Remove the static manifest file and serve it via an API route instead. Change the background color of the PWA depending on the client hint provided data
197 lines
5.4 KiB
197 lines
5.4 KiB
const { withPlausibleProxy } = require('next-plausible')
const { InjectManifest } = require('workbox-webpack-plugin')
const { generatePrecacheManifest } = require('./sw/build')
const isProd = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
const corsHeaders = [
key: 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin',
value: '*'
key: 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods',
let commitHash
if (isProd) {
// XXX this fragile ... eb could change the version label ... but it works for now
commitHash = Object.keys(require('/opt/elasticbeanstalk/deployment/app_version_manifest.json').RuntimeSources['stacker.news'])[0].match(/^app-(.+)-/)[1] // eslint-disable-line
} else {
try {
commitHash = require('child_process').execSync('git rev-parse HEAD').toString().slice(0, 4)
} catch (e) {
console.log('could not get commit hash with `git rev-parse HEAD` ... using 0000')
commitHash = '0000'
module.exports = withPlausibleProxy()({
env: {
NEXT_PUBLIC_ASSET_PREFIX: isProd ? 'https://a.stacker.news' : ''
compress: false,
experimental: {
scrollRestoration: true
reactStrictMode: true,
generateBuildId: isProd ? async () => commitHash : undefined,
// Use the CDN in production and localhost for development.
assetPrefix: isProd ? 'https://a.stacker.news' : undefined,
crossOrigin: isProd ? 'anonymous' : undefined,
async headers () {
return [
source: '/',
headers: [
// This tells the browser to send this client hint in subsequent requests
// Only added to the "/" path since that's what is initially loaded for the PWA
key: 'Accept-CH',
value: 'Sec-CH-Prefers-Color-Scheme'
source: '/_next/:asset*',
headers: corsHeaders
source: '/.well-known/:slug*',
headers: [
// never cache service worker
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38843970/service-worker-javascript-update-frequency-every-24-hours/38854905#38854905
source: '/sw.js',
headers: [{
key: 'Cache-Control',
value: 'no-cache'
source: '/api/lnauth',
headers: [
source: '/api/lnurlp/:slug*',
headers: [
source: '/api/lnwith',
headers: [
...['tff', 'woff', 'woff2'].map(ext => ({
source: `/Lightningvolt-xoqm.${ext}`,
headers: [
key: 'Cache-Control',
value: 'public, max-age=31536000, immutable'
async rewrites () {
return [
source: '/faq',
destination: '/items/349'
source: '/story',
destination: '/items/1620'
source: '/privacy',
destination: '/items/76894'
source: '/changes',
destination: '/items/78763'
source: '/guide',
destination: '/items/81862'
source: '/daily',
destination: '/api/daily'
source: '/.well-known/lnurlp/:username',
destination: '/api/lnurlp/:username'
source: '/.well-known/nostr.json',
destination: '/api/nostr/nip05'
source: '/.well-known/web-app-origin-association',
destination: '/api/web-app-origin-association'
source: '/~:sub/:slug*\\?:query*',
destination: '/~/:slug*?:query*&sub=:sub'
source: '/~:sub/:slug*',
destination: '/~/:slug*?sub=:sub'
...['/', '/post', '/search', '/rss', '/recent/:slug*', '/top/:slug*'].map(source => ({ source, destination: '/~' + source }))
async redirects () {
return [
source: '/statistics',
destination: '/satistics?inc=invoice,withdrawal',
permanent: true
webpack: (config, { isServer, dev }) => {
if (isServer) {
const workboxPlugin = new InjectManifest({
// ignore the precached manifest which includes the webpack assets
// since they are not useful to us
exclude: [/.*/],
// by default, webpack saves service worker at .next/server/
swDest: '../../public/sw.js',
swSrc: './sw/index.js'
if (dev) {
// Suppress the "InjectManifest has been called multiple times" warning by reaching into
// the private properties of the plugin and making sure it never ends up in the state
// where it makes that warning.
// https://github.com/GoogleChrome/workbox/blob/v6/packages/workbox-webpack-plugin/src/inject-manifest.ts#L260-L282
Object.defineProperty(workboxPlugin, 'alreadyCalled', {
get () {
return false
set () {
// do nothing; the internals try to set it to true, which then results in a warning
// on the next run of webpack.
return config