum, ensureB64 } from './format'
import * as usersFragments from '../fragments/users'
import * as subsFragments from '../fragments/subs'
import { isInvoicableMacaroon, isInvoiceMacaroon } from './macaroon'
import { parseNwcUrl } from './url'
import { datePivot } from './time'
const { SUB } = subsFragments
const { NAME_QUERY } = usersFragments
export async function ssValidate (schema, data, args) {
try {
if (typeof schema === 'function') {
await schema(args).validate(data)
} else {
await schema.validate(data)
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof ValidationError) {
throw new Error(`${e.path}: ${e.message}`)
throw e
addMethod(string, 'or', function (schemas, msg) {
return this.test({
name: 'or',
message: msg,
test: value => {
if (Array.isArray(schemas) && schemas.length > 1) {
const resee = schemas.map(schema => schema.isValidSync(value))
return resee.some(res => res)
} else {
throw new TypeError('Schemas is not correct array schema')
exclusive: false
addMethod(string, 'url', function (schemas, msg = 'invalid url') {
return this.test({
name: 'url',
message: msg,
test: value => {
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-new
new URL(value)
return true
} catch (e) {
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-new
new URL(`http://${value}`)
return true
} catch (e) {
return false
exclusive: false
addMethod(string, 'ws', function (schemas, msg = 'invalid websocket') {
return this.test({
name: 'ws',
message: msg,
test: value => {
if (typeof value === 'undefined') return true
try {
const url = new URL(value)
return url.protocol === 'ws:' || url.protocol === 'wss:'
} catch (e) {
return false
exclusive: false
addMethod(string, 'socket', function (schemas, msg = 'invalid socket') {
return this.test({
name: 'socket',
message: msg,
test: value => {
try {
const url = new URL(`http://${value}`)
return url.hostname && url.port && !url.username && !url.password &&
(!url.pathname || url.pathname === '/') && !url.search && !url.hash
} catch (e) {
return false
exclusive: false
addMethod(string, 'https', function () {
return this.test({
name: 'https',
message: 'https required',
test: (url) => {
try {
return new URL(url).protocol === 'https:'
} catch {
return false
addMethod(string, 'wss', function (msg) {
return this.test({
name: 'wss',
message: msg || 'wss required',
test: (url) => {
try {
return new URL(url).protocol === 'wss:'
} catch {
return false
const titleValidator = string().required('required').trim().max(
({ max, value }) => `-${Math.abs(max - value.length)} characters remaining`
).min(MIN_TITLE_LENGTH, `must be at least ${MIN_TITLE_LENGTH} characters`)
const textValidator = (max) => string().trim().max(
({ max, value }) => `-${Math.abs(max - value.length)} characters remaining`
const nameValidator = string()
.matches(/^[\w_]+$/, 'only letters, numbers, and _')
.max(32, 'too long')
const intValidator = number().typeError('must be a number').integer('must be whole')
const floatValidator = number().typeError('must be a number')
const lightningAddressValidator = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'
? string().or(
[string().matches(/^[\w_]+@localhost:\d+$/), string().email()],
'address is no good')
: string().email('address is no good')
const hexOrBase64Validator = string().test({
name: 'hex-or-base64',
message: 'invalid encoding',
test: (val) => {
try {
return true
} catch {
return false
async function usernameExists (name, { client, models }) {
if (!client && !models) {
throw new Error('cannot check for user')
// apollo client
if (client) {
const { data } = await client.query({ query: NAME_QUERY, variables: { name } })
return !data.nameAvailable
// prisma client
const user = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { name } })
return !!user
async function subExists (name, { client, models, me }) {
if (!client && !models) {
throw new Error('cannot check for territory')
let sub
// apollo client
if (client) {
const { data } = await client.query({ query: SUB, variables: { sub: name } })
