* Parse internal refs to links * Item mention notifications * Also parse item mentions as URLs * Fix subType determined by referrer item instead of referee item * Ignore subType Considering if the item that was referred to was a post or comment made the code more complex than initially necessary. For example, notifications for /notifications are deduplicated based on item id and the same item could refer to posts and comments, so to include "one of your posts" or "one of your comments" in the title would require splitting notifications based on the type of referred item. I didn't want to do this but also wanted to have consistent notification titles between push and /notifications, so I use "items" in both places now, even though I think using "items" isn't ideal from a user perspective. I think it might be confusing. * Fix rootText * Replace full links to #<id> syntax in push notifications * Refactor mention code into separate functions
1082 lines
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1082 lines
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import { readFile } from 'fs/promises'
import { join, resolve } from 'path'
import { GraphQLError } from 'graphql'
import { decodeCursor, LIMIT, nextCursorEncoded } from '@/lib/cursor'
import { msatsToSats } from '@/lib/format'
import { bioSchema, emailSchema, settingsSchema, ssValidate, userSchema } from '@/lib/validate'
import { getItem, updateItem, filterClause, createItem, whereClause, muteClause } from './item'
import { USER_ID, RESERVED_MAX_USER_ID, SN_NO_REWARDS_IDS } from '@/lib/constants'
import { viewGroup } from './growth'
import { timeUnitForRange, whenRange } from '@/lib/time'
import assertApiKeyNotPermitted from './apiKey'
import { hashEmail } from '@/lib/crypto'
import { isMuted } from '@/lib/user'
const contributors = new Set()
const loadContributors = async (set) => {
try {
const fileContent = await readFile(resolve(join(process.cwd(), 'contributors.txt')), 'utf-8')
.map(line => line.trim())
.filter(line => !!line)
.forEach(name => set.add(name))
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error loading contributors', err)
async function authMethods (user, args, { models, me }) {
if (!me || me.id !== user.id) {
return {
lightning: false,
twitter: false,
github: false,
nostr: false
const accounts = await models.account.findMany({
where: {
userId: me.id
const oauth = accounts.map(a => a.provider)
return {
lightning: !!user.pubkey,
email: !!(user.emailVerified && user.emailHash),
twitter: oauth.indexOf('twitter') >= 0,
github: oauth.indexOf('github') >= 0,
nostr: !!user.nostrAuthPubkey,
apiKey: user.apiKeyEnabled ? !!user.apiKeyHash : null
export async function topUsers (parent, { cursor, when, by, from, to, limit = LIMIT }, { models, me }) {
const decodedCursor = decodeCursor(cursor)
const range = whenRange(when, from, to || decodeCursor.time)
let column
switch (by) {
case 'spending':
case 'spent': column = 'spent'; break
case 'posts': column = 'nposts'; break
case 'comments': column = 'ncomments'; break
case 'referrals': column = 'referrals'; break
case 'stacking': column = 'stacked'; break
default: column = 'proportion'; break
const users = (await models.$queryRawUnsafe(`
(SELECT users.*,
COALESCE(floor(sum(msats_spent)/1000), 0) as spent,
COALESCE(sum(posts), 0) as nposts,
COALESCE(sum(comments), 0) as ncomments,
COALESCE(sum(referrals), 0) as referrals,
COALESCE(floor(sum(msats_stacked)/1000), 0) as stacked
FROM ${viewGroup(range, 'user_stats')}
JOIN users on users.id = u.id
GROUP BY users.id) uu
${column === 'proportion' ? `JOIN ${viewValueGroup()} ON uu.id = vv.id` : ''}
ORDER BY ${column} DESC NULLS LAST, uu.created_at ASC
LIMIT $4`, ...range, decodedCursor.offset, limit)
u => u.hideFromTopUsers && (!me || me.id !== u.id) ? null : u
return {
cursor: users.length === limit ? nextCursorEncoded(decodedCursor, limit) : null,
export function viewValueGroup () {
return `(
SELECT v.id, sum(proportion) as proportion
FROM user_values_days
WHERE user_values_days.t >= date_trunc('day', timezone('America/Chicago', $1))
