ekzyis 570c842934
Wallet send+recv status derived from logs ()
* Derive wallet status from logs

* Add send/recv icons

* Set status individually for send and recv

* Move status logic into own function

* Add LNbits, Blink, CLN, LND, phoenixd logo

* Fix wallet.status.any not using Status enum

* Fix WebLN being weird

* Use phoenixd logo with text

* Also use wallet logo on config page

* Also poll logs for wallet status

* Use logger.info for logs not relevant for wallet status

* Remove no longer used wallet badges

* Crop LND logo like other logos

* Fix all wallets show 'configure'

* Fix wallet status not respecting enabled

* Fix wallet.def.requiresConfig undefined

* Fix banner shown for WebLN

* Fix attach shown when configured

* Filter by context.status to determine wallet status

* Fix +- shown without context

* Fix missing theme support for wallet logos
2024-11-18 16:46:24 -06:00

11 lines
5.0 KiB

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