* Add LNbits card * Save LNbits Provider in WebLN context * Check LNbits connection on save * refactor: put LNbitsProvider into own file * Pay invoices using WebLN provider from context * Remove deprecated FIXME * Try WebLN provider first * Fix unhandled promise rejection * Fix this in sendPayment * Be optimistic regarding WebLN zaps This wraps the WebLN payment promise with Apollo cache updates. We will be optimistics and assume that the payment will succeed and update the cache accordingly. When we notice that the payment failed, we undo this update. * Bold strike on WebLN zap If lightning strike animation is disabled, toaster will be used. * Rename undo variable to amount * Fix zap undo * Add NWC card * Attempt to check NWC connection using info event * Fix NaN on zap Third argument of update is reserved for context * Fix TypeError in catch of QR code * Add basic NWC payments * Wrap LNbits getInfo with try/catch * EOSE is enough to check NWC connection * refactor: Wrap WebLN providers into own context I should have done this earlier * Show red indicator on error * Fix useEffect return value * Fix wrong usage of pubkey The event pubkey is derived from the secret. Doesn't make sense to manually set it. It's also the wrong pubkey: we're not the wallet service. * Use p tag in NWC request * Add comment about required filter field * Aesthetic changes to NWC sendPayment * Add TODO about receipt verification * Fix WebLN attempted again after error * Fix undefined name * Add code to mock NWC relay * Revert "Bold strike on WebLN zap" This reverts commit a9eb27daec0cd2ef30b56294b05e0056fb5b4184. * Fix update undo * Fix lightning strike before payment * WIP: Wrap WebLN payments with toasts * add toasts for pending, error, success * while pending, invoice can be canceled * there are still some race conditions between payiny the invoice / error on payment and invoice cancellation * Fix invoice poll using stale value from cache * Remove unnecessary if * Make sure that pay_invoice is declared as supported * Check if WebLN provider is enabled before calling sendPayment * Fix bad retry If WebLN payments failed due to insufficient balances, the promise resolved and thus the action was retried but failed immediately since the invoice (still) wasn't paid. * Fix cache undo update * Fix no cache update after QR payment * refactor: Use fragments to undo cache updates * Remove console.log * Small changes to NWC relay mocking * Return SendPaymentResponse See https://www.webln.guide/building-lightning-apps/webln-reference/webln.sendpayment * Also undo cache update on retry failure * Disable NWC mocking * Fix initialValue not set But following warning is now shown in console: """ Warning: A component is changing a controlled input to be uncontrolled. This is likely caused by the value changing from a defined to undefined, which should not happen. Decide between using a controlled or uncontrolled input element for the lifetime of the component. More info: https://reactjs.org/link/controlled-components """ * Remove comment since only relevant for blastr (mutiny relay) * Remove TODO * Fix duplicate cache update * Fix QR modal not closed after payment * Ignore lnbits variable unused * Use single relay connection for all NWC events * Fix missing timer and subscription cleanup * Remove TODO Confirmed that nostr-tools verifies events and filters for us. See https://github.com/nbd-wtf/nostr-tools/blob/master/abstract-relay.ts#L161 * Fix switch from controlled to uncontrolled input * Show 'configure' on error * Use budgetable instead of async * Remove EOSE listener Only nostr.mutinywallet.com didn't respond with info events due to implementation-specific reasons. This is no longer the case. * Use invoice expiry for NWC timeout I don't think there was a specific reason why I used 60 seconds initially. * Validate LNbits config on save * Validate NWC config on save * Also show unattach if configuration is invalid If unattach is only shown if configuration is valid, resetting the configuration is not possible while it's invalid. So we're stuck with a red wallet indicator. * Fix detection of WebLN payment It depended on a Apollo cache update function being available. But that is not the case for every WebLN payment. * Fix formik bag lost * Use payment instead of zap in toast * autoscale capture svc by response time * docs and changes for testing lnbits locally * Rename configJSON to config Naming of config object was inconsistent with saveConfig function which was annoying. Also fixed other inconsistencies between LNbits and NWC provider. * Allow setting of default payment provider * Update TODO comment about provider priority The list 'paymentMethods' is not used yet but is already implemented for future iterations. * Add wallet security disclaimer * Update labels --------- Co-authored-by: Keyan <34140557+huumn@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: keyan <keyan.kousha+huumn@gmail.com>