AND date_trunc('day', user_values_days.t) <= date_trunc('day', timezone('America/Chicago', $2)))
WHERE user_values_today.t >= date_trunc('day', timezone('America/Chicago', $1))
AND date_trunc('day', user_values_today.t) <= date_trunc('day', timezone('America/Chicago', $2)))
) v
WHERE v.id NOT IN (${SN_NO_REWARDS_IDS.join(',')})
) vv`
export default {
Query: {
me: async (parent, args, { models, me }) => {
if (!me?.id) {
return null
return await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: me.id } })
settings: async (parent, args, { models, me }) => {
if (!me) {
throw new GraphQLError('you must be logged in', { extensions: { code: 'UNAUTHENTICATED' } })
return await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: me.id } })
user: async (parent, { name }, { models }) => {
return await models.user.findUnique({ where: { name } })
users: async (parent, args, { models }) =>
await models.user.findMany(),
nameAvailable: async (parent, { name }, { models, me }) => {
let user
if (me) {
user = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: me.id } })
return user?.name?.toUpperCase() === name?.toUpperCase() || !(await models.user.findUnique({ where: { name } }))
mySubscribedUsers: async (parent, { cursor }, { models, me }) => {
if (!me) {
throw new GraphQLError('You must be logged in to view subscribed users', { extensions: { code: 'UNAUTHENTICATED' } })
const decodedCursor = decodeCursor(cursor)
const users = await models.$queryRaw`
SELECT users.*
FROM "UserSubscription"
JOIN users ON "UserSubscription"."followeeId" = users.id
WHERE "UserSubscription"."followerId" = ${me.id}
AND ("UserSubscription"."postsSubscribedAt" IS NOT NULL OR "UserSubscription"."commentsSubscribedAt" IS NOT NULL)
OFFSET ${decodedCursor.offset}
return {
cursor: users.length === LIMIT ? nextCursorEncoded(decodedCursor) : null,
myMutedUsers: async (parent, { cursor }, { models, me }) => {
if (!me) {
throw new GraphQLError('You must be logged in to view muted users', { extensions: { code: 'UNAUTHENTICATED' } })
const decodedCursor = decodeCursor(cursor)
const users = await models.$queryRaw`
SELECT users.*
FROM "Mute"
JOIN users ON "Mute"."mutedId" = users.id
WHERE "Mute"."muterId" = ${me.id}
OFFSET ${decodedCursor.offset}
return {
cursor: users.length === LIMIT ? nextCursorEncoded(decodedCursor) : null,
topCowboys: async (parent, { cursor }, { models, me }) => {
const decodedCursor = decodeCursor(cursor)
const range = whenRange('forever')
const users = (await models.$queryRawUnsafe(`
SELECT users.*,
coalesce(floor(sum(msats_spent)/1000),0) as spent,
coalesce(sum(posts),0) as nposts,
coalesce(sum(comments),0) as ncomments,
coalesce(sum(referrals),0) as referrals,
coalesce(floor(sum(msats_stacked)/1000),0) as stacked
FROM ${viewGroup(range, 'user_stats')}
JOIN users on users.id = u.id
GROUP BY users.id
ORDER BY streak DESC, created_at ASC
LIMIT ${LIMIT}`, ...range, decodedCursor.offset)
u => (u.hideFromTopUsers || u.hideCowboyHat) && (!me || me.id !== u.id) ? null : u
return {
cursor: users.length === LIMIT ? nextCursorEncoded(decodedCursor) : null,
userSuggestions: async (parent, { q, limit = 5 }, { models }) => {
let users = []
if (q) {
users = await models.$queryRaw`
FROM users
id > ${RESERVED_MAX_USER_ID} OR id IN (${USER_ID.anon}, ${USER_ID.delete})
AND SIMILARITY(name, ${q}) > 0.1
LIMIT ${limit}`
} else {
users = await models.$queryRaw`
FROM user_stats_days
JOIN users on users.id = user_stats_days.id
WHERE NOT users."hideFromTopUsers"
AND user_stats_days.t = (SELECT max(t) FROM user_stats_days)
ORDER BY msats_stacked DESC, users.created_at ASC
LIMIT ${limit}`
return users
hasNewNotes: async (parent, args, { me, models }) => {
if (!me) {
return false
const user = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: me.id } })
const lastChecked = user.checkedNotesAt || new Date(0)
// if we've already recorded finding notes after they last checked, return true
// this saves us from rechecking notifications
if (user.foundNotesAt > lastChecked) {
return true
const foundNotes = () =>
where: { id: me.id },
data: {
foundNotesAt: new Date(),
lastSeenAt: new Date()
