* direct receives and send paid action * remove withdrawl->invoiceForward has many relationship * fix formatMsats implicit type expectations * ui + dropping direct payment bolt11s * squash migrations * fix bolt11 dropping and improve paid action wallet logging * remove redundant sender id * fix redirect when funding account over threshold * better logging
407 lines
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407 lines
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import webPush from 'web-push'
import removeMd from 'remove-markdown'
import { COMMENT_DEPTH_LIMIT, FOUND_BLURBS, LOST_BLURBS } from './constants'
import { msatsToSats, numWithUnits } from './format'
import models from '@/api/models'
import { isMuted } from '@/lib/user'
const webPushEnabled = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ||
(process.env.VAPID_MAILTO && process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_VAPID_PUBKEY && process.env.VAPID_PRIVKEY)
if (webPushEnabled) {
} else {
console.warn('VAPID_* env vars not set, skipping webPush setup')
const createPayload = (notification) => {
// https://web.dev/push-notifications-display-a-notification/#visual-options
let { title, body, ...options } = notification
if (body) body = removeMd(body)
return JSON.stringify({
options: {
timestamp: Date.now(),
icon: '/icons/icon_x96.png',
const createUserFilter = (tag) => {
// filter users by notification settings
const tagMap = {
REPLY: 'noteAllDescendants',
MENTION: 'noteMentions',
ITEM_MENTION: 'noteItemMentions',
TIP: 'noteItemSats',
FORWARDEDTIP: 'noteForwardedSats',
REFERRAL: 'noteInvites',
INVITE: 'noteInvites',
EARN: 'noteEarning',
DEPOSIT: 'noteDeposits',
WITHDRAWAL: 'noteWithdrawals',
STREAK: 'noteCowboyHat'
const key = tagMap[tag.split('-')[0]]
return key ? { user: { [key]: true } } : undefined
const createItemUrl = async ({ id }) => {
const [rootItem] = await models.$queryRawUnsafe(
'SELECT subpath(path, -LEAST(nlevel(path), $1::INTEGER), 1)::text AS id FROM "Item" WHERE id = $2::INTEGER',
return `/items/${rootItem.id}` + (rootItem.id !== id ? `?commentId=${id}` : '')
const sendNotification = (subscription, payload) => {
if (!webPushEnabled) {
console.warn('webPush not configured. skipping notification')
const { id, endpoint, p256dh, auth } = subscription
return webPush.sendNotification({ endpoint, keys: { p256dh, auth } }, payload)
.catch(async (err) => {
if (err.statusCode === 400) {
console.log('[webPush] invalid request: ', err)
} else if ([401, 403].includes(err.statusCode)) {
console.log('[webPush] auth error: ', err)
} else if (err.statusCode === 404 || err.statusCode === 410) {
console.log('[webPush] subscription has expired or is no longer valid: ', err)
const deletedSubscripton = await models.pushSubscription.delete({ where: { id } })
console.log(`[webPush] deleted subscription ${id} of user ${deletedSubscripton.userId} due to push error`)
} else if (err.statusCode === 413) {
console.log('[webPush] payload too large: ', err)
} else if (err.statusCode === 429) {
console.log('[webPush] too many requests: ', err)
} else {
console.log('[webPush] error: ', err)
async function sendUserNotification (userId, notification) {
try {
if (!userId) {
throw new Error('user id is required')
notification.data ??= {}
if (notification.item) {
notification.data.url ??= await createItemUrl(notification.item)
notification.data.itemId ??= notification.item.id
delete notification.item
const userFilter = createUserFilter(notification.tag)
const payload = createPayload(notification)
const subscriptions = await models.pushSubscription.findMany({
where: { userId, ...userFilter }
await Promise.allSettled(
subscriptions.map(subscription => sendNotification(subscription, payload))
} catch (err) {
console.log('[webPush] error sending user notification: ', err)
export async function replyToSubscription (subscriptionId, notification) {
try {
const payload = createPayload(notification)
const subscription = await models.pushSubscription.findUnique({ where: { id: subscriptionId } })
await sendNotification(subscription, payload)
} catch (err) {
console.log('[webPush] error sending subscription reply: ', err)
export const notifyUserSubscribers = async ({ models, item }) => {
