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attach lnbits

To test sending from an attached wallet, it's easiest to use lnbits hooked up to a local lnd node in your regtest network.

This will attempt to walk you through setting up lnbits with docker and connecting it to your local lnd node.

🚨 this a dev guide. do not use this guide for real funds 🚨

From this guide:

1. pre-configuration

Create a directory for lnbits, get the sample environment file, and create a shared data directory for lnbits to use:

mkdir lnbits
cd lnbits
wget -O .env
mkdir data

2. configure

To configure lnbits to use a local lnd node in your regtest network, go to polar and click on the LND node you want to use as a funding source. Then click on Connect.

In the Connect tab, click the File paths tab and copy the TLS cert and Admin macaroon files to the data directory you created earlier.

cp /path/to/tls.cert /path/to/admin.macaroon data/

Then, open the .env file you created and override the following values:

LND_GRPC_PORT=${Port from the polar connect page}

2. Install and run lnbits

Pull the latest image:

docker pull lnbitsdocker/lnbits-legend
docker run --detach --publish 5001:5000 --name lnbits --volume ${PWD}/.env:/app/.env --volume ${PWD}/data/:/app/data lnbitsdocker/lnbits-legend

Note: we make lnbits available on the host's port 5001 here (on Mac, 5000 is used by AirPlay), but you can change that to whatever you want.

3. Accessing the admin wallet

By enabling the Admin UI, lnbits creates a so called super_user. Get this super_user id by running:

cat data/.super_user

Open your browser and go to http://localhost:5001/wallet?usr=${super_user id from above}. LNBits will redirect you to a default wallet we will use called LNBits wallet.

4. Fund the wallet

To fund LNBits wallet, click the + next the wallet balance. Enter the number of sats you want to credit the wallet and hit enter.

5. Attach the wallet to stackernews

Open up your local stackernews, go to http://localhost:3000/settings/wallets and click on attach in the lnbits card.

In the form, fill in lnbits url with http://localhost:5001.

Back in lnbits click on API Docs in the right pane. Copy the Admin key and paste it into the admin key field in the form.

Click attach and you should be good to go.


  • you can view lnbits logs with docker logs lnbits or in data/logs/ in the data directory you created earlier
  • with the Admin UI, you can modify LNBits in the GUI by clicking Server in left pane