// check if any votes have been cast for them since checkedNotesAt
if (user.noteItemSats) {
const [newSats] = await models.$queryRawUnsafe(`
FROM "Item"
WHERE "Item"."lastZapAt" > $2
AND "Item"."userId" = $1)`, me.id, lastChecked)
if (newSats.exists) {
return true
// break out thread subscription to decrease the search space of the already expensive reply query
const [newThreadSubReply] = await models.$queryRawUnsafe(`
FROM "ThreadSubscription"
JOIN "Reply" r ON "ThreadSubscription"."itemId" = r."ancestorId"
JOIN "Item" ON r."itemId" = "Item".id
'"ThreadSubscription"."userId" = $1',
'r.created_at > $2',
'r.created_at >= "ThreadSubscription".created_at',
await filterClause(me, models),
...(user.noteAllDescendants ? [] : ['r.level = 1'])
)})`, me.id, lastChecked)
if (newThreadSubReply.exists) {
return true
const [newUserSubs] = await models.$queryRawUnsafe(`
FROM "UserSubscription"
JOIN "Item" ON "UserSubscription"."followeeId" = "Item"."userId"
'"UserSubscription"."followerId" = $1',
'"Item".created_at > $2',
("Item"."parentId" IS NULL AND "UserSubscription"."postsSubscribedAt" IS NOT NULL AND "Item".created_at >= "UserSubscription"."postsSubscribedAt")
OR ("Item"."parentId" IS NOT NULL AND "UserSubscription"."commentsSubscribedAt" IS NOT NULL AND "Item".created_at >= "UserSubscription"."commentsSubscribedAt")
await filterClause(me, models),
muteClause(me))})`, me.id, lastChecked)
if (newUserSubs.exists) {
return true
const [newSubPost] = await models.$queryRawUnsafe(`
FROM "SubSubscription"
JOIN "Item" ON "SubSubscription"."subName" = "Item"."subName"
'"SubSubscription"."userId" = $1',
'"Item".created_at > $2',
'"Item"."parentId" IS NULL',
await filterClause(me, models),
muteClause(me))})`, me.id, lastChecked)
if (newSubPost.exists) {
return true
// check if they have any mentions since checkedNotesAt
if (user.noteMentions) {
const [newMentions] = await models.$queryRawUnsafe(`
FROM "Mention"
JOIN "Item" ON "Mention"."itemId" = "Item".id
'"Mention"."userId" = $1',
'"Mention".created_at > $2',
'"Item"."userId" <> $1',
await filterClause(me, models),
)})`, me.id, lastChecked)
if (newMentions.exists) {
return true
if (user.noteItemMentions) {
const [newMentions] = await models.$queryRawUnsafe(`
FROM "ItemMention"
JOIN "Item" "Referee" ON "ItemMention"."refereeId" = "Referee".id
JOIN "Item" ON "ItemMention"."referrerId" = "Item".id
'"ItemMention".created_at < $2',
'"Item"."userId" <> $1',
'"Referee"."userId" = $1',
await filterClause(me, models),
)})`, me.id, lastChecked)
if (newMentions.exists) {
return true
if (user.noteForwardedSats) {
const [newFwdSats] = await models.$queryRawUnsafe(`
FROM "Item"
JOIN "ItemForward" ON
"ItemForward"."itemId" = "Item".id
AND "ItemForward"."userId" = $1
WHERE "Item"."lastZapAt" > $2
AND "Item"."userId" <> $1)`, me.id, lastChecked)
if (newFwdSats.exists) {
return true
const job = await models.item.findFirst({
where: {
maxBid: {
not: null
userId: me.id,
statusUpdatedAt: {
gt: lastChecked
if (job && job.statusUpdatedAt > job.createdAt) {
return true
if (user.noteEarning) {
const earn = await models.earn.findFirst({
where: {
userId: me.id,
createdAt: {
gt: lastChecked
msats: {
gte: 1000
if (earn) {
return true
if (user.noteDeposits) {
const invoice = await models.invoice.findFirst({
where: {
userId: me.id,
confirmedAt: {
gt: lastChecked
isHeld: null
if (invoice) {
return true
if (user.noteWithdrawals) {
const wdrwl = await models.withdrawl.findFirst({
where: {
userId: me.id,
status: 'CONFIRMED',
updatedAt: {
gt: lastChecked
if (wdrwl) {
return true
// check if new invites have been redeemed
if (user.noteInvites) {
const [newInvites] = await models.$queryRawUnsafe(`
FROM users JOIN "Invite" on users."inviteId" = "Invite".id
WHERE "Invite"."userId" = $1
AND users.created_at > $2)`, me.id, lastChecked)
if (newInvites.exists) {
return true
const referral = await models.user.findFirst({
where: {
referrerId: me.id,
createdAt: {
gt: lastChecked
if (referral) {
return true
if (user.noteCowboyHat) {
const streak = await models.streak.findFirst({
where: {
userId: me.id,
updatedAt: {
gt: lastChecked
if (streak) {
