* LUD-18 Wallet implementation Query the lightning address provider client-side to learn of capabilities Conditionally render LUD-12 and LUD-18 fields based on what the remote server says is supported Allow identifier, name, and email to be sent from the SN side during the withdrawal flow. Auth seems too complicated for our use case, and idk about pubkey? * Clear inputs if the new ln addr provier doesn't support those fields * various ux improvements * dynamic client-side validation for required payer data * don't re-init form state on error * correct min and max amount values * only send applicable data to graphql api based on payerdata schema * input type for numeric values (amount, max fee) * update step for amount and max fee * Fix identifier optional and field blur * reuse more code --------- Co-authored-by: Keyan <34140557+huumn@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: keyan <keyan.kousha+huumn@gmail.com>
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import { string, ValidationError, number, object, array, addMethod, boolean } from 'yup'
import { URL_REGEXP, WS_REGEXP } from './url'
import { SUPPORTED_CURRENCIES } from './currency'
import * as pkg from '../fragments/users'
const { NAME_QUERY } = pkg
export async function ssValidate (schema, data, args) {
try {
if (typeof schema === 'function') {
await schema(args).validate(data)
} else {
await schema.validate(data)
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof ValidationError) {
throw new Error(`${e.path}: ${e.message}`)
throw e
addMethod(string, 'or', function (schemas, msg) {
return this.test({
name: 'or',
message: msg,
test: value => {
if (Array.isArray(schemas) && schemas.length > 1) {
const resee = schemas.map(schema => schema.isValidSync(value))
return resee.some(res => res)
} else {
throw new TypeError('Schemas is not correct array schema')
exclusive: false
const titleValidator = string().required('required').trim().max(
({ max, value }) => `-${Math.abs(max - value.length)} characters remaining`
const intValidator = number().typeError('must be a number').integer('must be whole')
async function usernameExists (name, { client, models }) {
if (!client && !models) {
throw new Error('cannot check for user')
// apollo client
if (client) {
const { data } = await client.query({ query: NAME_QUERY, variables: { name } })
return !data.nameAvailable
// prisma client
const user = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { name } })
return !!user
export function advPostSchemaMembers ({ me, existingBoost = 0, ...args }) {
const boostMin = existingBoost || BOOST_MIN
return {
boost: intValidator
.min(boostMin, `must be ${existingBoost ? '' : 'blank or '}at least ${boostMin}`).test({
name: 'boost',
test: async boost => (!existingBoost && !boost) || boost % BOOST_MULT === 0,
message: `must be divisble be ${BOOST_MULT}`
forward: array()
.max(MAX_FORWARDS, `you can only configure ${MAX_FORWARDS} forward recipients`)
nym: string().required('must specify a stacker')
name: 'nym',
test: async name => {
if (!name || !name.length) return false
return await usernameExists(name, args)
message: 'stacker does not exist'
name: 'self',
test: async name => {
return me?.name !== name
message: 'cannot forward to yourself'
pct: intValidator.required('must specify a percentage').min(1, 'percentage must be at least 1').max(100, 'percentage must not exceed 100')
.compact((v) => !v.nym && !v.pct)
name: 'sum',
test: forwards => forwards ? forwards.map(fwd => Number(fwd.pct)).reduce((sum, cur) => sum + cur, 0) <= 100 : true,
message: 'the total forward percentage exceeds 100%'
name: 'uniqueStackers',
test: forwards => forwards ? new Set(forwards.map(fwd => fwd.nym)).size === forwards.length : true,
message: 'duplicate stackers cannot be specified to receive forwarded sats'
export function subSelectSchemaMembers () {
return {
sub: string().required('required').oneOf(SUBS_NO_JOBS, 'required')
// for testing advPostSchemaMembers in isolation
export function advSchema (args) {
return object({
export function bountySchema (args) {
return object({
title: titleValidator,
bounty: intValidator
.min(1000, 'must be at least 1000')
.max(1000000, 'must be at most 1m'),
export function discussionSchema (args) {
return object({
title: titleValidator,
export function linkSchema (args) {
return object({
title: titleValidator,
url: string().matches(URL_REGEXP, 'invalid url').required('required'),