sub = data?.sub
} else {
sub = await models.sub.findUnique({ where: { name } })
return !!sub && sub.userId !== Number(me?.id)
async function subActive (name, { client, models, me }) {
if (!client && !models) {
throw new Error('cannot check if territory is active')
let sub
// apollo client
if (client) {
const { data } = await client.query({ query: SUB, variables: { sub: name } })
sub = data?.sub
} else {
sub = await models.sub.findUnique({ where: { name } })
return sub && sub.status !== 'STOPPED'
async function subHasPostType (name, type, { client, models }) {
if (!client && !models) {
throw new Error('cannot check for territory')
// apollo client
if (client) {
const { data } = await client.query({ query: SUB, variables: { name } })
return !!(data?.sub?.postTypes?.includes(type))
// prisma client
const sub = await models.sub.findUnique({ where: { name } })
return !!(sub?.postTypes?.includes(type))
export function advPostSchemaMembers ({ me, existingBoost = 0, ...args }) {
const boostMin = existingBoost || BOOST_MIN
return {
boost: intValidator
.min(boostMin, `must be ${existingBoost ? '' : 'blank or '}at least ${boostMin}`).test({
name: 'boost',
test: async boost => (!existingBoost && !boost) || boost % BOOST_MULT === 0,
message: `must be divisble be ${BOOST_MULT}`
forward: array()
.max(MAX_FORWARDS, `you can only configure ${MAX_FORWARDS} forward recipients`)
nym: string().required('must specify a stacker')
name: 'nym',
test: async name => {
if (!name || !name.length) return false
return await usernameExists(name, args)
message: 'stacker does not exist'
name: 'self',
test: async name => {
return me?.name !== name
message: 'cannot forward to yourself'
pct: intValidator.required('must specify a percentage').min(1, 'percentage must be at least 1').max(100, 'percentage must not exceed 100')
.compact((v) => !v.nym && !v.pct)
name: 'sum',
test: forwards => forwards ? forwards.map(fwd => Number(fwd.pct)).reduce((sum, cur) => sum + cur, 0) <= 100 : true,
message: 'the total forward percentage exceeds 100%'
name: 'uniqueStackers',
test: forwards => forwards ? new Set(forwards.map(fwd => fwd.nym)).size === forwards.length : true,
message: 'duplicate stackers cannot be specified to receive forwarded sats'
export function subSelectSchemaMembers (args) {
// for subSelectSchemaMembers we want to filter out me
// because we want to allow the user to select their own territory
const { me, ...filteredArgs } = args
return {
sub: string().required('required').test({
name: 'sub',
test: async sub => {
if (!sub || !sub.length) return false
return await subExists(sub, filteredArgs)
message: 'pick valid territory'
name: 'sub',
test: async sub => {
if (!sub || !sub.length) return false
return await subActive(sub, filteredArgs)
message: 'territory is not active'
// for testing advPostSchemaMembers in isolation
export function advSchema (args) {
return object({
export function lnAddrAutowithdrawSchema ({ me } = {}) {
return object({
address: lightningAddressValidator.required('required').test({
name: 'address',
test: addr => !addr.endsWith('@stacker.news'),
message: 'automated withdrawals must be external'
...autowithdrawSchemaMembers({ me })
export function LNDAutowithdrawSchema ({ me } = {}) {
return object({
socket: string().socket().required('required'),
macaroon: hexOrBase64Validator.required('required').test({
name: 'macaroon',
test: v => isInvoiceMacaroon(v) || isInvoicableMacaroon(v),
message: 'not an invoice macaroon or an invoicable macaroon'
cert: hexOrBase64Validator,
...autowithdrawSchemaMembers({ me })
export function autowithdrawSchemaMembers ({ me } = {}) {
return {
priority: boolean(),
autoWithdrawThreshold: intValidator.required('required').min(0, 'must be at least 0').max(msatsToSats(BALANCE_LIMIT_MSATS), `must be at most ${abbrNum(msatsToSats(BALANCE_LIMIT_MSATS))}`),
autoWithdrawMaxFeePercent: floatValidator.required('required').min(0, 'must be at least 0').max(50, 'must not exceed 50')