return true
const subStatus = await models.sub.findFirst({
where: {
userId: me.id,
statusUpdatedAt: {
gt: lastChecked
status: {
not: 'ACTIVE'
if (subStatus) {
return true
const newReminder = await models.reminder.findFirst({
where: {
userId: me.id,
remindAt: {
gt: lastChecked,
lt: new Date()
if (newReminder) {
return true
// update checkedNotesAt to prevent rechecking same time period
where: { id: me.id },
data: {
checkedNotesAt: new Date(),
lastSeenAt: new Date()
return false
searchUsers: async (parent, { q, limit, similarity }, { models }) => {
return await models.$queryRaw`
FROM users
WHERE (id > ${RESERVED_MAX_USER_ID} OR id IN (${USER_ID.anon}, ${USER_ID.delete}))
AND SIMILARITY(name, ${q}) > ${Number(similarity) || 0.1} ORDER BY SIMILARITY(name, ${q}) DESC LIMIT ${Number(limit) || 5}`
userStatsActions: async (parent, { when, from, to }, { me, models }) => {
const range = whenRange(when, from, to)
return await models.$queryRawUnsafe(`
SELECT date_trunc('${timeUnitForRange(range)}', t) at time zone 'America/Chicago' as time,
json_build_object('name', 'comments', 'value', COALESCE(SUM(comments), 0)),
json_build_object('name', 'posts', 'value', COALESCE(SUM(posts), 0)),
json_build_object('name', 'territories', 'value', COALESCE(SUM(territories), 0)),
json_build_object('name', 'referrals', 'value', COALESCE(SUM(referrals), 0))
) AS data
FROM ${viewGroup(range, 'user_stats')}
WHERE id = ${me.id}
ORDER BY time ASC`, ...range)
userStatsIncomingSats: async (parent, { when, from, to }, { me, models }) => {
const range = whenRange(when, from, to)
return await models.$queryRawUnsafe(`
SELECT date_trunc('${timeUnitForRange(range)}', t) at time zone 'America/Chicago' as time,
json_build_object('name', 'zaps', 'value', ROUND(COALESCE(SUM(msats_tipped), 0) / 1000)),
json_build_object('name', 'rewards', 'value', ROUND(COALESCE(SUM(msats_rewards), 0) / 1000)),
json_build_object('name', 'referrals', 'value', ROUND( COALESCE(SUM(msats_referrals), 0) / 1000)),
json_build_object('name', 'territories', 'value', ROUND(COALESCE(SUM(msats_revenue), 0) / 1000))
) AS data
FROM ${viewGroup(range, 'user_stats')}
WHERE id = ${me.id}
ORDER BY time ASC`, ...range)
userStatsOutgoingSats: async (parent, { when, from, to }, { me, models }) => {
const range = whenRange(when, from, to)
return await models.$queryRawUnsafe(`
SELECT date_trunc('${timeUnitForRange(range)}', t) at time zone 'America/Chicago' as time,
json_build_object('name', 'fees', 'value', FLOOR(COALESCE(SUM(msats_fees), 0) / 1000)),
json_build_object('name', 'donations', 'value', FLOOR(COALESCE(SUM(msats_donated), 0) / 1000)),
json_build_object('name', 'territories', 'value', FLOOR(COALESCE(SUM(msats_billing), 0) / 1000))
) AS data
FROM ${viewGroup(range, 'user_stats')}
WHERE id = ${me.id}
ORDER BY time ASC`, ...range)
Mutation: {
setName: async (parent, data, { me, models }) => {
if (!me) {
throw new GraphQLError('you must be logged in', { extensions: { code: 'UNAUTHENTICATED' } })
await ssValidate(userSchema, data, { models })
try {
await models.user.update({ where: { id: me.id }, data })
return data.name
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === 'P2002') {
throw new GraphQLError('name taken', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } })
throw error
setSettings: async (parent, { settings: { nostrRelays, ...data } }, { me, models }) => {
if (!me) {
throw new GraphQLError('you must be logged in', { extensions: { code: 'UNAUTHENTICATED' } })
await ssValidate(settingsSchema, { nostrRelays, ...data })
if (nostrRelays?.length) {
const connectOrCreate = []
for (const nr of nostrRelays) {
await models.nostrRelay.upsert({
where: { addr: nr },
update: { addr: nr },
create: { addr: nr }
where: { userId_nostrRelayAddr: { userId: me.id, nostrRelayAddr: nr } },
create: { nostrRelayAddr: nr }
return await models.user.update({ where: { id: me.id }, data: { ...data, nostrRelays: { deleteMany: {}, connectOrCreate } } })
} else {
return await models.user.update({ where: { id: me.id }, data: { ...data, nostrRelays: { deleteMany: {} } } })