try {
const isPost = !!item.title
const userSubsExcludingMutes = await models.$queryRawUnsafe(`
SELECT "UserSubscription"."followerId", "UserSubscription"."followeeId", users.name as "followeeName"
FROM "UserSubscription"
INNER JOIN users ON users.id = "UserSubscription"."followeeId"
WHERE "followeeId" = $1 AND ${isPost ? '"postsSubscribedAt"' : '"commentsSubscribedAt"'} IS NOT NULL
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "Mute" WHERE "Mute"."muterId" = "UserSubscription"."followerId" AND "Mute"."mutedId" = $1)
-- ignore subscription if user was already notified of item as a reply
INNER JOIN users follower ON follower.id = "UserSubscription"."followerId"
WHERE "Reply"."itemId" = $2
AND "Reply"."ancestorUserId" = follower.id
AND follower."noteAllDescendants"
`, Number(item.userId), Number(item.id))
const subType = isPost ? 'POST' : 'COMMENT'
const tag = `FOLLOW-${item.userId}-${subType}`
await Promise.allSettled(userSubsExcludingMutes.map(({ followerId, followeeName }) => sendUserNotification(followerId, {
title: `@${followeeName} ${isPost ? 'created a post' : 'replied to a post'}`,
body: isPost ? item.title : item.text,
data: { followeeName, subType },
} catch (err) {
export const notifyTerritorySubscribers = async ({ models, item }) => {
try {
const isPost = !!item.title
const { subName } = item
// only notify on posts in subs
if (!isPost || !subName) return
const territorySubsExcludingMuted = await models.$queryRawUnsafe(`
SELECT "userId" FROM "SubSubscription"
WHERE "subName" = $1
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "Mute" m WHERE m."muterId" = "SubSubscription"."userId" AND m."mutedId" = $2)
`, subName, Number(item.userId))
const author = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: item.userId } })
const tag = `TERRITORY_POST-${subName}`
await Promise.allSettled(
// don't send push notification to author itself
.filter(({ userId }) => userId !== author.id)
.map(({ userId }) =>
sendUserNotification(userId, {
title: `@${author.name} created a post in ~${subName}`,
body: item.title,
data: { subName },
} catch (err) {
export const notifyItemParents = async ({ models, item }) => {
try {
const user = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: item.userId } })
const parents = await models.$queryRawUnsafe(
'SELECT DISTINCT p."userId" FROM "Item" i JOIN "Item" p ON p.path @> i.path WHERE i.id = $1 and p."userId" <> $2 ' +
'AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "Mute" m WHERE m."muterId" = p."userId" AND m."mutedId" = $2)',
Number(item.parentId), Number(user.id))
parents.map(({ userId }) => sendUserNotification(userId, {
title: `@${user.name} replied to you`,
body: item.text,
tag: 'REPLY'
} catch (err) {
export const notifyZapped = async ({ models, item }) => {
try {
const forwards = await models.itemForward.findMany({ where: { itemId: item.id } })
const userPromises = forwards.map(fwd => models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: fwd.userId } }))
const userResults = await Promise.allSettled(userPromises)
const mappedForwards = forwards.map((fwd, index) => ({ ...fwd, user: userResults[index].value ?? null }))
let forwardedSats = 0
let forwardedUsers = ''
if (mappedForwards.length) {
forwardedSats = Math.floor(msatsToSats(item.msats) * mappedForwards.map(fwd => fwd.pct).reduce((sum, cur) => sum + cur) / 100)
forwardedUsers = mappedForwards.map(fwd => `@${fwd.user.name}`).join(', ')
let notificationTitle
if (item.title) {
if (forwards.length > 0) {
notificationTitle = `your post forwarded ${numWithUnits(forwardedSats)} to ${forwardedUsers}`
} else {
notificationTitle = `your post stacked ${numWithUnits(msatsToSats(item.msats))}`
} else {
if (forwards.length > 0) {
// I don't think this case is possible
notificationTitle = `your reply forwarded ${numWithUnits(forwardedSats)} to ${forwardedUsers}`
} else {
notificationTitle = `your reply stacked ${numWithUnits(msatsToSats(item.msats))}`
await sendUserNotification(item.userId, {
title: notificationTitle,
body: item.title ? item.title : item.text,
tag: `TIP-${item.id}`
// send push notifications to forwarded recipients
if (mappedForwards.length) {
await Promise.allSettled(mappedForwards.map(forward => sendUserNotification(forward.user.id, {
