* Inject wallet logger interface * Include method in NWC logs * Fix wrong page total * Poll for new logs every second * Fix overlapping pagination * Remove unused total * Better logs for incoming payments * Use _setLogs instead of wrapper * Remove inconsistent receive log * Remove console.log from wallet logger on server * Fix missing 'wallet detached' log * Fix confirm_withdrawl code * Remove duplicate autowithdrawal log * Add context to log * Add more context * Better table styling * Move CSS for wallet logs into one file * remove unused logNav class * rename classes * Align key with second column * Fix TypeError if context empty * Check content-type header before calling res.json() * Fix duplicate 'failed to create invoice' * Parse details from LND error * Fix invalid DOM property 'colspan' * P2P zap logs with context * Remove unnecessary withdrawal error log * the code assignment was broken anyway * we already log withdrawal errors using .catch on payViaPaymentRequest * Don't show outgoing fee to receiver to avoid confusion * Fix typo in comment * Log if invoice was canceled by payer * Automatically populate context from bolt11 * Fix missing context * Fix wrap errors not logged * Only log cancel if client canceled * Remove unused imports * Log withdrawal/forward success/error in payment flow * Fix boss not passed to checkInvoice * Fix TypeError * Fix database timeouts caused by logger The logger shares the same connection pool with any currently running transaction. This means that we enter a classic deadlock when we await logger calls: the logger call is waiting for a connection but the currently running transaction is waiting for the logger call to finish before it can release a connection. * Fix cache returning undefined * Fix typo in comment * Add padding-right to key in log context * Always use 'incoming payment failed:' --------- Co-authored-by: Keyan <34140557+huumn@users.noreply.github.com>
371 lines
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371 lines
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import { createHodlInvoice, createInvoice, parsePaymentRequest } from 'ln-service'
import { datePivot } from '@/lib/time'
import { PAID_ACTION_TERMINAL_STATES, USER_ID } from '@/lib/constants'
import { createHmac, walletLogger } from '@/api/resolvers/wallet'
import { Prisma } from '@prisma/client'
import * as ITEM_CREATE from './itemCreate'
import * as ITEM_UPDATE from './itemUpdate'
import * as ZAP from './zap'
import * as DOWN_ZAP from './downZap'
import * as POLL_VOTE from './pollVote'
import * as TERRITORY_CREATE from './territoryCreate'
import * as TERRITORY_UPDATE from './territoryUpdate'
import * as TERRITORY_BILLING from './territoryBilling'
import * as TERRITORY_UNARCHIVE from './territoryUnarchive'
import * as DONATE from './donate'
import * as BOOST from './boost'
import wrapInvoice from 'wallets/wrap'
import { createInvoice as createUserInvoice } from 'wallets/server'
export const paidActions = {
export default async function performPaidAction (actionType, args, context) {
try {
const { me, models, forceFeeCredits } = context
const paidAction = paidActions[actionType]
console.group('performPaidAction', actionType, args)
if (!paidAction) {
throw new Error(`Invalid action type ${actionType}`)
context.me = me ? await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: me.id } }) : undefined
context.cost = await paidAction.getCost(args, context)
if (!me) {
if (!paidAction.anonable) {
throw new Error('You must be logged in to perform this action')
if (context.cost > 0) {
console.log('we are anon so can only perform pessimistic action that require payment')
return await performPessimisticAction(actionType, args, context)
const isRich = context.cost <= (context.me?.msats ?? 0)
if (isRich) {
try {
console.log('enough fee credits available, performing fee credit action')
return await performFeeCreditAction(actionType, args, context)
} catch (e) {
console.error('fee credit action failed', e)
// if we fail with fee credits, but not because of insufficient funds, bail
if (!e.message.includes('\\"users\\" violates check constraint \\"msats_positive\\"')) {
throw e
// this is set if the worker executes a paid action in behalf of a user.
// in that case, only payment via fee credits is possible
// since there is no client to which we could send an invoice.