setWalkthrough: async (parent, { upvotePopover, tipPopover }, { me, models }) => {
if (!me) {
throw new GraphQLError('you must be logged in', { extensions: { code: 'UNAUTHENTICATED' } })
await models.user.update({ where: { id: me.id }, data: { upvotePopover, tipPopover } })
return true
setPhoto: async (parent, { photoId }, { me, models }) => {
if (!me) {
throw new GraphQLError('you must be logged in', { extensions: { code: 'UNAUTHENTICATED' } })
await models.user.update({
where: { id: me.id },
data: { photoId: Number(photoId) }
return Number(photoId)
upsertBio: async (parent, { bio }, { me, models }) => {
if (!me) {
throw new GraphQLError('you must be logged in', { extensions: { code: 'UNAUTHENTICATED' } })
await ssValidate(bioSchema, { bio })
const user = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: me.id } })
if (user.bioId) {
await updateItem(parent, { id: user.bioId, text: bio, title: `@${user.name}'s bio` }, { me, models })
} else {
await createItem(parent, { bio: true, text: bio, title: `@${user.name}'s bio` }, { me, models })
return await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: me.id } })
generateApiKey: async (parent, { id }, { models, me }) => {
if (!me) {
throw new GraphQLError('you must be logged in', { extensions: { code: 'UNAUTHENTICATED' } })
const user = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: me.id } })
if (!user.apiKeyEnabled) {
throw new GraphQLError('you are not allowed to generate api keys', { extensions: { code: 'FORBIDDEN' } })
// I trust postgres CSPRNG more than the one from JS
const [{ apiKey, apiKeyHash }] = await models.$queryRaw`
SELECT "apiKey", encode(digest("apiKey", 'sha256'), 'hex') AS "apiKeyHash"
SELECT encode(gen_random_bytes(32), 'base64')::CHAR(32) as "apiKey"
) rng`
await models.user.update({ where: { id: me.id }, data: { apiKeyHash } })
return apiKey
deleteApiKey: async (parent, { id }, { models, me }) => {
if (!me) {
throw new GraphQLError('you must be logged in', { extensions: { code: 'UNAUTHENTICATED' } })
return await models.user.update({ where: { id: me.id }, data: { apiKeyHash: null } })
unlinkAuth: async (parent, { authType }, { models, me }) => {
if (!me) {
throw new GraphQLError('you must be logged in', { extensions: { code: 'UNAUTHENTICATED' } })
assertApiKeyNotPermitted({ me })
let user
if (authType === 'twitter' || authType === 'github') {
user = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: me.id } })
const account = await models.account.findFirst({ where: { userId: me.id, provider: authType } })
if (!account) {
throw new GraphQLError('no such account', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } })
await models.account.delete({ where: { id: account.id } })
if (authType === 'twitter') {
await models.user.update({ where: { id: me.id }, data: { hideTwitter: true, twitterId: null } })
} else {
await models.user.update({ where: { id: me.id }, data: { hideGithub: true, githubId: null } })
} else if (authType === 'lightning') {
user = await models.user.update({ where: { id: me.id }, data: { pubkey: null } })
} else if (authType === 'nostr') {
user = await models.user.update({ where: { id: me.id }, data: { hideNostr: true, nostrAuthPubkey: null } })
} else if (authType === 'email') {
user = await models.user.update({ where: { id: me.id }, data: { email: null, emailVerified: null } })
} else {
throw new GraphQLError('no such account', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } })
return await authMethods(user, undefined, { models, me })
linkUnverifiedEmail: async (parent, { email }, { models, me }) => {
if (!me) {
throw new GraphQLError('you must be logged in', { extensions: { code: 'UNAUTHENTICATED' } })
assertApiKeyNotPermitted({ me })
await ssValidate(emailSchema, { email })
try {
await models.user.update({
where: { id: me.id },
data: { emailHash: hashEmail({ email }) }
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === 'P2002') {
throw new GraphQLError('email taken', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } })
throw error
return true
subscribeUserPosts: async (parent, { id }, { me, models }) => {