export function bountySchema (args) {
return object({
title: titleValidator,
text: textValidator(MAX_POST_TEXT_LENGTH),
bounty: intValidator
.min(BOUNTY_MIN, `must be at least ${numWithUnits(BOUNTY_MIN)}`)
.max(BOUNTY_MAX, `must be at most ${numWithUnits(BOUNTY_MAX)}`),
name: 'post-type-supported',
test: ({ sub }) => subHasPostType(sub, 'BOUNTY', args),
message: 'territory does not support bounties'
export function discussionSchema (args) {
return object({
title: titleValidator,
text: textValidator(MAX_POST_TEXT_LENGTH),
name: 'post-type-supported',
test: ({ sub }) => subHasPostType(sub, 'DISCUSSION', args),
message: 'territory does not support discussions'
export function linkSchema (args) {
return object({
title: titleValidator,
text: textValidator(MAX_POST_TEXT_LENGTH),
url: string().url().required('required'),
name: 'post-type-supported',
test: ({ sub }) => subHasPostType(sub, 'LINK', args),
message: 'territory does not support links'
export function pollSchema ({ numExistingChoices = 0, ...args }) {
return object({
title: titleValidator,
text: textValidator(MAX_POST_TEXT_LENGTH),
options: array().of(
string().trim().test('my-test', 'required', function (value) {
return (this.path !== 'options[0]' && this.path !== 'options[1]') || value
({ max, value }) => `-${Math.abs(max - value.length)} characters remaining`
message: `at most ${MAX_POLL_NUM_CHOICES} choices`,
test: arr => arr.length <= MAX_POLL_NUM_CHOICES - numExistingChoices
message: `at least ${MIN_POLL_NUM_CHOICES} choices required`,
test: arr => arr.length >= MIN_POLL_NUM_CHOICES - numExistingChoices
pollExpiresAt: date().nullable().min(datePivot(new Date(), { days: 1 }), 'Expiration must be at least 1 day in the future'),
name: 'post-type-supported',
test: ({ sub }) => subHasPostType(sub, 'POLL', args),
message: 'territory does not support polls'
export function territorySchema (args) {
return object({
name: nameValidator
name: 'name',
test: async name => {
if (!name || !name.length) return false
return !(await subExists(name, args))
message: 'taken'
desc: string().required('required').trim().max(
({ max, value }) => `-${Math.abs(max - value.length)} characters remaining`
baseCost: intValidator
.min(1, 'must be at least 1')
.max(100000, 'must be at most 100k'),
postTypes: array().of(string().oneOf(POST_TYPES)).min(1, 'must support at least one post type'),
billingType: string().required('required').oneOf(TERRITORY_BILLING_TYPES, 'required'),
nsfw: boolean()
export function userSchema (args) {
return object({
name: nameValidator
name: 'name',
test: async name => {
if (!name || !name.length) return false
return !(await usernameExists(name, args))
message: 'taken'
export const commentSchema = object({
text: textValidator(MAX_COMMENT_TEXT_LENGTH).required('required')
export const jobSchema = object({
title: titleValidator,
company: string().required('required').trim(),
text: textValidator(MAX_POST_TEXT_LENGTH).required('required'),
url: string()
.or([string().email(), string().url()], 'invalid url or email')
maxBid: intValidator.min(0, 'must be at least 0').required('required'),
location: string().test(
"don't write remote, just check the box",
v => !v?.match(/\bremote\b/gi))
.when('remote', {
is: (value) => !value,
then: schema => schema.required('required').trim()
export const emailSchema = object({
email: string().email('email is no good').required('required')
export const urlSchema = object({
url: string().url().required('required')
export const namedUrlSchema = object({
text: string().required('required').trim(),
url: string().url().required('required')
export const amountSchema = object({
amount: intValidator.required('required').positive('must be positive')
export const actSchema = object({
sats: intValidator.required('required').positive('must be positive'),
act: string().required('required').oneOf(['TIP', 'DONT_LIKE_THIS'])
export const settingsSchema = object({
tipDefault: intValidator.required('required').positive('must be positive'),