// example: automated territory billing
if (forceFeeCredits) {
throw new Error('forceFeeCredits is set, but user does not have enough fee credits')
// if we fail to do the action with fee credits, we should fall back to optimistic
if (paidAction.supportsOptimism) {
console.log('performing optimistic action')
return await performOptimisticAction(actionType, args, context)
console.error('action does not support optimism and fee credits failed, performing pessimistic action')
return await performPessimisticAction(actionType, args, context)
} catch (e) {
console.error('performPaidAction failed', e)
throw e
} finally {
async function performFeeCreditAction (actionType, args, context) {
const { me, models, cost } = context
const action = paidActions[actionType]
const result = await models.$transaction(async tx => {
context.tx = tx
await tx.user.update({
where: {
id: me?.id ?? USER_ID.anon
data: {
msats: {
decrement: cost
const result = await action.perform(args, context)
await action.onPaid?.(result, context)
return {
paymentMethod: 'FEE_CREDIT'
}, { isolationLevel: Prisma.TransactionIsolationLevel.ReadCommitted })
// run non critical side effects in the background
// after the transaction has been committed
action.nonCriticalSideEffects?.(result.result, context).catch(console.error)
return result
async function performOptimisticAction (actionType, args, context) {
const { models } = context
const action = paidActions[actionType]
context.optimistic = true
const invoiceArgs = await createLightningInvoice(actionType, args, context)
return await models.$transaction(async tx => {
context.tx = tx
const invoice = await createDbInvoice(actionType, args, context, invoiceArgs)
return {
result: await action.perform?.({ invoiceId: invoice.id, ...args }, context),
paymentMethod: 'OPTIMISTIC'
}, { isolationLevel: Prisma.TransactionIsolationLevel.ReadCommitted })
async function performPessimisticAction (actionType, args, context) {
const action = paidActions[actionType]
if (!action.supportsPessimism) {
throw new Error(`This action ${actionType} does not support pessimistic invoicing`)
// just create the invoice and complete action when it's paid
const invoiceArgs = await createLightningInvoice(actionType, args, context)
return {
invoice: await createDbInvoice(actionType, args, context, invoiceArgs),
paymentMethod: 'PESSIMISTIC'
export async function retryPaidAction (actionType, args, context) {
const { models, me } = context
const { invoice: failedInvoice } = args
console.log('retryPaidAction', actionType, args)
const action = paidActions[actionType]
if (!action) {
throw new Error(`retryPaidAction - invalid action type ${actionType}`)
if (!me) {
throw new Error(`retryPaidAction - must be logged in ${actionType}`)
if (!action.supportsOptimism) {
throw new Error(`retryPaidAction - action does not support optimism ${actionType}`)
if (!action.retry) {
throw new Error(`retryPaidAction - action does not support retrying ${actionType}`)
if (!failedInvoice) {
throw new Error(`retryPaidAction - missing invoice ${actionType}`)
context.optimistic = true
context.me = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: me.id } })
const { msatsRequested, actionId } = failedInvoice
context.cost = BigInt(msatsRequested)
context.actionId = actionId
const invoiceArgs = await createSNInvoice(actionType, args, context)
return await models.$transaction(async tx => {
context.tx = tx
// update the old invoice to RETRYING, so that it's not confused with FAILED
await tx.invoice.update({
where: {
id: failedInvoice.id,
actionState: 'FAILED'
data: {
actionState: 'RETRYING'
// create a new invoice
const invoice = await createDbInvoice(actionType, args, context, invoiceArgs)
return {
result: await action.retry({ invoiceId: failedInvoice.id, newInvoiceId: invoice.id }, context),
paymentMethod: 'OPTIMISTIC'
}, { isolationLevel: Prisma.TransactionIsolationLevel.ReadCommitted })