const lookupData = { followerId: Number(me.id), followeeId: Number(id) }
const existing = await models.userSubscription.findUnique({ where: { followerId_followeeId: lookupData } })
const muted = await isMuted({ models, muterId: me?.id, mutedId: id })
if (existing) {
if (muted && !existing.postsSubscribedAt) {
throw new GraphQLError("you can't subscribe to a stacker that you've muted", { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } })
await models.userSubscription.update({ where: { followerId_followeeId: lookupData }, data: { postsSubscribedAt: existing.postsSubscribedAt ? null : new Date() } })
} else {
if (muted) {
throw new GraphQLError("you can't subscribe to a stacker that you've muted", { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } })
await models.userSubscription.create({ data: { ...lookupData, postsSubscribedAt: new Date() } })
return { id }
subscribeUserComments: async (parent, { id }, { me, models }) => {
const lookupData = { followerId: Number(me.id), followeeId: Number(id) }
const existing = await models.userSubscription.findUnique({ where: { followerId_followeeId: lookupData } })
const muted = await isMuted({ models, muterId: me?.id, mutedId: id })
if (existing) {
if (muted && !existing.commentsSubscribedAt) {
throw new GraphQLError("you can't subscribe to a stacker that you've muted", { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } })
await models.userSubscription.update({ where: { followerId_followeeId: lookupData }, data: { commentsSubscribedAt: existing.commentsSubscribedAt ? null : new Date() } })
} else {
if (muted) {
throw new GraphQLError("you can't subscribe to a stacker that you've muted", { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } })
await models.userSubscription.create({ data: { ...lookupData, commentsSubscribedAt: new Date() } })
return { id }
toggleMute: async (parent, { id }, { me, models }) => {
const lookupData = { muterId: Number(me.id), mutedId: Number(id) }
const where = { muterId_mutedId: lookupData }
const existing = await models.mute.findUnique({ where })
if (existing) {
await models.mute.delete({ where })
} else {
// check to see if current user is subscribed to the target user, and disallow mute if so
const subscription = await models.userSubscription.findUnique({
where: {
followerId_followeeId: {
followerId: Number(me.id),
followeeId: Number(id)
if (subscription?.postsSubscribedAt || subscription?.commentsSubscribedAt) {
throw new GraphQLError("you can't mute a stacker to whom you've subscribed", { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } })
await models.mute.create({ data: { ...lookupData } })
return { id }
hideWelcomeBanner: async (parent, data, { me, models }) => {
if (!me) {
throw new GraphQLError('you must be logged in', { extensions: { code: 'UNAUTHENTICATED' } })
await models.user.update({ where: { id: me.id }, data: { hideWelcomeBanner: true } })
return true
User: {
privates: async (user, args, { me, models }) => {
if (!me || me.id !== user.id) {
return null
return user
optional: user => user,
meSubscriptionPosts: async (user, args, { me, models }) => {
if (!me) return false
if (typeof user.meSubscriptionPosts !== 'undefined') return user.meSubscriptionPosts
const subscription = await models.userSubscription.findUnique({
where: {
followerId_followeeId: {
followerId: Number(me.id),
followeeId: Number(user.id)
return !!subscription?.postsSubscribedAt
meSubscriptionComments: async (user, args, { me, models }) => {
if (!me) return false
if (typeof user.meSubscriptionComments !== 'undefined') return user.meSubscriptionComments
const subscription = await models.userSubscription.findUnique({
where: {
followerId_followeeId: {
followerId: Number(me.id),
followeeId: Number(user.id)
return !!subscription?.commentsSubscribedAt
meMute: async (user, args, { me, models }) => {
if (!me) return false
if (typeof user.meMute !== 'undefined') return user.meMute
return await isMuted({ models, muterId: me.id, mutedId: user.id })
since: async (user, args, { models }) => {
// get the user's first item
const item = await models.item.findFirst({
where: {
userId: user.id
