* auto canceling bolt11s from lnd when auto dropped from DB * auto canceling bolt11s from lnd when auto dropped from DB * removed semicolon for lint * changed cancleHodlInvoic to deletePayment function * updated code to account for failed LND deletes * linter fixes * updated to only remove hashes and bolt11's from model when successfully deleted from LND * updated to revert unsuccessful deletes from LND and add those values back into the db * linter fix and renaming for clarity * updated WITH query * added if statement to account for invoices not returning from db * fixed linter * reverted docker-compose.yml * made it dry * made it dry * added a comment because the query might be confusing * made query moar dry * Query formatting * Fix query returns number of rows instead of rows * updated to * fixed linter * removed lnbits dir * removed gitignore and docker-compose.yml from pr * added deleting from LND in wallet resolver * linter + added missing import * fixed merge conflict * refine invoice deletion --------- Co-authored-by: ekzyis <ek@stacker.news> Co-authored-by: keyan <keyan.kousha+huumn@gmail.com>
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import { useQuery, useMutation } from '@apollo/client'
import { CenterLayout } from '../../components/layout'
import { CopyInput, Input, InputSkeleton } from '../../components/form'
import InputGroup from 'react-bootstrap/InputGroup'
import InvoiceStatus from '../../components/invoice-status'
import { useRouter } from 'next/router'
import { WITHDRAWL } from '../../fragments/wallet'
import Link from 'next/link'
import { SSR, INVOICE_RETENTION_DAYS } from '../../lib/constants'
import { numWithUnits } from '../../lib/format'
import Bolt11Info from '../../components/bolt11-info'
import { datePivot, timeLeft } from '../../lib/time'
import { useMe } from '../../components/me'
import { useToast } from '../../components/toast'
import { gql } from 'graphql-tag'
import { useShowModal } from '../../components/modal'
import { DeleteConfirm } from '../../components/delete'
import { getGetServerSideProps } from '../../api/ssrApollo'
// force SSR to include CSP nonces
export const getServerSideProps = getGetServerSideProps({ query: null })
export default function Withdrawl () {
return (
<LoadWithdrawl />
export function WithdrawlSkeleton ({ status }) {
return (
<div className='w-100'>
<InputSkeleton label='invoice' />
<div className='w-100'>
<InputSkeleton label='max fee' />
<InvoiceStatus status={status} />
function LoadWithdrawl () {
const router = useRouter()
const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(WITHDRAWL, SSR
? {}
: {
variables: { id: router.query.id },
pollInterval: 1000,
nextFetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network'
if (error) return <div>error</div>
if (!data || loading) {
return <WithdrawlSkeleton status='loading' />
const TryMaxFee = () =>
<Link href='/wallet?type=withdraw' className='text-reset text-underline'>
<small className='ms-3'>try increasing max fee</small>
let status = 'pending'
let variant = 'default'
switch (data.withdrawl.status) {
status = `sent ${numWithUnits(data.withdrawl.satsPaid, { abbreviate: false })} with ${numWithUnits(data.withdrawl.satsFeePaid, { abbreviate: false })} in routing fees`
variant = 'confirmed'
status = <>insufficient balance <small className='ms-3'>contact keyan!</small></>
variant = 'failed'
status = 'invalid invoice'
variant = 'failed'
status = <>timed out finding route <TryMaxFee /></>
variant = 'failed'
status = <>no route <TryMaxFee /></>
variant = 'failed'
status = <>unknown error</>
variant = 'failed'
return (
<div className='w-100'>
label='invoice' type='text'
placeholder={data.withdrawl.bolt11 || 'deleted'} readOnly noForm
<div className='w-100'>
label='max fee' type='text'
placeholder={data.withdrawl.satsFeePaying} readOnly noForm
append={<InputGroup.Text className='text-monospace'>sats</InputGroup.Text>}
<InvoiceStatus variant={variant} status={status} />
<Bolt11Info bolt11={data.withdrawl.bolt11}>
<PrivacyOption wd={data.withdrawl} />
function PrivacyOption ({ wd }) {
if (!wd.bolt11) return
const me = useMe()
const keepUntil = datePivot(new Date(wd.createdAt), { days: INVOICE_RETENTION_DAYS })
const oldEnough = new Date() >= keepUntil
if (!oldEnough) {
return (
<span className='text-muted fst-italic'>
{`this invoice ${me.privates?.autoDropBolt11s ? 'will be auto-deleted' : 'can be deleted'} in ${timeLeft(keepUntil)}`}
const showModal = useShowModal()
const toaster = useToast()
const [dropBolt11] = useMutation(
mutation dropBolt11($id: ID!) {
dropBolt11(id: $id) {
}`, {
update (cache) {
id: `Withdrawl:${wd.id}`,
fields: {
bolt11: () => null,
hash: () => null
return (
className='btn btn-md btn-danger' onClick={() => {
showModal(onClose => {
return (
onConfirm={async () => {
if (me) {
try {
await dropBolt11({ variables: { id: wd.id } })
} catch (err) {
toaster.danger('unable to delete invoice: ' + err.message || err.toString?.())
throw err
} finally {
>delete invoice