fiatCurrency: string().required('required').oneOf(SUPPORTED_CURRENCIES),
withdrawMaxFeeDefault: intValidator.required('required').positive('must be positive'),
nostrPubkey: string().nullable()
string().nullable().matches(NOSTR_PUBKEY_HEX, 'must be 64 hex chars'),
string().nullable().matches(NOSTR_PUBKEY_BECH32, 'invalid bech32 encoding')], 'invalid pubkey'),
nostrRelays: array().of(
({ max, value }) => `${Math.abs(max - value.length)} too many`),
hideBookmarks: boolean(),
hideGithub: boolean(),
hideNostr: boolean(),
hideTwitter: boolean(),
hideWalletBalance: boolean(),
diagnostics: boolean(),
hideIsContributor: boolean()
const warningMessage = 'If I logout, even accidentally, I will never be able to access my account again'
export const lastAuthRemovalSchema = object({
warning: string().matches(warningMessage, 'does not match').required('required')
export const withdrawlSchema = object({
invoice: string().required('required').trim(),
maxFee: intValidator.required('required').min(0, 'must be at least 0')
export const lnAddrSchema = ({ payerData, min, max, commentAllowed } = {}) =>
addr: lightningAddressValidator.required('required'),
amount: (() => {
const schema = intValidator.required('required').positive('must be positive').min(
min || 1, `must be at least ${min || 1}`)
return max ? schema.max(max, `must be at most ${max}`) : schema
maxFee: intValidator.required('required').min(0, 'must be at least 0'),
comment: commentAllowed
? string().max(commentAllowed, `must be less than ${commentAllowed}`)
: string()
}).concat(object().shape(Object.keys(payerData || {}).reduce((accum, key) => {
const entry = payerData[key]
if (key === 'email') {
accum[key] = string().email()
} else if (key === 'identifier') {
accum[key] = boolean()
} else {
accum[key] = string()
if (entry?.mandatory) {
accum[key] = accum[key].required()
return accum
}, {})))
export const lnbitsSchema = object({
url: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'
? string()
.or([string().matches(/^(http:\/\/)?localhost:\d+$/), string().url()], 'invalid url')
: string().url().required('required').trim().https(),
adminKey: string().length(32)
export const nwcSchema = object({
nwcUrl: string()
.test(async (nwcUrl, context) => {
// run validation in sequence to control order of errors
// inspired by https://github.com/jquense/yup/issues/851#issuecomment-1049705180
try {
await string().required('required').validate(nwcUrl)
await string().matches(/^nostr\+?walletconnect:\/\//, { message: 'must start with nostr+walletconnect://' }).validate(nwcUrl)
let relayUrl, walletPubkey, secret
try {
({ relayUrl, walletPubkey, secret } = parseNwcUrl(nwcUrl))
} catch {
// invalid URL error. handle as if pubkey validation failed to not confuse user.
throw new Error('pubkey must be 64 hex chars')
await string().required('pubkey required').trim().matches(NOSTR_PUBKEY_HEX, 'pubkey must be 64 hex chars').validate(walletPubkey)
await string().required('relay url required').trim().wss('relay must use wss://').validate(relayUrl)
await string().required('secret required').trim().matches(/^[0-9a-fA-F]{64}$/, 'secret must be 64 hex chars').validate(secret)
} catch (err) {
return context.createError({ message: err.message })
return true
export const bioSchema = object({
bio: string().required('required').trim()
export const inviteSchema = object({
gift: intValidator.positive('must be greater than 0').required('required'),
limit: intValidator.positive('must be positive')
export const pushSubscriptionSchema = object({
endpoint: string().url().required('required').trim(),
p256dh: string().required('required').trim(),
auth: string().required('required').trim()
export const lud18PayerDataSchema = (k1) => object({
name: string(),
pubkey: string(),
email: string().email('bad email address'),
identifier: string()
// check if something is _really_ a number.
// returns true for every number in this range: [-Infinity, ..., 0, ..., Infinity]
export const isNumber = x => typeof x === 'number' && !Number.isNaN(x)