orderBy: {
createdAt: 'asc'
return item?.id
nitems: async (user, { when, from, to }, { models }) => {
if (typeof user.nitems !== 'undefined') {
return user.nitems
const [gte, lte] = whenRange(when, from, to)
return await models.item.count({
where: {
userId: user.id,
createdAt: {
nposts: async (user, { when, from, to }, { models }) => {
if (typeof user.nposts !== 'undefined') {
return user.nposts
const [gte, lte] = whenRange(when, from, to)
return await models.item.count({
where: {
userId: user.id,
parentId: null,
createdAt: {
ncomments: async (user, { when, from, to }, { models }) => {
if (typeof user.ncomments !== 'undefined') {
return user.ncomments
const [gte, lte] = whenRange(when, from, to)
return await models.item.count({
where: {
userId: user.id,
parentId: { not: null },
createdAt: {
nterritories: async (user, { when, from, to }, { models }) => {
if (typeof user.nterritories !== 'undefined') {
return user.nterritories
const [gte, lte] = whenRange(when, from, to)
return await models.sub.count({
where: {
userId: user.id,
status: 'ACTIVE',
createdAt: {
bio: async (user, args, { models, me }) => {
return getItem(user, { id: user.bioId }, { models, me })
UserPrivates: {
sats: async (user, args, { models, me }) => {
if (!me || me.id !== user.id) {
return 0
return msatsToSats(user.msats)
hasInvites: async (user, args, { models }) => {
const invites = await models.user.findUnique({
where: { id: user.id }
}).invites({ take: 1 })
return invites.length > 0
nostrRelays: async (user, args, { models, me }) => {
if (user.id !== me.id) {
return []
const relays = await models.userNostrRelay.findMany({
where: { userId: user.id }
return relays?.map(r => r.nostrRelayAddr)
UserOptional: {
streak: async (user, args, { models }) => {
if (user.hideCowboyHat) {
return null
return user.streak
maxStreak: async (user, args, { models }) => {
if (user.hideCowboyHat) {
return null
const [{ max }] = await models.$queryRaw`
SELECT MAX(COALESCE("endedAt", (now() AT TIME ZONE 'America/Chicago')::date) - "startedAt")
FROM "Streak" WHERE "userId" = ${user.id}`
return max
isContributor: async (user, args, { me }) => {
// lazy init contributors only once
if (contributors.size === 0) {
await loadContributors(contributors)
if (me?.id === user.id) {
return contributors.has(user.name)
return !user.hideIsContributor && contributors.has(user.name)
stacked: async (user, { when, from, to }, { models, me }) => {
if ((!me || me.id !== user.id) && user.hideFromTopUsers) {
return null
if (typeof user.stacked !== 'undefined') {
return user.stacked
if (!when || when === 'forever') {
// forever
return (user.stackedMsats && msatsToSats(user.stackedMsats)) || 0
const range = whenRange(when, from, to)
const [{ stacked }] = await models.$queryRawUnsafe(`
SELECT sum(msats_stacked) as stacked
FROM ${viewGroup(range, 'user_stats')}
WHERE id = $3`, ...range, Number(user.id))
return (stacked && msatsToSats(stacked)) || 0
spent: async (user, { when, from, to }, { models, me }) => {
if ((!me || me.id !== user.id) && user.hideFromTopUsers) {
return null
if (typeof user.spent !== 'undefined') {
return user.spent
const range = whenRange(when, from, to)
const [{ spent }] = await models.$queryRawUnsafe(`
SELECT sum(msats_spent) as spent
FROM ${viewGroup(range, 'user_stats')}
WHERE id = $3`, ...range, Number(user.id))
return (spent && msatsToSats(spent)) || 0
referrals: async (user, { when, from, to }, { models, me }) => {
if ((!me || me.id !== user.id) && user.hideFromTopUsers) {
return null
if (typeof user.referrals !== 'undefined') {
return user.referrals
const [gte, lte] = whenRange(when, from, to)
return await models.user.count({
where: {
referrerId: user.id,
createdAt: {
githubId: async (user, args, { me }) => {
if ((!me || me.id !== user.id) && user.hideGithub) {
return null
return user.githubId
twitterId: async (user, args, { models, me }) => {
if ((!me || me.id !== user.id) && user.hideTwitter) {
return null
return user.twitterId
nostrAuthPubkey: async (user, args, { models, me }) => {
if ((!me || me.id !== user.id) && user.hideNostr) {
return null
return user.nostrAuthPubkey