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import { string, ValidationError, number, object, array, addMethod, boolean } from 'yup'
import {
} from './constants'
import { URL_REGEXP, WS_REGEXP } from './url'
import { SUPPORTED_CURRENCIES } from './currency'
import { msatsToSats, numWithUnits, abbrNum } from './format'
import * as usersFragments from '../fragments/users'
import * as subsFragments from '../fragments/subs'
const { SUB } = subsFragments
const { NAME_QUERY } = usersFragments
export async function ssValidate (schema, data, args) {
try {
if (typeof schema === 'function') {
await schema(args).validate(data)
} else {
await schema.validate(data)
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof ValidationError) {
throw new Error(`${e.path}: ${e.message}`)
throw e
addMethod(string, 'or', function (schemas, msg) {
return this.test({
name: 'or',
message: msg,
test: value => {
if (Array.isArray(schemas) && schemas.length > 1) {
const resee = schemas.map(schema => schema.isValidSync(value))
return resee.some(res => res)
} else {
throw new TypeError('Schemas is not correct array schema')
exclusive: false
const titleValidator = string().required('required').trim().max(
({ max, value }) => `-${Math.abs(max - value.length)} characters remaining`
).min(MIN_TITLE_LENGTH, `must be at least ${MIN_TITLE_LENGTH} characters`)
const textValidator = (max) => string().trim().max(
({ max, value }) => `-${Math.abs(max - value.length)} characters remaining`
const nameValidator = string()
.matches(/^[\w_]+$/, 'only letters, numbers, and _')
.max(32, 'too long')
const intValidator = number().typeError('must be a number').integer('must be whole')
const floatValidator = number().typeError('must be a number')
const lightningAddressValidator = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'
? string().or(
[string().matches(/^[\w_]+@localhost:\d+$/), string().email()],
'address is no good')
: string().email('address is no good')
async function usernameExists (name, { client, models }) {
if (!client && !models) {
throw new Error('cannot check for user')
// apollo client
if (client) {
const { data } = await client.query({ query: NAME_QUERY, variables: { name } })
return !data.nameAvailable
// prisma client
const user = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { name } })
return !!user
async function subExists (name, { client, models, me }) {
if (!client && !models) {
throw new Error('cannot check for territory')
let sub
// apollo client
if (client) {
const { data } = await client.query({ query: SUB, variables: { sub: name } })
sub = data?.sub
} else {
sub = await models.sub.findUnique({ where: { name } })
return !!sub && sub.userId !== Number(me?.id)
async function subActive (name, { client, models, me }) {
if (!client && !models) {
throw new Error('cannot check if territory is active')
let sub
// apollo client
if (client) {
const { data } = await client.query({ query: SUB, variables: { sub: name } })
sub = data?.sub
} else {
sub = await models.sub.findUnique({ where: { name } })
return sub && sub.status !== 'STOPPED'
async function subHasPostType (name, type, { client, models }) {
if (!client && !models) {
throw new Error('cannot check for territory')
// apollo client
if (client) {
const { data } = await client.query({ query: SUB, variables: { name } })
return !!(data?.sub?.postTypes?.includes(type))
// prisma client
const sub = await models.sub.findUnique({ where: { name } })
return !!(sub?.postTypes?.includes(type))
export function advPostSchemaMembers ({ me, existingBoost = 0, ...args }) {
const boostMin = existingBoost || BOOST_MIN
return {
boost: intValidator
.min(boostMin, `must be ${existingBoost ? '' : 'blank or '}at least ${boostMin}`).test({
name: 'boost',
test: async boost => (!existingBoost && !boost) || boost % BOOST_MULT === 0,
message: `must be divisble be ${BOOST_MULT}`
forward: array()
.max(MAX_FORWARDS, `you can only configure ${MAX_FORWARDS} forward recipients`)
nym: string().required('must specify a stacker')
