ekzyis bb2212d51e Add invoice HMAC
This prevents entities which know the invoice hash (like all LN nodes on the payment path) from using the invoice hash on SN.

Only the user which created the invoice knows the HMAC and thus can use the invoice hash.
2023-08-10 07:10:07 +02:00

60 lines
1.1 KiB

import { gql } from 'graphql-tag'
export default gql`
extend type Query {
invoice(id: ID!): Invoice!
withdrawl(id: ID!): Withdrawl!
connectAddress: String!
walletHistory(cursor: String, inc: String): History
extend type Mutation {
createInvoice(amount: Int!): Invoice!
createWithdrawl(invoice: String!, maxFee: Int!): Withdrawl!
sendToLnAddr(addr: String!, amount: Int!, maxFee: Int!): Withdrawl!
type Invoice {
id: ID!
createdAt: Date!
hash: String!
bolt11: String!
expiresAt: Date!
cancelled: Boolean!
confirmedAt: Date
satsReceived: Int
nostr: JSONObject
hmac: String
type Withdrawl {
id: ID!
createdAt: Date!
hash: String!
bolt11: String!
satsPaying: Int!
satsPaid: Int
satsFeePaying: Int!
satsFeePaid: Int
status: String
type Fact {
id: ID!
factId: ID!
bolt11: String
createdAt: Date!
sats: Float!
satsFee: Float
status: String
type: String!
description: String
item: Item
type History {
facts: [Fact!]!
cursor: String