export function pollSchema ({ numExistingChoices = 0, ...args }) {
return object({
title: titleValidator,
options: array().of(
string().trim().test('my-test', 'required', function (value) {
return (this.path !== 'options[0]' && this.path !== 'options[1]') || value
({ max, value }) => `-${Math.abs(max - value.length)} characters remaining`
message: `at most ${MAX_POLL_NUM_CHOICES} choices`,
test: arr => arr.length <= MAX_POLL_NUM_CHOICES - numExistingChoices
message: `at least ${MIN_POLL_NUM_CHOICES} choices required`,
test: arr => arr.length >= MIN_POLL_NUM_CHOICES - numExistingChoices
export function userSchema (args) {
return object({
name: string()
.matches(/^[\w_]+$/, 'only letters, numbers, and _')
.max(32, 'too long')
name: 'name',
test: async name => {
if (!name || !name.length) return false
return !(await usernameExists(name, args))
message: 'taken'
export const commentSchema = object({
text: string().required('required').trim()
export const jobSchema = object({
title: titleValidator,
company: string().required('required').trim(),
text: string().required('required').trim(),
url: string()
.or([string().email(), string().url()], 'invalid url or email')
maxBid: intValidator.min(0, 'must be at least 0').required('required'),
location: string().test(
"don't write remote, just check the box",
v => !v?.match(/\bremote\b/gi))
.when('remote', {
is: (value) => !value,
then: schema => schema.required('required').trim()
export const emailSchema = object({
email: string().email('email is no good').required('required')
export const urlSchema = object({
url: string().matches(URL_REGEXP, 'invalid url').required('required')
export const namedUrlSchema = object({
text: string().required('required').trim(),
url: string().matches(URL_REGEXP, 'invalid url').required('required')
export const amountSchema = object({
amount: intValidator.required('required').positive('must be positive')
export const settingsSchema = object({
tipDefault: intValidator.required('required').positive('must be positive'),
fiatCurrency: string().required('required').oneOf(SUPPORTED_CURRENCIES),
nostrPubkey: string().nullable()
string().nullable().matches(NOSTR_PUBKEY_HEX, 'must be 64 hex chars'),
string().nullable().matches(NOSTR_PUBKEY_BECH32, 'invalid bech32 encoding')], 'invalid pubkey'),
nostrRelays: array().of(
string().matches(WS_REGEXP, 'invalid web socket address')
({ max, value }) => `${Math.abs(max - value.length)} too many`),
hideBookmarks: boolean(),
hideWalletBalance: boolean(),
diagnostics: boolean(),
hideIsContributor: boolean()
const warningMessage = 'If I logout, even accidentally, I will never be able to access my account again'
export const lastAuthRemovalSchema = object({
warning: string().matches(warningMessage, 'does not match').required('required')
export const withdrawlSchema = object({
invoice: string().required('required').trim(),
maxFee: intValidator.required('required').min(0, 'must be at least 0')
export const lnAddrSchema = ({ payerData, min, max, commentAllowed } = {}) =>
addr: string().email('address is no good').required('required'),
amount: (() => {
const schema = intValidator.required('required').positive('must be positive').min(
min || 1, `must be at least ${min || 1}`)
return max ? schema.max(max, `must be at most ${max}`) : schema
maxFee: intValidator.required('required').min(0, 'must be at least 0'),
comment: commentAllowed
? string().max(commentAllowed, `must be less than ${commentAllowed}`)
: string()
}).concat(object().shape(Object.keys(payerData || {}).reduce((accum, key) => {
const entry = payerData[key]
if (key === 'email') {
accum[key] = string().email()
} else if (key === 'identifier') {
accum[key] = boolean()
} else {
accum[key] = string()
if (entry?.mandatory) {
accum[key] = accum[key].required()
return accum
}, {})))
export const bioSchema = object({
bio: string().required('required').trim()
export const inviteSchema = object({
gift: intValidator.positive('must be greater than 0').required('required'),
limit: intValidator.positive('must be positive')
export const pushSubscriptionSchema = object({
endpoint: string().url().required('required').trim(),
p256dh: string().required('required').trim(),
auth: string().required('required').trim()
export const lud18PayerDataSchema = (k1) => object({
name: string(),
pubkey: string(),
email: string().email('bad email address'),
identifier: string()