name: 'nym',
test: async name => {
if (!name || !name.length) return false
return await usernameExists(name, args)
message: 'stacker does not exist'
name: 'self',
test: async name => {
return me?.name !== name
message: 'cannot forward to yourself'
pct: intValidator.required('must specify a percentage').min(1, 'percentage must be at least 1').max(100, 'percentage must not exceed 100')
.compact((v) => !v.nym && !v.pct)
name: 'sum',
test: forwards => forwards ? forwards.map(fwd => Number(fwd.pct)).reduce((sum, cur) => sum + cur, 0) <= 100 : true,
message: 'the total forward percentage exceeds 100%'
name: 'uniqueStackers',
test: forwards => forwards ? new Set(forwards.map(fwd => fwd.nym)).size === forwards.length : true,
message: 'duplicate stackers cannot be specified to receive forwarded sats'
export function subSelectSchemaMembers (args) {
// for subSelectSchemaMembers we want to filter out me
// because we want to allow the user to select their own territory
const { me, ...filteredArgs } = args
return {
sub: string().required('required').test({
name: 'sub',
test: async sub => {
if (!sub || !sub.length) return false
return await subExists(sub, filteredArgs)
message: 'pick valid territory'
name: 'sub',
test: async sub => {
if (!sub || !sub.length) return false
return await subActive(sub, filteredArgs)
message: 'territory is not active'
// for testing advPostSchemaMembers in isolation
export function advSchema (args) {
return object({
export function lnAddrAutowithdrawSchema ({ me } = {}) {
return object({
lnAddr: lightningAddressValidator.required('required').test({
name: 'lnAddr',
test: addr => !addr.endsWith('@stacker.news'),
message: 'automated withdrawals must be external'
autoWithdrawThreshold: intValidator.required('required').min(0, 'must be at least 0').max(msatsToSats(BALANCE_LIMIT_MSATS), `must be at most ${abbrNum(msatsToSats(BALANCE_LIMIT_MSATS))}`),
autoWithdrawMaxFeePercent: floatValidator.required('required').min(0, 'must be at least 0').max(50, 'must not exceed 50')
export function bountySchema (args) {
return object({
title: titleValidator,
text: textValidator(MAX_POST_TEXT_LENGTH),
bounty: intValidator
.min(BOUNTY_MIN, `must be at least ${numWithUnits(BOUNTY_MIN)}`)
.max(BOUNTY_MAX, `must be at most ${numWithUnits(BOUNTY_MAX)}`),
name: 'post-type-supported',
test: ({ sub }) => subHasPostType(sub, 'BOUNTY', args),
message: 'territory does not support bounties'
export function discussionSchema (args) {
return object({
title: titleValidator,
text: textValidator(MAX_POST_TEXT_LENGTH),
name: 'post-type-supported',
test: ({ sub }) => subHasPostType(sub, 'DISCUSSION', args),
message: 'territory does not support discussions'
export function linkSchema (args) {
return object({
title: titleValidator,
text: textValidator(MAX_POST_TEXT_LENGTH),
url: string().matches(URL_REGEXP, 'invalid url').required('required'),
name: 'post-type-supported',
test: ({ sub }) => subHasPostType(sub, 'LINK', args),
message: 'territory does not support links'
export function pollSchema ({ numExistingChoices = 0, ...args }) {
return object({
title: titleValidator,
text: textValidator(MAX_POST_TEXT_LENGTH),
options: array().of(
string().trim().test('my-test', 'required', function (value) {
return (this.path !== 'options[0]' && this.path !== 'options[1]') || value
({ max, value }) => `-${Math.abs(max - value.length)} characters remaining`
message: `at most ${MAX_POLL_NUM_CHOICES} choices`,
test: arr => arr.length <= MAX_POLL_NUM_CHOICES - numExistingChoices
message: `at least ${MIN_POLL_NUM_CHOICES} choices required`,
test: arr => arr.length >= MIN_POLL_NUM_CHOICES - numExistingChoices
name: 'post-type-supported',
test: ({ sub }) => subHasPostType(sub, 'POLL', args),
message: 'territory does not support polls'
export function territorySchema (args) {
return object({
name: nameValidator
name: 'name',
test: async name => {
if (!name || !name.length) return false
return !(await subExists(name, args))
message: 'taken'
desc: string().required('required').trim().max(
({ max, value }) => `-${Math.abs(max - value.length)} characters remaining`
baseCost: intValidator
.min(1, 'must be at least 1')
.max(100000, 'must be at most 100k'),
postTypes: array().of(string().oneOf(POST_TYPES)).min(1, 'must support at least one post type'),
billingType: string().required('required').oneOf(TERRITORY_BILLING_TYPES, 'required')
export function userSchema (args) {
return object({
name: nameValidator
name: 'name',
test: async name => {