title: `you were forwarded ${numWithUnits(Math.round(msatsToSats(item.msats) * forward.pct / 100))}`,
body: item.title ?? item.text,
tag: `FORWARDEDTIP-${item.id}`
} catch (err) {
export const notifyMention = async ({ models, userId, item }) => {
try {
const muted = await isMuted({ models, muterId: userId, mutedId: item.userId })
if (!muted) {
await sendUserNotification(userId, {
title: 'you were mentioned',
body: item.text,
tag: 'MENTION'
} catch (err) {
export const notifyItemMention = async ({ models, referrerItem, refereeItem }) => {
try {
const muted = await isMuted({ models, muterId: refereeItem.userId, mutedId: referrerItem.userId })
if (!muted) {
const referrer = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: referrerItem.userId } })
// replace full links to #<id> syntax as rendered on site
const body = referrerItem.text.replace(new RegExp(`${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_URL}/items/(\\d+)`, 'gi'), '#$1')
await sendUserNotification(refereeItem.userId, {
title: `@${referrer.name} mentioned one of your items`,
item: referrerItem,
} catch (err) {
export const notifyReferral = async (userId) => {
try {
await sendUserNotification(userId, { title: 'someone joined via one of your referral links', tag: 'REFERRAL' })
} catch (err) {
export const notifyInvite = async (userId) => {
try {
await sendUserNotification(userId, { title: 'your invite has been redeemed', tag: 'INVITE' })
} catch (err) {
export const notifyTerritoryTransfer = async ({ models, sub, to }) => {
try {
await sendUserNotification(to.id, {
title: `~${sub.name} was transferred to you`,
tag: `TERRITORY_TRANSFER-${sub.name}`
} catch (err) {
export async function notifyEarner (userId, earnings) {
const fmt = msats => numWithUnits(msatsToSats(msats, { abbreviate: false }))
const title = `you stacked ${fmt(earnings.msats)} in rewards`
const tag = 'EARN'
let body = ''
if (earnings.POST) body += `#${earnings.POST.bestRank} among posts with ${fmt(earnings.POST.msats)} in total\n`
if (earnings.COMMENT) body += `#${earnings.COMMENT.bestRank} among comments with ${fmt(earnings.COMMENT.msats)} in total\n`
if (earnings.TIP_POST) body += `#${earnings.TIP_POST.bestRank} in post zapping with ${fmt(earnings.TIP_POST.msats)} in total\n`
if (earnings.TIP_COMMENT) body += `#${earnings.TIP_COMMENT.bestRank} in comment zapping with ${fmt(earnings.TIP_COMMENT.msats)} in total`
try {
await sendUserNotification(userId, { title, tag, body })
} catch (err) {
export async function notifyDeposit (userId, invoice) {
try {
await sendUserNotification(userId, {
title: `${numWithUnits(msatsToSats(invoice.received_mtokens), { abbreviate: false, unitSingular: 'sat was', unitPlural: 'sats were' })} deposited in your account`,
body: invoice.comment || undefined,
tag: 'DEPOSIT',
data: { sats: msatsToSats(invoice.received_mtokens) }
} catch (err) {
export async function notifyWithdrawal (wdrwl) {
try {
await sendUserNotification(wdrwl.userId, {
title: `${numWithUnits(msatsToSats(wdrwl.msatsPaid), { abbreviate: false, unitSingular: 'sat was', unitPlural: 'sats were' })} withdrawn from your account`,
data: { sats: msatsToSats(wdrwl.msatsPaid) }
} catch (err) {
export async function notifyNewStreak (userId, streak) {
const index = streak.id % FOUND_BLURBS[streak.type].length
const blurb = FOUND_BLURBS[streak.type][index]
try {
await sendUserNotification(userId, {
title: `you found a ${streak.type.toLowerCase().replace('_', ' ')}`,
body: blurb,
tag: `STREAK-FOUND-${streak.type}`
} catch (err) {
export async function notifyStreakLost (userId, streak) {
const index = streak.id % LOST_BLURBS[streak.type].length
const blurb = LOST_BLURBS[streak.type][index]
try {
await sendUserNotification(userId, {
title: `you lost your ${streak.type.toLowerCase().replace('_', ' ')}`,
body: blurb,
tag: `STREAK-LOST-${streak.type}`
} catch (err) {
export async function notifyReminder ({ userId, item, itemId }) {
try {
await sendUserNotification(userId, {
title: 'this is your requested reminder',
body: `you asked to be reminded of this ${item ? item.title ? 'post' : 'comment' : 'item'}`,
tag: `REMIND-ITEM-${item?.id ?? itemId}`,
item: item ?? { id: itemId }
} catch (err) {