export async function createLightningInvoice (actionType, args, context) {
// if the action has an invoiceable peer, we'll create a peer invoice
// wrap it, and return the wrapped invoice
const { cost, models, lnd, me } = context
const userId = await paidActions[actionType]?.invoiceablePeer?.(args, context)
// count pending invoices and bail if we're over the limit
const pendingInvoices = await models.invoice.count({
where: {
userId: me?.id ?? USER_ID.anon,
actionState: {
// not in a terminal state. Note: null isn't counted by prisma
console.log('pending paid actions', pendingInvoices)
if (pendingInvoices >= MAX_PENDING_PAID_ACTIONS_PER_USER) {
throw new Error('You have too many pending paid actions, cancel some or wait for them to expire')
if (userId) {
let logger, bolt11
try {
const description = await paidActions[actionType].describe(args, context)
const { invoice, wallet } = await createUserInvoice(userId, {
// this is the amount the stacker will receive, the other 3/10ths is the sybil fee
msats: cost * BigInt(7) / BigInt(10),
}, { models })
logger = walletLogger({ wallet, models })
bolt11 = invoice
// the sender (me) decides if the wrapped invoice has a description
// whereas the recipient decides if their invoice has a description
const { invoice: wrappedInvoice, maxFee } = await wrapInvoice(
bolt11, { msats: cost, description }, { me, lnd })
return {
wrappedBolt11: wrappedInvoice.request,
} catch (e) {
logger?.error('invalid invoice: ' + e.message, { bolt11 })
console.error('failed to create stacker invoice, falling back to SN invoice', e)
return await createSNInvoice(actionType, args, context)
// we seperate the invoice creation into two functions because
// because if lnd is slow, it'll timeout the interactive tx
async function createSNInvoice (actionType, args, context) {
const { me, lnd, cost, optimistic } = context
const action = paidActions[actionType]
const createLNDInvoice = optimistic ? createInvoice : createHodlInvoice
if (cost < 1000n) {
// sanity check
throw new Error('The cost of the action must be at least 1 sat')
const expiresAt = datePivot(new Date(), { seconds: INVOICE_EXPIRE_SECS })
const invoice = await createLNDInvoice({
description: me?.hideInvoiceDesc ? undefined : await action.describe(args, context),
mtokens: String(cost),
expires_at: expiresAt
return { bolt11: invoice.request, preimage: invoice.secret }
async function createDbInvoice (actionType, args, context,
{ bolt11, wrappedBolt11, preimage, wallet, maxFee }) {
const { me, models, tx, cost, optimistic, actionId } = context
const db = tx ?? models
if (cost < 1000n) {
// sanity check
throw new Error('The cost of the action must be at least 1 sat')
const servedBolt11 = wrappedBolt11 ?? bolt11
const servedInvoice = parsePaymentRequest({ request: servedBolt11 })
const expiresAt = new Date(servedInvoice.expires_at)
const invoiceData = {
hash: servedInvoice.id,
msatsRequested: BigInt(servedInvoice.mtokens),
bolt11: servedBolt11,
userId: me?.id ?? USER_ID.anon,
actionState: wrappedBolt11 ? 'PENDING_HELD' : optimistic ? 'PENDING' : 'PENDING_HELD',
actionOptimistic: optimistic,
actionArgs: args,
let invoice
if (wrappedBolt11) {
invoice = (await db.invoiceForward.create({
include: { invoice: true },
data: {
maxFeeMsats: maxFee,
invoice: {
create: invoiceData
wallet: {
connect: {
id: wallet.id
} else {
invoice = await db.invoice.create({ data: invoiceData })
// insert a job to check the invoice after it's set to expire
await db.$executeRaw`
INSERT INTO pgboss.job (name, data, retrylimit, retrybackoff, startafter, expirein, priority)
VALUES ('checkInvoice',
jsonb_build_object('hash', ${invoice.hash}::TEXT), 21, true,
${expiresAt}::TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE - now() + interval '10m', 100)`
// the HMAC is only returned during invoice creation
// this makes sure that only the person who created this invoice
// has access to the HMAC
invoice.hmac = createHmac(invoice.hash)
return invoice