if (!name || !name.length) return false
return !(await usernameExists(name, args))
message: 'taken'
export const commentSchema = object({
text: textValidator(MAX_COMMENT_TEXT_LENGTH).required('required')
export const jobSchema = object({
title: titleValidator,
company: string().required('required').trim(),
text: textValidator(MAX_POST_TEXT_LENGTH).required('required'),
url: string()
.or([string().email(), string().url()], 'invalid url or email')
maxBid: intValidator.min(0, 'must be at least 0').required('required'),
location: string().test(
"don't write remote, just check the box",
v => !v?.match(/\bremote\b/gi))
.when('remote', {
is: (value) => !value,
then: schema => schema.required('required').trim()
export const emailSchema = object({
email: string().email('email is no good').required('required')
export const urlSchema = object({
url: string().matches(URL_REGEXP, 'invalid url').required('required')
export const namedUrlSchema = object({
text: string().required('required').trim(),
url: string().matches(URL_REGEXP, 'invalid url').required('required')
export const amountSchema = object({
amount: intValidator.required('required').positive('must be positive')
export const actSchema = object({
sats: intValidator.required('required').positive('must be positive'),
act: string().required('required').oneOf(['TIP', 'DONT_LIKE_THIS'])
export const settingsSchema = object({
tipDefault: intValidator.required('required').positive('must be positive'),
fiatCurrency: string().required('required').oneOf(SUPPORTED_CURRENCIES),
withdrawMaxFeeDefault: intValidator.required('required').positive('must be positive'),
nostrPubkey: string().nullable()
string().nullable().matches(NOSTR_PUBKEY_HEX, 'must be 64 hex chars'),
string().nullable().matches(NOSTR_PUBKEY_BECH32, 'invalid bech32 encoding')], 'invalid pubkey'),
nostrRelays: array().of(
string().matches(WS_REGEXP, 'invalid web socket address')
({ max, value }) => `${Math.abs(max - value.length)} too many`),
hideBookmarks: boolean(),
hideWalletBalance: boolean(),
diagnostics: boolean(),
hideIsContributor: boolean()
const warningMessage = 'If I logout, even accidentally, I will never be able to access my account again'
export const lastAuthRemovalSchema = object({
warning: string().matches(warningMessage, 'does not match').required('required')
export const withdrawlSchema = object({
invoice: string().required('required').trim(),
maxFee: intValidator.required('required').min(0, 'must be at least 0')
export const lnAddrSchema = ({ payerData, min, max, commentAllowed } = {}) =>
addr: lightningAddressValidator.required('required'),
amount: (() => {
const schema = intValidator.required('required').positive('must be positive').min(
min || 1, `must be at least ${min || 1}`)
return max ? schema.max(max, `must be at most ${max}`) : schema
maxFee: intValidator.required('required').min(0, 'must be at least 0'),
comment: commentAllowed
? string().max(commentAllowed, `must be less than ${commentAllowed}`)
: string()
}).concat(object().shape(Object.keys(payerData || {}).reduce((accum, key) => {
const entry = payerData[key]
if (key === 'email') {
accum[key] = string().email()
} else if (key === 'identifier') {
accum[key] = boolean()
} else {
accum[key] = string()
if (entry?.mandatory) {
accum[key] = accum[key].required()
return accum
}, {})))
export const lnbitsSchema = object({
url: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'
? string().or(
[string().matches(/^(http:\/\/)?localhost:\d+$/), string().url()],
'invalid url').required('required').trim()
: string().url().required('required').trim(),
adminKey: string().length(32)
export const nwcSchema = object({
nwcUrl: string().required('required').trim().matches(/^nostr\+walletconnect:/)
export const bioSchema = object({
bio: string().required('required').trim()
export const inviteSchema = object({
gift: intValidator.positive('must be greater than 0').required('required'),
limit: intValidator.positive('must be positive')
export const pushSubscriptionSchema = object({
endpoint: string().url().required('required').trim(),
p256dh: string().required('required').trim(),
auth: string().required('required').trim()
export const lud18PayerDataSchema = (k1) => object({
name: string(),
pubkey: string(),
email: string().email('bad email address'),
identifier: string()
// check if something is _really_ a number.
// returns true for every number in this range: [-Infinity, ..., 0, ..., Infinity]
export const isNumber = x => typeof x === 'number' && !Number.isNaN(x)